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kassadin in the current metagame?

Creator: Trojan995 July 31, 2011 1:28pm
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Oct 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 1:28pm | Report
Kassadin largely faded out of play due to two reasons.
1. His W didn't mesh with his kit at all, and it made him somewhat weak relying on 3 spells, one of which (his ultimate) isn't great to use as a primary source of damage.
2. In a metagame where AD carries could take mid, he couldn't rely on his strengths to overcome his weakness of being a melee mage. He's a really binary laner, either being completely shut down (largely by AD carries) or completely dominating his lane (largely against mages).

Now, with both of these fixed - his W changed and the meta shifted to where he is almost always mid lane against a caster - where does kassadin stand?
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VoiD's Forum Avatar
Nov 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 3:12pm | Report
1. His E is **** in lanes, but decent in team fights. His silence is good, and his W is just.... not good.

2. When you get your catalyst you dont have that much problems against ad.

3. He snowballs like a baws.
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 3:14pm | Report
Coming from Maining him to hardly seeing him / using him anymore, I think he doesn't mesh well with the current meta game. UNLESS he is fed in mid then hes able to hold his own ground through the rest of the game.

But his farming I think more than anything needs to be fixed.
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L1LShadow's Forum Avatar
Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 4:23pm | Report
Between a rock and a hard place.
TheJohn's Forum Avatar
Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 4:42pm | Report
A Kassadin has to be really good today or he'll be totally useless (he'll feed the carry).

He needs changes.
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 4:58pm | Report
TheJohn wrote:

A Kassadin has to be really good today or he'll be totally useless (he'll feed the carry).

He needs changes.

Quoted for truth.
Current Solo Q Elo = 1405+
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Oct 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 6:49pm | Report
Have you ever laned against kassadin as a caster?

His silence makes it so you cannot trade blows with him - for instance, as Annie you cannot Disintegrate because kassadin already Q'ed you when you get in range. This makes it incredibly frustrating, not to mention the 10% MR passive.

So, does his Q make him a good laner against casters, or no? If so, I'd say he might be very viable in today's metagame.
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Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 7:47pm | Report
Trojan995 wrote:

Have you ever laned against kassadin as a caster?

His silence makes it so you cannot trade blows with him - for instance, as Annie you cannot Disintegrate because kassadin already Q'ed you when you get in range. This makes it incredibly frustrating, not to mention the 10% MR passive.

So, does his Q make him a good laner against casters, or no? If so, I'd say he might be very viable in today's metagame.

His Q use to be godly once they nerf'd it now its sub-par compared to other casters. His Q makes him a decent caster but hes nothing special anymore, he can be played on a good level its just not easy to do.
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Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 9:25pm | Report
imo buff his W and he'll be ok, might need a minor adjustment to base damage on Q (10 more base damage maybe), and a slight fix on E.
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 1, 2011 6:01am | Report
Just an FYI.

Kassadin, pretty hard counter to Mordekaiser.

In case you are playing ranked and see a Mordekaiser on the other team.
Tri lane for life.
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