Janitsu wrote:
Mobafire Name Thalia Kael Nightbabe Byrun Utopus Vynertje Vapora Dork Toshababe BigBoxGamer Nigga Trigga Hopper Maintained tehAsian Embracing h4xdefender PsiGuard Emikadon TheRealCefor iPodNano Dillbutt64 Moontitties DarkPercy Nebrasketball Hannul FlamesGG Azote Garyu Icecoffee22 Mesahusa Sirell |
Summoner Name Kefka Palazzo Protect Animemes Elite Keanu Reeves Vynertje Vapora Dark Lv 100 Croconaw C9 Stormy Rusted Gold Hoppermh Goodplays tehAsian Embracing H4xdefenderr PsiGuard Emikadon Dirtbag Yordle iPulsefire Dillbutt64 Mooninites DarkPercy Nebrasketball Purelulz Flames Azote Garyu Oh My Godess Mesahusa DragonChocobo |

Thx bae

Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
I'm confused as to the purpose of this. The website seems to just say it's a list of people's summoner names and their ranks and then you see who is the highest rank? Is it supposed to do something besides that? o.O

Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
I think the point is just to have an easily accessible list of ranks of people you know (in this case mobafire peeps). It's great for competitive people like me, seeing how far ahead we are of the rest and how far we have to go to get to the top. It's kinda boring that I started off at the top though...
I like the idea of it though, would be nice if you could get another one down (which hopefully won't be deleted).
I like the idea of it though, would be nice if you could get another one down (which hopefully won't be deleted).

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