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Picking up TF again.

Creator: Diesel May 11, 2011 11:14am
Melarith's Forum Avatar
Jan 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 11, 2011 11:06pm | Report
What people fail to realize is that AD TF isn't a hard carry. He's more in the lines of AOE support, utility, and map awareness. As TF, you are able to farm unhindered throughout most of the game, assuming you're smart enough to avoid the inevitable ganks (wards). Teamfight @ mid? R.
He can EASILY splitpush a lane and destroy the tower before they have time to say "Let's kill that TF because he's pushing top really hard, but if we leave we might loose a tower here at mid to the rest of the guys, so we'll just send one or two. Does that sound okay?" and then gtfo.

And with Teleport, he can keep that pressure going ALL game long, and still pop in at every teamfight anyway.

I'm not saying AD is better, I play both, but AD is not worthless, because I've had a lot of success with it in ranked (1.5K-1.6K ELO-ish).

But the reason AP is preferable to most players is because he can still push towers with a Lich Bane and his PaC okay.
The purpose of Shen is to flip out and kill people.
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Dante Rebellion
Dante Rebellion's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2011 3:30am | Report
AD imo.

AP is however something alot of high ELO players play... But I dont think you can carry a game with AP TF.... whilst AD can backdoor and keep the pressure on ALL GAME
Atarios's Forum Avatar
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Sep 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2011 3:38am | Report
Ap is badass,
Thanks Jhoi,Xenasis,JEFFY40HANDS for the Sigs ! :D
Booshido's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2011 4:17am | Report
yea im getting into him again, AP ofcourse. sorc shoes/deathcap/lichbane/void staff/hourglass/ are pretty much all needed
ExamplePrime's Forum Avatar
Sep 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2011 4:59am | Report
I never saw how AP TF was better than Hybrid myself. I can see how its better than AD TF (Except if the enemy team has a TF you need to go AD otherwise you will lose every 1v1 with him XD) but never saw how it was better than an AP focused Hybrid
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Booshido's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2011 5:48am | Report
dunno maybe, stun wild cards 1.2k burst then back off for 2 secs and do it again? i either go ap tf or on-hit tf
B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2011 6:30am | Report
Booshido wrote:

dunno maybe, stun wild cards 1.2k burst then back off for 2 secs and do it again? i either go ap tf or on-hit tf

Dees. Sort of.

Tf v tf it's easy to put yourself in a better position as AP IMO.

BigDaddyPedro's Forum Avatar
Mar 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2011 9:43am | Report
I personally go AP>HB>AD

AP can dish out so much Damage with one hit early on its scary...

But in the end its a matter of preference and depends on your team.
Zhank you to jhoijhoi and Spoon as well as wRAth for the awesomez Sigz <3
Crazy Smurf
Crazy Smurf's Forum Avatar
Dec 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2011 12:41pm | Report
As for now and Fate's Scalling he is bestly played with Pure AD + Trinity Force if you can suffer it. Tri-Force is more or less a great item on fate, but going pure AD is great as well. Thou, leaving 2 of your skills useless. I still like Hybrid the most, AP was great, but yeah, only his Wild Cards scale good with it atm.

Edit1: As Boosh said, On-Hit Fate works wonders now, but i've not played with him recently. I'm just that old-schooling Hybrider.
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JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 13, 2011 3:10am | Report
Okay, I think there needs to be one thing cleared up about AD vs AP.

AD supporters, learn your champions.

Twisted Fate is NOT a ranged carry. He is not. I repeat. NOT. A carry.
(I'm pointing at you Dante, for your post on this page)
Twisted Fate is not suppose to carry a game. He's suppose to assassinate and lead the enemies around, not fight head on from behind a tank like Ashe/Caitlyn.
Really sick of people mixing up the role of a carry with the slang usage "carrying." Heck! Annie, Nunu, or Zilean can carry a game, but they're still not carries.

Riot updated their tags a while ago, taking carry OFF of TF's tag list (go check it out yourselves);

I've even read a Morello comment directly about his role:
As far as the top Rioters are concered: Twisted Fate is an "Off-DPS Assassin" -> Whatever the hell that means...

This is how I took it:
Riot: wants TF to deal DPS to assassinate, meaning he has to stay in a fight, without having an escape mechanism to run away. Essentially - Get kills, and die if the enemies aren't scrubs who ignore you.

He's broken, yet will not receive dps-related assassination ability because Riot feels Destiny gives too much utility.
Gate is not enough, it's UP when filling the assassin role. How can you stay alive as an assassin when you're slower then most, have no dash/blink/stealth, and yet have to stay in a fight because you're suppose to DPS?

The only "Assassin"-like quality Twisted Fate can achieve is burst damage (outside of the once-a-minute Gate opportunity, that's naturally countered by smart enemies anyway).
AD and Hybrid Twisted Fate have no burst damage. That is why AP is regarded as better in higher ELO.

Building him as an AD carry essentially makes him a pubstomper because of Destiny/Gate. A pubstomper who is inferior to other Ranged carries because his skills aren't built around "Carrying."
You basically throw away your assets to capitalize purely on his stun and tiny AS-buff, operating on a role he's entirely obsolete in, with the rest leaning on the global ultimate that's the only thing that keeps him viable.

Playing him as AD isn't a smart choice. You're just not using TF at his full potential when playing AD. Sure, it "works," but then you might as well pick Ashe, or Caitlyn, or Vayne, or Tristana, Teemo, or Ezreal, or Kog'maw even. His low cooldown stun does NOT make up for the other aspects he painfully lacks relative to the concept of a carry, such as range, offensive-ult, superior synergy with ad items (Red Card is not enough when you're pulling gold card 80% of the time), etc.

The only argument that's ever made any sense to me is: "Destiny is fun." - That's the only reason I've ever accepted, Destiny being so enjoyable that playing him in a less viable way (because AD suited you more) is still worth it. But, that's not how it's suppose to work in Ranked. -___-

AD TF only has support because of the Recommended items. The paradoxical "off-dps" + "assassin" (without an escapey-skill) concept Riot has about TF, which leads them to picking AD recommended items, producing a never-ending flow of support for him.
Remember when you first started playing? How did you start picking items? Randomly stumbling through the shop, or click the recommended items - TF has AD items... Coincidence? I don't think so. -_-

I used to think AD Twisted Fate was the best too. I tirelessly tried to learn him and fine the best damage output.
But when I crossed over to AP, a whole new world of Wild Cards that hit like bricks opened up to me.
If you learn to play TF as a Caster who runs in and out of battle, it really unlocks Twisted Fate's potential, although it's still quite limited due to Riot's views about his design.


In regards to Hybrid. It has it's pluses and minuses, but it has one big minus that trumps everything.
There's really no way around this without being an intensive farmer, or just plain lucky with getting fed.

Hybrid is expensive.
Very very expensive. You have to hope for an long game, meaning you depend more on your team, and can capitalize less on your early game. It puts all sorts of difficulties onto your playstyle, and Twisted Fate is already regarded as a difficult champion to play.
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