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Things you're good at & Things you could...

Creator: Jovy March 16, 2015 2:29pm

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Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 2:29pm | Report

Hey guys, I thought it would be cool to make a thread where we'd all talk about aspects of the game that we are (very) good at (last-hitting for example) and also about things we're maybe not so good at (last-hitting for example).

You may also, and it's encouraged, help out someone with their shortcomings, if you think you can : )

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 2:33pm | Report
Cool idea Maw.

I would say I'm good at counter-ganking and vision control, but I'm not very good at consistently snowballing games with proactive plays. I tend to farm a lot as a jungler and only gank reactively when enemies are out of position.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the sig!
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 2:34pm | Report
I guess I'll start. I'm very good at aggressively laning into a snowball with certain top laners ( Sion, Aatrox, Jarvan IV) but at times I have trouble fully taking hold of the game and forcing that win out.

Anyone got tips for that?
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The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 2:36pm | Report
I'm pretty decent at utilizing champions to make plays and am fairly decent at winning trades with champions I know well in lane, but I struggle a bit with properly roaming and my last hitting mechanics aren't where they should be. I also lack a level of aggression in situations where it's necessary and I'm terrible about nitpicking my play while I'm playing to the point of missing things at times.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 2:39pm | Report
I'm pretty decent at utilizing champions to make plays and am fairly decent at winning trades with champions I know well in lane, but I struggle a bit with properly roaming and my last hitting mechanics aren't where they should be.

I have to basically spam a champion endlessly to get good with their CSing, and even then, that only really works for AD champs ( cannot do well with low AD champs). My Sion CS is like 250 average, which is probably my highest due to me spamming him the most this season.

You don't play roles were you have to CS enough to retain the mechanics I think.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 2:41pm | Report
As ADC, I suck at last-hitting in lane sometimes. It depends though, some games I'll barely miss a single CS, then other times I'll mess up 2+ CS in a row at several points throughout the lane. I guess I kinda tend to "tilt" when it comes to CS, if I start missing some, I'll keep on missing them. And I dunno if I'd say I'm bad at auto-attack trading in lane, I'd say I'm pretty good at it actually, but it's obvious to myself when I play that I could still be much better, and I wish I could improve on that quicker, but you usually spend less than half a game laning. :(

I also get very impatient when there's not any action going on and get very (stupidly) aggressive to get something going. I guess it kinda works haha... Shame I'm too dead to be in the fight.

As for things I'm good at at, like I said, I feel I could be a lot better at laning, but for the Elo I play ADC at least, it's pretty good. My team-fighting is also really good when I force myself not to suicide to get the fight going. I've been working on it a lot recently, and in most of my recent ranked games, if I play an ADC I'm really comfortable with, like Tristana, I'll usually only die about 2 times after laning phase. Outside of team-fights too, when it's ranked at least, I focus really hard on playing safe and not doing any stupid "Vapora"-y moves unless I'm fairly sure that I can actually come out ahead, as opposed to doing every single aggressive play I can because why not.

And thus my Tristana stats this season are a lot better than what most people would expect from me. c:

I'd say I'm pretty good mechanically too compared to most people from my Elo range, on ADC at least. And because of it I can pull off some pretty impressive plays, when the opportunity arises.

Oh and I suck at ADC's with no gap closer. **** them.
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 2:52pm | Report
I have to basically spam a champion endlessly to get good with their CSing, and even then, that only really works for AD champs ( cannot do well with low AD champs). My Sion CS is like 250 average, which is probably my highest due to me spamming him the most this season.

You don't play roles were you have to CS enough to retain the mechanics I think.
I have the mechanics tolerably down on certain champions because when just practicing I can reach the numbers I should in close to the right time frame, but I regularly end up making myself miss more CS by being angry with myself for missing CS when in game. For example, a Quinn game I played last night, where I missed more CS because I was fretting about missing CS and getting antsy than I did because I randomly derped and just didn't last-hit properly. xD
Vaan99's Forum Avatar
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Nov 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 3:00pm | Report
I'd say I'm pretty good at vision control in jungle and on botlane, I forced myself couple of months ago to buy at least 1 green ward on each back, regardless of role, also I've started buying pinks most of the time.

I never do level 2-4 invades in jungle, unless I see enemy jungler doing super early gank, meaning I get free buff, but that means I get sometimes invaded. Years of same playstyle taught me to not tilt after invade and to stop dieing from invades. I almost always predict when I'll be getting invaded and I've learned where to put trinket ward and when to prevent it.

I think I've gotten much better at supporting and learned to have more impact on game from winning lane on bot, via deep wards in enemy jungle and roams.

My cons are almost everything else: I've never learned how to last hit, I'm playing since August 2010 and I was mostly laning then, but it was completely different game back then and no one knew anything so everything worked. I can't play ranged auto attacking champions, it's unnatural to me, I can't kite on ad carries because I miss enemy chamion or wrongly asume range. I've never liked playing mid so I'd say I'm at silver level at it.
My biggest fault is doing poorly in my 2 main roles, especially pointless overagression in late game with junglers and then dieing for nothing resulting in lost baron/inhib/game.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 3:41pm | Report
You forgot to mention that you SUCK at map awareness :^)

As for myself, I'd say my biggest strengths are shot-calling (especially in regards to Dragon calls), picking trades and fights in bot lane, hitting skillshots and avoiding (pointless) deaths (most games I die less than 2-3 times even when I'm losing). I also feel like I have very good mid game and am good at catching people out as I have very good map awareness and quick reactions, despite not using quick-cast on anyone.

Problems I have are pretty extensive when it comes to any role other than support. In every other role I have at least somewhat poor CS because I've never learned to last hit (well), as I started playing in late 2011 and begun maining support in January-ish 2012. Now whenever I play ADC, mid or top I have very subpar CS even when I'm ahead of my enemy.

I don't play Mid lane but when I play AD Carry my biggest issues are: following up on my supports engages. When Thresh hooks in Caitlyn I'm just kinda there. Say I'm playing Sivir, I'll throw a Q, W, AA and then I'm just like... well I've done what I can. Sometimes my supports die because I couldn't kill the enemy (in time) and I don't understand how I could've done any better when I've already used up all my abilities and have been continiously AAing. I don't get how my ADCs never have trouble getting kills when I hook someone, unless it's just a problem with lack of damage. I'm a sitting duck in most teamfights, I don't understand the amount of damage I do so I can't 1v1 the enemy ADC or anyone else no matter how ahead I apparently am. After lane phase especially I struggle with farming, even though I still go bot lane often to farm and I farm jungle. And so forth.

In top lane I have the same problem OTG has. Even if I get ahead, get kills or even decent/good CS, when I leave top lane I suddenly become really useless unless my team is very ahead. If I'm 3-0 and my team is doing poorly, I can't carry them. I also have a limited pool filled with champions who aren't really (that) good anymore, Cho'Gath, Shyvana, Malphite and I have very limited knowledge when it comes to match-ups both here and in mid lane.

In jungle I'm NEVER at the right place at the right time. If I do well in terms of farming the jungle and pull of good ganks and pick up some kills/assists, I still don't know how to carry and never do.

And lastly, in the support role one of my weaknesses is that I don't roam enough. I know I should, I know when to do it, but I just never get to it. I feel like there's always things to do bot lane and even when I go into a game with the goal to roam as much as possible, I still don't do it (well). I also have a problem with helping my AD last-hit under the tower sometimes. I know the basic rule: 1 hit casters 0 hit melee, but there are so many things that can mess that up that when something does disturb it, I have no clue what to do. This stems from mostly just not having much experience with roles that actually last-hit. I'm positive that there are more things I do badly but don't even know about though.

Advice is more than welcome help me please ;-;

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 16, 2015 3:47pm | Report
You forgot to mention that you SUCK at map awareness :^)

Hey, it's not thaaaat bad............ sometimes...
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