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Champion Mastery Thread Reborn

Creator: RottedApples March 9, 2016 11:10am
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<Inhouse Addict>
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2016 11:10am | Report
This was originally made by Ninja Trigger as a bragging rights thread for champion mastery. Original thread for anyone who wants to look.

He seems to be moving on from league and won't be keeping this updated. I decided I wanted to keep this updated and he sent me the code to the original post so i can keep adding to the table, (since idk if i can work out the code by myself and remake the table)

I'm going to go back to the original thread and make sure that the last few people who posted there since his last update are included into the list. Then this thread will work the same way, with the minor detail that i'm not artistic in any way and don't know how to use photoshop/gimp/etc so there won't be any sig's for reaching 6 champions mastered.

To get on the list:
1. Simply post a screenshot of your champion mastery level 5.
2. Wait for me to update the list.

If you posted in the previous thread and you're not on the list let me know, i could have missed you.

Champions Mastered!!!!!

Champions Mastered
1. Bard
2. Ahri
3. Evelynn
4. Nidalee
5. Yasuo
6. Udyr
7. Cassiopeia
8. Volibear
9. Talon
10. Janna
11. Lulu
12. Vayne
13. Graves
14. Lee Sin
15. Rek'Sai
16. Nocturne
17. Gragas
18. Leona
19. Azir
20. Teemo
21. Dr. Mundo
22. Fiora
23. Jarvan IV
24. Lucian
25. Nautilus
26. Rengar
27. Aatrox
28. Vel'Koz
29. Veigar
30. Bard
31. Tahm Kench
32. Kog'Maw
33. Ezreal
34. Zed
35. Malzahar
36. Braum
37. Shen
38. Talon
39. Nasus
40. Kennen
41. Thresh
42. Quinn
43. Ezreal
44. Ekko
45. Annie
46. Gnar
47. Janna
48. Rengar
49. Nunu & Willump
50. Shen
51. Fizz
52. Nautilus
53. Volibear
54. Ezreal
55. Katarina
56. Leona
57. Ekko
58. Sivir
59. Ekko
60. Tristana
61. Zyra
62. Yasuo
63. Twisted Fate
64. Caitlyn
65. Sivir
66. Elise
67. Lissandra
68. Graves
69. Graves
70. Braum
71. Shen
72. Karma
73. Sona
74. Karthus
75. Anivia
76. Ashe
77. Soraka
78. Thresh
79. Nidalee
80. Malphite
81. Rumble
82. Maokai
83. Vayne
84. Bard
85. Thresh
86. Tahm Kench
87. Miss Fortune
88. Cassiopeia
89. Vayne
90. Zyra
91. Jayce
92. Brand
93. Ashe
94. Rammus
95. Diana
96. Malzahar
97. Kayle
98. Warwick
99. Diana
100. Skarner
101. Veigar
102. Hecarim
103. Karthus
104. Morgana
105. Ahri
106. Lucian
107. Janna
108. Nidalee
109. Braum
110. Miss Fortune
111. Ahri
112. Kindred
113. Braum
114. Thresh
115. Sion
116. Tryndamere
117. Renekton
118. Poppy
119. Orianna
120. Poppy
121. Nami
122. Blitzcrank
123. Rengar
124. Aatrox
125. Talon
126. Twisted Fate
127. Darius
128. Aatrox
129. Karma
130. Alistar
131. Shen
132. Nocturne
133. Dr. Mundo
134. Lucian
135. Rengar
136. Tristana
137. Lee Sin
138. Yasuo
139. Ashe
140. Ezreal
141. Ashe
142. Pantheon
143. Lulu
144. Draven
145. Janna
146. Ezreal
147. Lee Sin
148. Thresh
149. Lulu
150. Elise
151. Tristana
152. Rengar
153. Rek'Sai
154. Lee Sin
155. Vi
156. Diana
157. Tahm Kench
158. Katarina
159. Lucian
160. Lee Sin
161. Twisted Fate
162. Sona
163. Maokai
164. Tristana
165. Karma
166. Vayne
167. Sivir
168. Rengar
169. Tristana
170. Lucian
171. Rengar
172. Yasuo
173. Maokai
174. Zed
175. Rek'Sai
176. Diana
177. Hecarim
178. Malphite
179. Blitzcrank
180. Quinn
181. Tryndamere
182. Riven
183. Sejuani
184. Nami
185. Jinx
186. Jhin
187. Hecarim
188. Thresh
189. Pantheon
190. Darius
191. Zed
192. Rek'Sai
193. Elise
194. Kindred
195. Nidalee
196. Skarner
197. Graves
198. Kassadin
199. Malphite
200. Alistar
201. Braum
202. Soraka
203. Blitzcrank
204. Lee Sin
205. Jhin
206. Illaoi
207. Caitlyn
208. LeBlanc
209. Janna
210. Syndra
211. Braum
212. Olaf
213. Shyvana
214. Ezreal
215. Morgana
216. Nocturne
217. Corki
218. Zac
219. Tristana
220. Zyra
221. Morgana
222. Caitlyn
223. Taliyah
224. Anivia
225. Janna
226. Aatrox
227. Annie
228. Tahm Kench
229. Sivir
230. Ahri
231. Vi
232. Alistar
233. Miss Fortune
234. Morgana
235. Kog'Maw
236. Caitlyn
237. Poppy
238. Soraka
239. Janna
240. Kassadin
241. Gnar
242. Karma
243. Corki
244. Sona
245. Leona
246. Morgana
247. Malphite
248. Janna
249. Lulu
250. Fiora
251. Miss Fortune
252. Fizz
253. Veigar
254. Irelia
255. Gangplank
256. Nasus
257. Shyvana
258. Vi
259. Sejuani
260. Dr. Mundo
261. Janna
262. Garen
263. Tahm Kench
264. Miss Fortune
265. Miss Fortune
266. Warwick
267. Nocturne
268. Yorick
269. Pantheon
270. Udyr
271. Xin Zhao
272. Sivir
273. Master Yi
274. Elise
275. Hecarim
276. Jhin
277. Kha'Zix
278. Olaf
279. Lux
280. Ahri
281. Sivir
282. Brand
283. Lulu
284. Yasuo
285. Ezreal
286. Aatrox
287. Varus
288. Gangplank
289. Fiora
290. Ekko
291. Lee Sin
292. Master Yi
293. Zed
294. Shen
295. Udyr
296. Kindred
297. Ryze
298. Orianna
299. Tahm Kench
300. Vayne
301. Miss Fortune
302. Kalista
303. Illaoi
304. Ezreal
305. Darius
306. Leona
307. Xerath
308. Blitzcrank
309. Twitch
310. Corki
311. Hecarim
312. Vi
313. Ezreal
314. Syndra
315. Sivir
316. Ashe
317. Katarina
318. Vayne
319. Caitlyn
320. Jinx
321. Zyra
322. Nami
323. Ashe
324. Miss Fortune
325. Warwick
326. Morgana
327. Gangplank
328. Kayle
329. Irelia
330. Vi
331. Jayce
332. Vayne
333. Xin Zhao
334. Xayah
335. Rakan
336. Bard
337. Diana
338. Taric
Mastered by
1. Kiddfly
2. Elusive Ferret
3. Kiddfly
4. Embracing
5. The Giratina
6. Ixtellor
7. Caramel Frappe
8. Ixtellor
9. Vapora Dark
10. MissMaw
11. Vynertje
12. oxide110
13. Vapora Dark
14. H4xDefender
15. H4xDefender
16. PsiGuard
17. H4xDefender
18. unstoppablebacon
19. MrMad2000
20. RottedApples
21. Re4Xn
22. Re4Xn
23. H4xDefender
24. Wayne3100
25. LevasK
26. Oooneshot
27. Stylistical
28. Barph
29. TheRealCefor
30. MissMaw
31. Toshabi
32. The Giratina
33. OTGBionicArm
34. The Giratina
35. The Giratina
36. Ninja Trigger
37. Latest Legend
38. Jack Rubino
39. Ekki
40. Wayne3100
41. Wayne3100
42. 1jamie50
43. RottedApples
44. BlueArtist
45. LevasK
46. Wayne3100
47. LevasK
48. LevasK
49. Joxuu
50. The Giratina
51. Ekki
52. Ekki
53. Ekki
54. Ekki
55. Emikadon
56. MissMaw
57. Guercino
58. Embracing
59. OTGBionicArm
60. TeemoShy
61. MrMad2000
62. MrMad2000
63. MrMad2000
64. MrMad2000
65. MrMad2000
66. MrMad2000
67. MrMad2000
68. MrMad2000
69. Ekki
70. OTGBionicArm
71. OTGBionicArm
72. Sarixis
73. Sarixis
74. Sarixis
75. Sarixis
76. Sarixis
77. Sarixis
78. RottedApples
79. Saeyru
80. Ekki
81. BlueArtist
82. Lugignaf
83. Bryun
84. Bryun
85. MissMaw
86. OTGBionicArm
87. MissMaw
88. Mooninites
89. 1jamie50
90. RottedApples
91. HiFromBuddha
92. MissMaw
93. RottedApples
94. Ekki
95. Eistod
96. Lord Kesharq
97. Lord Kesharq
98. Lord Kesharq
99. Lord Kesharq
100. Lord Kesharq
101. Lord Kesharq
102. Lord Kesharq
103. Lord Kesharq
104. MissMaw
105. Vapora Dark
106. Vapora Dark
107. jhoijhoi
108. Embracing
109. MissMaw
110. TheSilverDust
111. TheSilverDust
112. BlueArtist
113. Wayne3100
114. HiFromBuddha
115. rankupColdbolt
116. rankupColdbolt
117. rankupColdbolt
118. HiFromBuddha
119. TheSilverDust
120. RottedApples
121. The_Nameless_Bard
122. Latest Legend
123. The Giratina
124. The Giratina
125. The Giratina
126. OTGBionicArm
127. The Giratina
128. OTGBionicArm
129. TheSilverDust
130. Wayne3100
131. H4xDefender
132. H4xDefender
133. H4xDefender
134. H4xDefender
135. H4xDefender
136. Vapora Dark
137. Joxuu
138. Wayne3100
139. TheSilverDust
140. Mooninites
141. MissMaw
142. Re4Xn
143. The_Nameless_Bard
144. Predacon
145. The_Nameless_Bard
146. Embracing
147. Embracing
148. Embracing
149. TheSilverDust
150. Limits
151. Limits
152. Limits
153. Limits
154. Limits
155. Limits
156. Limits
157. Limits
158. RottedApples
159. The Giratina
160. The Giratina
161. The Giratina
162. The_Nameless_Bard
163. Ekki
164. Ekki
165. The_Nameless_Bard
166. OwenTheAwesomer
167. OwenTheAwesomer
168. OwenTheAwesomer
169. OwenTheAwesomer
170. OwenTheAwesomer
171. SpawnOfHell
172. SpawnOfHell
173. SpawnOfHell
174. SpawnOfHell
175. SpawnOfHell
176. SpawnOfHell
177. SpawnOfHell
178. SpawnOfHell
179. SpawnOfHell
180. SpawnOfHell
181. SpawnOfHell
182. SpawnOfHell
183. SpawnOfHell
184. Janitsu
185. Janitsu
186. theyouiporit
187. theyouiporit
188. theyouiporit
189. theyouiporit
190. theyouiporit
191. theyouiporit
192. PsiGuard
193. PsiGuard
194. PsiGuard
195. PsiGuard
196. PsiGuard
197. H4xDefender
198. H4xDefender
199. H4xDefender
200. H4xDefender
201. H4xDefender
202. The_Nameless_Bard
203. RottedApples
204. Wayne3100
205. RottedApples
206. RottedApples
207. MissMaw
208. RottedApples
209. Lugignaf
210. Shuru
211. Lugignaf
212. VexRoth
213. VexRoth
214. VexRoth
215. VexRoth
216. VexRoth
217. VexRoth
218. VexRoth
219. VexRoth
220. Mooninites
221. TheSilverDust
222. TheSilverDust
223. DillButt64
224. Mooninites
225. unstoppablebacon
226. RottedApples
227. unstoppablebacon
228. unstoppablebacon
229. unstoppablebacon
230. unstoppablebacon
231. unstoppablebacon
232. unstoppablebacon
233. unstoppablebacon
234. unstoppablebacon
235. Ekki
236. Ekki
237. TheSilverDust
238. TheSilverDust
239. TheSilverDust
240. RottedApples
241. Ekki
242. RottedApples
243. RottedApples
244. MyBloodisBlack
245. MyBloodisBlack
246. MyBloodisBlack
247. MyBloodisBlack
248. MyBloodisBlack
249. MyBloodisBlack
250. MyBloodisBlack
251. MyBloodisBlack
252. RottedApples
253. RottedApples
254. Elusive Ferret
255. Re4Xn
256. RottedApples
257. Kazega
258. Kazega
259. Kazega
260. Ekki
261. Ekki
262. Ekki
263. The_Nameless_Bard
264. Ekki
265. RottedApples
266. Lasoor
267. Lasoor
268. Lasoor
269. Lasoor
270. Lasoor
271. Lasoor
272. Lasoor
273. Lasoor
274. Elusive Ferret
275. H4xDefender
276. H4xDefender
277. H4xDefender
278. H4xDefender
279. Fryla
280. Fryla
281. MissMaw
282. Ekki
283. MissMaw
284. IPodPulse
285. IPodPulse
286. IPodPulse
287. IPodPulse
288. IPodPulse
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298. IPodPulse
299. IPodPulse
300. IPodPulse
301. IPodPulse
302. IPodPulse
303. IPodPulse
304. H4xDefender
305. H4xDefender
306. H4xDefender
307. H4xDefender
308. H4xDefender
309. Vapora Dark
310. Vapora Dark
311. Vapora Dark
312. Vapora Dark
313. Vapora Dark
314. Vapora Dark
315. Vapora Dark
316. Vapora Dark
317. Vapora Dark
318. Vapora Dark
319. Vapora Dark
320. Vapora Dark
321. MissMaw
322. MissMaw
323. jhoijhoi
324. jhoijhoi
325. jhoijhoi
326. jhoijhoi
327. xxkillercrackxx
328. The_Nameless_Bard
329. Ekki
330. Ekki
331. Darealone
332. RottedApples
333. RottedApples
334. xxkillercrackxx
335. MissMaw
336. RottedApples
337. RottedApples
338. The_Nameless_Bard

This list is a count of how many champions people have mastered, to get on this list you must have 5 or more champions mastered.

# of Champions


Here are most of the sigs that Ninja Trigger made while the old thread was up and running. I'm not going to be making sigs in this thread but I'd like everyone to be able to appreciate the work that went into the last thread.

Look at all these cool sigs!

Thanks Ninja Trigger for sending me the code so i can keep the lists updated while you go on to bigger and better games. (lets be honest, in comparison to league most games are bigger and better)

It was mentioned in the last thread that Janitsu helped Ninja Trigger re-code the original thread by adding icons and stuff, so thanks Janitsu for inadvertently helping this thread as well.

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
<Inhouse Addict>
RottedApples's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2016 11:22am | Report
Since nameless posted in the "Post Your Game Stats Here" thread with another champion mastery I'll use that post to serve as an example of how you can post your mastery here. (and proof of her sona mastery :^) )

welp, no more thread for this, but still

Another way of showing mastery could be with a screenshot of your profile on league, like this for example:

Now if you'll excuse me i've got more champions to master

Edit: If you do it the second way, please let me know which champs are the newest additions to the list. It saves me some time of looking through and double checking all the mastery 5's you have on your profile.

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
Ninja Trigger
Ninja Trigger's Forum Avatar
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2016 11:30am | Report
Thank you so much for keeping the Thread Alive :) + all my rep and love
Ekki's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2016 3:00pm | Report
Yay! This is back! It got closed right when I got my 10th champion to level 5 mastery :P
(I think the ones missing from the table are Tristana and Maokai)
<Inhouse Addict>
RottedApples's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2016 3:09pm | Report
Ekki wrote:
Yay! This is back! It got closed right when I got my 10th champion to level 5 mastery :P
(I think the ones missing from the table are Tristana and Maokai)

yeah i got them in.

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2016 4:39pm | Report
I can make sigs for this if you want
Ninja Trigger
Ninja Trigger's Forum Avatar
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2016 5:03pm | Report
I can make sigs for this if you want

If you do make sigs that would be great but I'm going to go ahead and finish the last 3 for Limits, RottedApples, and SilverDust after that I'm out
<Inhouse Addict>
RottedApples's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2016 6:58pm | Report
I can make sigs for this if you want

that's totally up to you.

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 20, 2016 7:22pm | Report
OwenTheAwesomer's Forum Avatar
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May 4th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 21, 2016 12:59am | Report
I've mastered 5 champs so far :)

I can make sigs for this if you want

Was there a certain amount of champs we needed to master before getting a sig, was it 6?
Thanks to all hard working sig artists <3

"Hesitation is the seed of defeat."
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