Luther3000 wrote:
By that definition almost every champion in the game is an assassin.
Sorry, if you play Amumu, or Sejuani, or Cassiopeia, and your only goal is to kill the enemy AD carry by diving past the enemy team, then you are ******ed, and you deserve to call those champions assassins.
Tri lane for life.
That's three champions. :P
Almost all tanky DPS/offtanks and most AP carries will attempt to hit the enemy AD. The support and the AD are usually the only two who don't.
Almost all tanky DPS/offtanks and most AP carries will attempt to hit the enemy AD. The support and the AD are usually the only two who don't.
altho LoL wiki's definitions of roles are sometimes a bit off...
altho LoL wiki's definitions of roles are sometimes a bit off...
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Temzilla wrote:
Yes, they are assassins.
You would call Akali an AP caster in this case, and not an assassin.
I like to classify my champs based on playstyle.
It's really an opinion thing though, so w/e.
On another nte, I have bad news and good news. Bad news is AD caster item not out yet =( (talon has a sad). Good news is a more tanky AD item coming, near as I can tell builds from hexdrinker/unknown and offers a similar (upgraded?) magic shield, AD, and some passive which grants AD based on missing health. Working on sourcing the announcement for the actual item to repost.
inb4 tanky dps/metagolem complaints
Edit: OK, found a pic for the new item. Yay, first item that gives less base stats than it's components =/
(don't ask me how people are playing lulu already, I have no clue :S)
Madred's Bloodrazor gives less damage than its components. although that damage goes into its 4% unique passive, same with the new item giving some of its attack damage into the increase per % health missing.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
caucheka wrote:
Madred's Bloodrazor gives less damage than its components. although that damage goes into its 4% unique passive, same with the new item giving some of its attack damage into the increase per % health missing.
Actually last patch it got buffed to give the same damage as the components.
maw of malmortus is not the item morello was speaking of. so there is still a different item being worked on as well.
Hey folks,
I made a mistake (that someone was kind enough to source!) on this patch. I mentioned we may be getting the new AD Caster item this patch. I was speaking to something different, and may have accidentally mislead you guys.
The item I was speaking of was another WIP, and not Maw of Malmortius. MoM is supposed to be a good tanky AD (either Fighter or AD Caster) item and a finalization of Hexdrinker. This unfortunate timing has lead a lot of people to expect something different, and that's my bad - I didn't consider how this item's potential would effect expectations.
Apologies folks - our intent was not to bait and switch here, I just didn't think this all the way through.
Hey folks,
I made a mistake (that someone was kind enough to source!) on this patch. I mentioned we may be getting the new AD Caster item this patch. I was speaking to something different, and may have accidentally mislead you guys.
The item I was speaking of was another WIP, and not Maw of Malmortius. MoM is supposed to be a good tanky AD (either Fighter or AD Caster) item and a finalization of Hexdrinker. This unfortunate timing has lead a lot of people to expect something different, and that's my bad - I didn't consider how this item's potential would effect expectations.
Apologies folks - our intent was not to bait and switch here, I just didn't think this all the way through.
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