CasterMaster wrote:
So nerfing level 2 ganks...When playing smart was the way to deal with it.
I sense some low level gaming here
The problem is that ganks are worse if you're on blue team. You have to either hang back at the start of the game and lose CS or get killed. Purple is a lot safer even later in the lane.
This is bot lane we're talking about right? Then yeah that might be troublesome
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No, top lane. In bot lane the advantage is reversed but it's much harder to gank bot than top because of the support warding.
CasterMaster wrote:
So nerfing level 2 ganks...When playing smart was the way to deal with it.
I sense some low level gaming here
Me too, and it has castermaster written all over it.
The problem isn't that it's hard to counter, it's that the pressure that the possibility of a level 2 gank brings is too much.
You have to play too carefully in a level 2 gank situation.
Riot likes the level 1 aggression because it makes the lane more fun.
Riot doesn't like the level 2 jungle ganks because it doesn't reward aggression in lane.
Tri lane for life.
Temzilla wrote:
I would figure more like 10% CDR extra, but yeah that sounds reasonable. Also, fixed that item list :3 (seriously, atmas sucks in comparison to bt until you stack like 4k health)
What I like about riot is that they encourage actually playing the game. Not "playing smart" and sitting around for a while at 2 minutes or so in game because you just don't know if a jungler will pop out of that bush for a free kill >.>
inb4 slippery slope fallacy or "why not just apply that to everything"
Nasus says hi
RCIX wrote:
I would figure more like 10% CDR extra, but yeah that sounds reasonable. Also, fixed that item list :3 (seriously, atmas sucks in comparison to bt until you stack like 4k health)
What I like about riot is that they encourage actually playing the game. Not "playing smart" and sitting around for a while at 2 minutes or so in game because you just don't know if a jungler will pop out of that bush for a free kill >.>
inb4 slippery slope fallacy or "why not just apply that to everything"
hurrdurrr i am AD castar, and have 0 resistancez.
Atmas was very intentional.
Tri lane for life.
The last time I saw this mentioned anywhere was from Guinsoo twitter so it is probably the starting point of this new item.!/RiotGuinsoo/status/93852046259785728
I assume that the 25% bonus AD obviously has to be dropped out of the final item or every AD in the game will want it. So probably throw in a spell vamp item to the recipe, lose the %bonus AD and it's good to go?!/RiotGuinsoo/status/93852046259785728
Serious question. BFF Sword = BF Sword + Brutalizer + 750. Grants 100 AD, 25 ARpen, 15% CDR, and +25% bonus AD. You buy?
I assume that the 25% bonus AD obviously has to be dropped out of the final item or every AD in the game will want it. So probably throw in a spell vamp item to the recipe, lose the %bonus AD and it's good to go?
Wintermond wrote:
Problem is, that you have a great disatvantage on blue team because you are super easy to gank, thus denied CS.
Top lane as blue team is a pretty miserable. So dangerous considering the red buff spawns so close by.
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CasterMaster wrote:
So nerfing level 2 ganks...When playing smart was the way to deal with it.
I sense some low level gaming here
I sense some terribly uneducated posting.
This reminds me of all the times people would say, "Shaco isn't OP, OMG! Just play safely!" or back when Eve had her stun. "OMG, Eve sucks! Just play smart!"
That's fine, but what does that mean? Your opponent could pick top lane Sona, Top lane Ashe, they could pick any stupid thing in the world and get away with it, because the simple threat of the gank that MIGHT come early is too great for you to deny the bad lane opponent the CS that you easily could deny otherwise.
The simple threat of the gimmicky red buff early ganks is too strong, and Riot is responsibly dealing with the issue that they accidentally created. Good for them. People aren't low skill level because a frustrating dynamic was created by a massive overhaul of a pivotal aspect of the game :P Sorta silly to say that.
I mean this is basically like saying, "Shen's not OP, just don't ever go for kills!"
"Red buff lvl 2 ganks aren't OP, just let your opponent free farm and control the lane and zone, at least if you're the blue team, no matter what the match up is like!"
Serious question. BFF Sword = BF Sword + Brutalizer + 750. Grants 100 AD, 25 ARpen, 15% CDR, and +25% bonus AD. You buy?
This is the most ******edly overpowered item that has ever been conceptualized in the history of itemcrafting. That item would never even remotely be considered in any game company.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
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Last I heard it was gonna be brutalizer + BF sword, give 70 AD, CDR, and arpen (presumably the upgrade gets you a bunch more of the arpen/cdr). Could be wrong though, that was kind of a while ago.
So, 0 ad, maybe 5% CDR, and maybe 10 ArP for the upgrade?
So we're looking at a 600-700g upgrade cost, so roughly a 3650 item.
That's not too bad.
this item + CDR Boots + blue pot = 40% CDR
So, you can get +This Item and have a well rounded AD caster item set.