Come hang out when I'm streaming!
I guess the saddest part is that the idea of support Ashe is even being suggested / used. Oh how the mighty have fallen :P
By the way, Support Ashe won't be popular if people never understand how she works - Seriously, I can't spam my ultimate multiple times in a team fight. "WHY YOU LET THEM GET AWAY? NO ULTIMATE STUN NUUB? TERRIBLE SUPPORT ASHE" - oh hey, I initiated that fight with my arrow from spawn. my bad.
By the way, Support Ashe won't be popular if people never understand how she works - Seriously, I can't spam my ultimate multiple times in a team fight. "WHY YOU LET THEM GET AWAY? NO ULTIMATE STUN NUUB? TERRIBLE SUPPORT ASHE" - oh hey, I initiated that fight with my arrow from spawn. my bad.
You can't peddle papooses with a dancing monkey.
And you're not gonna be sustaining anything in lane.
People seem to expect that from support Ashe for some reason.
People seem to expect that from support Ashe for some reason.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Yeah... they be so mad when i run support irelia and don't sustain them.. Meeh...
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Yeah... they be so mad when i run support irelia and don't sustain them.. Meeh...
How do you play her? What do you build?
How do you skill?
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.
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I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Rush philly stone->Tier 1 boots->HoG->Phage/Tier 2 boots->Aegies->Shurelyas->Tri-force->Randuins.
I skill a mix of "W" and "E" (with 1 point in q ofc) i take all the cs my AD-carry misses(yeap, we both know they only get 2/3 of the cs anyways...) don't take the cs they're getting though.
Remember to buy wards(also for lane-bush, so u can kill them in there.) It's gonna be a kill-lane due to high damage output and no-sustain for the AD-carry, if u are not in a position to kill them at level 3 ask jungler for help, or watch the lane advantage slowly but certainly falling from thy grasp.
Still trying to decide wether to run Flash/ignite or Flash/heal.
For runes, i run: Arpen Marks, AD quints, Armour Seals, MR/lvl for glyphs.
I skill a mix of "W" and "E" (with 1 point in q ofc) i take all the cs my AD-carry misses(yeap, we both know they only get 2/3 of the cs anyways...) don't take the cs they're getting though.
Remember to buy wards(also for lane-bush, so u can kill them in there.) It's gonna be a kill-lane due to high damage output and no-sustain for the AD-carry, if u are not in a position to kill them at level 3 ask jungler for help, or watch the lane advantage slowly but certainly falling from thy grasp.
Still trying to decide wether to run Flash/ignite or Flash/heal.
For runes, i run: Arpen Marks, AD quints, Armour Seals, MR/lvl for glyphs.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
DuffTime wrote:
Rework her passive to be a steroid. GG.
This is all she needs. Leave Q as it is, make passive either on-hit stacking bonus AD (adds stacks similar to Trynd fury or GP grog-soaked blade), or scaling bonus AD against targets afflicted by a "frost" effect (Anivia, Sejuani, Frost Shot, and maybe even Frozen Mallet; this would work by adding like 5/10/15/20/25 AD based on level).
Ashe is essentially strong with her utility already, disregarding passives (although her passive is what essentially makess her lvl 1 insanity).
If you really wanted to rework her passive, you couldn't make it into something gay as ****.
I honestly have no clue and am not going to bother thinking as I'm going to sleep right now, but keep in mind that Ashe isn't UP as ****. She only needs some tweaks and changes.
If you really wanted to rework her passive, you couldn't make it into something gay as ****.
I honestly have no clue and am not going to bother thinking as I'm going to sleep right now, but keep in mind that Ashe isn't UP as ****. She only needs some tweaks and changes.
Alright, lemme toss out an idea that sounds better (what I posted would be stupid, it's true). Flat AD increase on frost shotted targets of, say, 3 AD. That's it. So it's most powerful at level 1 (technically 2 or 3 since you take volley level 1), and it only shows up in trades where you have enough mana to apply Frost Shot. Past laning phase it's not even enough to be noticeable (just like her current passive is generally unnoticed past laning), and it's just that little bit to give her some sort of early-game threat. Right now if you can't land Volley her early harass is almost unnoticeable.
That wouldn't be nearly enough to bring her up to Graves / Kog / Cait / Vayne territory.
If you changed it to scale, maybe, just maybe. But that is exactly what Jeffy and I mentioned a few pages ago.
A flat 3 AD increase that wouldn't even apply all the time (only to targets afflicted by frost shot) is just too small imo.
If you changed it to scale, maybe, just maybe. But that is exactly what Jeffy and I mentioned a few pages ago.
A flat 3 AD increase that wouldn't even apply all the time (only to targets afflicted by frost shot) is just too small imo.
You can't peddle papooses with a dancing monkey.
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You need an AP carry Karma, or Soraka, or something that can sustain your support Ashe and still scale well enough into late game.
NO Phantom Dancer D:
Full tanky support.