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Champion Mastery Bragging Thread

Creator: Ninja Trigger May 7, 2015 4:03pm

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Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 7, 2015 4:03pm | Report
So I thought it would be a fun idea to see which champions have been mastered by the members of Mobafire. All you need to do is post a screen shot showing that you have completely mastered a champion. I'm only going to count level/tier 5. Once you post it to the thread I will add you to the list.

The list does not serve as a score board just the order that champions have been mastered by MobaFire Users so the same champion may end up being on the list several times. They will just appear in the order of when they were mastered and the user who mastered them.

So if you have a champion that you main, make sure that you are the first Mobafire user to post, or just feel the shame that comes by someone else playing your champion more then you.

Champions Mastered!!!!!

Champions Mastered
1. Bard
2. Ahri
3. Evelynn
4. Nidalee
5. Yasuo
6. Udyr
7. Cassiopeia
8. Volibear
9. Talon
10. Janna
11. Lulu
12. Vayne
13. Graves
14. Lee Sin
15. Rek'Sai
16. Nocturne
17. Gragas
18. Leona
19. Azir
20. Teemo
21. Dr. Mundo
22. Fiora
23. Jarvan IV
24. Lucian
25. Nautilus
26. Rengar
27. Aatrox
28. Vel'Koz
29. Veigar
30. Bard
31. Tahm Kench
32. Kog'Maw
33. Ezreal
34. Zed
35. Malzahar
36. Braum
37. Shen
38. Talon
39. Nasus
40. Kennen
41. Thresh
42. Quinn
43. Ezreal
44. Ekko
45. Annie
46. Gnar
47. Janna
48. Rengar
49. Nunu & Willump
50. Shen
51. Fizz
52. Nautilus
53. Volibear
54. Ezreal
55. Katarina
56. Leona
57. Ekko
58. Sivir
59. Ekko
60. Tristana
61. Zyra
62. Yasuo
63. Twisted Fate
64. Caitlyn
65. Sivir
66. Elise
67. Lissandra
68. Graves
69. Graves
70. Braum
71. Shen
72. Karma
73. Sona
74. Karthus
75. Anivia
76. Ashe
77. Soraka
78. Thresh
79. Nidalee
80. Malphite
81. Rumble
82. Maokai
83. Vayne
84. Bard
85. Thresh
86. Tahm Kench
87. Miss Fortune
88. Cassiopeia
89. Vayne
90. Zyra
91. Jayce
92. Brand
93. Ashe
94. Rammus
95. Diana
96. Malzahar
97. Kayle
98. Warwick
99. Diana
100. Skarner
101. Veigar
102. Hecarim
103. Karthus
104. Morgana
105. Ahri
106. Lucian
107. Janna
108. Nidalee
109. Braum
110. Miss Fortune
111. Ahri
112. Kindred
113. Braum
114. Thresh
115. Sion
116. Tryndamere
117. Renekton
118. Poppy
119. Orianna
120. Poppy
121. Nami
122. Blitzcrank
123. Shen
124. Rengar
125. Aatrox
126. Talon
127. Twisted Fate
128. Darius
129. Aatrox
130. Karma
131. Alistar
132. Lee Sin
133. Rek'Sai
134. Jarvan IV
135. Shen
136. Gragas
137. Nocturne
138. Dr. Mundo
139. Lucian
140. Rengar
141. Tristana
142. Lee Sin
143. Yasuo
144. Ashe
145. Ezreal
146. Ashe
147. Pantheon
148. Lulu
149. Draven
150. Janna
151. Ezreal
152. Lee Sin
153. Thresh

Mastered by
1. Kiddfly
2. Elusive Ferret
3. Kiddfly
4. Embracing
5. The Giratina
6. Ixtellor
7. Caramel Frappe
8. Ixtellor
9. Vapora Dark
10. MissMaw
11. Vynertje
12. oxide110
13. Vapora Dark
14. H4xDefender
15. H4xDefender
16. PsiGuard
17. H4xDefender
18. unstoppablebacon
19. MrMad2000
20. RottedApples
21. Re4Xn
22. Re4Xn
23. H4xDefender
24. Wayne3100
25. LevasK
26. Oooneshot
27. Stylistical
28. Barph
29. TheRealCefor
30. MissMaw
31. Toshabi
32. The Giratina
33. OTGBionicArm
34. The Giratina
35. The Giratina
36. Ninja Trigger
37. Latest Legend
38. Jack Rubino
39. Ekki
40. Wayne3100
41. Wayne3100
42. 1jamie50
43. RottedApples
44. BlueArtist
45. LevasK
46. Wayne3100
47. LevasK
48. LevasK
49. Joxuu
50. The Giratina
51. Ekki
52. Ekki
53. Ekki
54. Ekki
55. Emikadon
56. MissMaw
57. Guercino
58. Embracing
59. OTGBionicArm
60. TeemoShy
61. MrMad2000
62. MrMad2000
63. MrMad2000
64. MrMad2000
65. MrMad2000
66. MrMad2000
67. MrMad2000
68. MrMad2000
69. Ekki
70. OTGBionicArm
71. OTGBionicArm
72. Sarixis
73. Sarixis
74. Sarixis
75. Sarixis
76. Sarixis
77. Sarixis
78. RottedApples
79. Saeyru
80. Ekki
81. BlueArtist
82. Lugignaf
83. Bryun
84. Bryun
85. MissMaw
86. OTGBionicArm
87. MissMaw
88. Mooninites
89. 1jamie50
90. RottedApples
91. HiFromBuddha
92. MissMaw
93. RottedApples
94. Ekki
95. Eistod
96. Lord Kesharq
97. Lord Kesharq
98. Lord Kesharq
99. Lord Kesharq
100. Lord Kesharq
101. Lord Kesharq
102. Lord Kesharq
103. Lord Kesharq
104. MissMaw
105. Vapora Dark
106. Vapora Dark
107. jhoijhoi
108. Embracing
109. MissMaw
110. TheSilverDust
111. TheSilverDust
112. BlueArtist
113. Wayne3100
114. HiFromBuddha
115. rankupColdbolt
116. rankupColdbolt
117. rankupColdbolt
118. HiFromBuddha
119. TheSilverDust
120. RottedApples
121. The_Nameless_Bard
122. Latest Legend
123. The Giratina
124. The Giratina
125. The Giratina
126. The Giratina
127. OTGBionicArm
128. The Giratina
129. OTGBionicArm
130. TheSilverDust
131. Wayne3100
132. H4xDefender
133. H4xDefender
134. H4xDefender
135. H4xDefender
136. H4xDefender
137. H4xDefender
138. H4xDefender
139. H4xDefender
140. H4xDefender
141. Vapora Dark
142. Joxuu
143. Wayne3100
144. TheSilverDust
145. Mooninites
146. MissMaw
147. Re4Xn
148. ] The_Nameless_Bard
149. Predacon]
150. The_Nameless_Bard
151. Embracing
152. Embracing
153. Embracing

to lazy to update this list gone for now mostly likely forever

No prizes just bragging rights. Also if people start posting multiple Champions Mastered I will start a second counter for Total Champions Mastered.

Now there are prizes, kinda... once mastering 6 champions I will attempt to make you a Sig consisting of the some or all of the champions you mastered
Hall of FAME]
Will you you be able to earn the title of "Champion Master"?

EDIT we made it second list! Once you have 4 or more champions mastered you will make it to the HALL OF FAME! Also the person with the most champions mastered will make it to the top of the list so compete to be number 1! (^_^")

Special thanks to Janitsu for helping re-code the OP by adding icons to the list so that it looks more fabulous, and fashionable!
Sig by Janitsu
Sirnikolai's Forum Avatar
Nov 6th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2015 5:24am | Report
Like it wouldn't matter who's my main. But Rammus Tank/JG role i would like to master.
Ixtellor's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2015 5:41am | Report
I only play like 10 games a week --- how long does it take to master?

Also, what does the grade you get at the end of the game mean? I have played 2 games with that feature now with a grade of A and S (not duo). Not really sure how it is calculated or what it means.
I used to care about KDA, now I care about CS and Objectives.
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2015 7:00am | Report
Mmmm, as formulated, the champion mastery system seems more like a "Gotta catch em all." system.

Does it account for flashing into a bush as Rengar so you can get the leap distance to finish off a fleeing target?

Or being able to reliably select the card you need at the time with Twisted Fate's Pick A Card?

To me that sort of knowledge says more about the facility of the player on a champion than how many games you've played with them.

I think the system does have benefits because learning how to play a champion gives you an idea on how long their cooldowns are and what their ranges are, which in turn allows you to play them and play against them more adroitly.

But, I'm still going to bet against a Silver ranked player who has "mastered" Zed if they are up against a Challenger ranked player that has "mastered" Zed.

I'm not sure where the break point between ability with a champion knowledge and game knowledge is in there. But there is obviously something there that makes one player better than another.

So champion mastery = badge of honer = grain of salt

I'd rather see something that shows you that statistically you perform in the X percentile on Y champion at your current rank and compared to the population of Y champion players in League overall you fall within this percentile.

Edit - And re-reading your post I see that this was more of a funsies thing. So my bad for interjecting seriousness. I think I've been stewing on this issue since they announced the Mastery system and this probably wasn't the right post to bring them up.
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2015 7:06am | Report
In order to master a champion quickly you have to do really well at them (just looking at game stats thread)
If you do average or poor at a champion it's feasible it will just take longer, indicating you haven't mastered them yet.

I mean your argument fails because doing those tiny things you mentioned can completely turn a game and your KDA in your favour so yes, yes it does take them into account. And it doesn't give higher rewards based on ELO either. It's "Have you mastered a champion in comparison to other people at your skill level"

Basically MOBAFire.
VexRoth's Forum Avatar
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2015 7:13am | Report
In order to master a champion quickly you have to do really well at them (just looking at game stats thread)
If you do average or poor at a champion it's feasible it will just take longer, indicating you haven't mastered them yet.

I mean your argument fails because doing those tiny things you mentioned can completely turn a game and your KDA in your favour so yes, yes it does take them into account. And it doesn't give higher rewards based on ELO either. It's "Have you mastered a champion in comparison to other people at your skill level"

So the stat should actually be mastered in X number of games.
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2015 7:17am | Report
That doesn't indicate mastery at all though, just how long you've been playing the champion. Before mastery came out.
At least In a month or two it will be easy to find the people who are trying newer champs in ranked.

Basically MOBAFire.
KiddFly's Forum Avatar
May 8th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2015 8:50pm | Report
First Mastery Post! As Bard! What a troll!

Also that game was: 2/0/23, 2nd highest dmg in game.
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2015 9:06pm | Report
KiddFly wrote:
First Mastery Post! As Bard! What a troll!

Also that game was: 2/0/23, 2nd highest dmg in game.

Still, congratulations for mastering Bard! (Didn't realize you have to click it to have a better view!)
Thanks Vapora Dark for the sig!
Vaan99's Forum Avatar
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Nov 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 9, 2015 3:26am | Report
Mastery doesn't mean anything, if you need 15-30 games to get to lvl 5 mastery, it just show how little it means. It's just another another way to keep people playing the game.
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