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What are your thoughts on Teemo?

Creator: I post stuff September 17, 2012 6:54am
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I post stuff's Forum Avatar
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Sep 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 6:54am | Report
There are all sorts of opinions on Teemo.

Some people hate him and queue dodge on sight, others love him.

There are those who warship him as a bruiser and those who think he should be built AP, hybrid, asap or even AD.

He is considered to be vaiable and not viable at the same time. But either way he is one of LoL's most well known champions.

I actually really like Teemo and mostly build him AP, because it's scary stronq and he doesn't fall off late with it. I think DFG is almost a must on him but don't think Nashor's Tooth is worth it.

What are your thoughts on him and how do you build him?
I don't play LoL anymore.
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 7:01am | Report
I build him as a splitpusher top (lots of AS and AD) or as an on-hit bruiser (wit's end, frozen mallet, GA). I hear AP works somehow, but I've never cared much for it. He also seems to me a pretty weak AD overall.

I don't think he should be a top pick or anything, but in top lane I'd say he's viable. He's a real problem for a lot of AD melees, especially those who have no way of recovering from his harass.
Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
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JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 7:12am | Report
AP Mid/Frozen Mallet/On-Hit top.

Teemo is "viable" but for him to shine as an ap mid his teams to fight around his shrooms late game.

His top lane is situational. His main role top is as a bully to try and deny his opponent as much farm as possible. His late game scaling is horrible and he is boderline ignorable in team fights.

Additionally because his scaling falls short right around level 7 or 8 depending on how itemized his opponent is, they (the opponent) can normally win a fight.
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 7:15am | Report

His top lane is situational. His main role top is as a bully to try and deny his opponent as much farm as possible. His late game scaling is horrible and he is boderline ignorable in team fights.

Similar to AD nidalee. That's why I like to split push with him. :3

I believe throatslasher once said that teemo is just a worse version of AD nid. Up to you if you want to look at it that way. I'll admit they're quite similar but for some reason I find teemo easier to do well with, given a decent matchup. He's also much better at kiting since his mobility skill doesn't require him to drop to melee range.
Thanks to Nyoike for the sig!
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 7:24am | Report
It helps that agains an AA top like Irelia he has a dart which blinds :P

Nidalee however has the ****** strength finisher on her cougar form Q. Teemo can be plaed as a split pusher, but in a game where split pushing isn't an option, you basically **** yourself.
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 7:27am | Report

It helps that agains an AA top like Irelia he has a dart which blinds :P

Nidalee however has the ****** strength finisher on her cougar form Q. Teemo can be plaed as a split pusher, but in a game where split pushing isn't an option, you basically **** yourself.

Pshh, who cares? It's hella fun. :P

So far I've only played Teemo once against a truly challenging team and won by splitpushing at the right time. Other than that I usually just crush my lane opponent so hard that I can actually team fight pretty well when the time comes.

He's not actually that bad at team fighting, he's just not as strong as some other bruiser tops. He can do a pretty good job of kiting melees once he gets some items going. Blind is nice too.
Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 8:08am | Report
Teemo is a pretty nice laner that counters a lotta melees

Doesn't really have a place besides farming top lane though :/
MrCuddowls's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 8:18am | Report
Teemo is the best champion in the game
I build Mercury's Treads, Wit's End, Frozen Mallet, Madred's Bloodrazor, Void Staff and Guardian Angel

Dual penatration marks, armor seals, magic resist per level glyphs and flat damage quints
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 8:53am | Report
PsiGuard wrote:

Similar to AD nidalee. That's why I like to split push with him. :3

I believe throatslasher once said that teemo is just a worse version of AD nid. Up to you if you want to look at it that way. I'll admit they're quite similar but for some reason I find teemo easier to do well with, given a decent matchup. He's also much better at kiting since his mobility skill doesn't require him to drop to melee range.

I don't think teemo is a worse vesion of ad nid, but they definitely excel at different things. Nidalee has much higher kill potential than teemo, but teemo does more damage level 1-10. Shrooms are superior to traps as they give vision, but it's a poor excuse for an ultimate. Teemo technically has more mobility, but it eats up a lot of skill points, where-as nidalee's mobility is on her passive and her ult, where she can just touch a brush and get TONS of movespeed. They both have strong poke, and are great lane bullies. I think teemo counters more people than nidalee does, but the trade-off is that niadlee has sustain, so if the lane isn't going perfectly, teemo will have a hard time pushing through setbacks where-as nidalee can just press e and top off her health whenever she feels like it.

I think teemo is extremely viable as a COUNTERPICK. I would never just picked teemo into nothing, or into someone that can crush teemo.
Pick teemo into:
Irelia (you must know the matchup perfectly)
xin zhao
j4 (don't get stunned)
jax (this one is tricky. You both counter each other, but if you lane properly and abuse your early-game strength and his early-game weakness, you can forge an advantage and win the lane. If you get behind, he technically counters you.)


also, ap teemo is ****. and cuddowls build is close, but ****py
runes: 15 AD, armor seals, mr glyphs
masteries: 21/9/0
items against AD: boots 3, wriggles, phage, zerk greaves, wit's end, frozen mallet, phantom dancer, GA
items against AP: boots 3, dorans blade dorans blade, wit's end, merc treads, phage, frozen mallet, phantom dancer, GA, bloodthirster
MrCuddowls's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 8:55am | Report

I don't think teemo is a worse vesion of ad nid, but they definitely excel at different things. Nidalee has much higher kill potential than teemo, but teemo does more damage level 1-10. Shrooms are superior to traps as they give vision, but it's a poor excuse for an ultimate. Teemo technically has more mobility, but it eats up a lot of skill points, where-as nidalee's mobility is on her passive and her ult, where she can just touch a brush and get TONS of movespeed. They both have strong poke, and are great lane bullies. I think teemo counters more people than nidalee does, but the trade-off is that niadlee has sustain, so if the lane isn't going perfectly, teemo will have a hard time pushing through setbacks where-as nidalee can just press e and top off her health whenever she feels like it.

I think teemo is extremely viable as a COUNTERPICK. I would never just picked teemo into nothing, or into someone that can crush teemo.
Pick teemo into:
Irelia (you must know the matchup perfectly)
xin zhao
j4 (don't get stunned)
jax (this one is tricky. You both counter each other, but if you lane properly and abuse your early-game strength and his early-game weakness, you can forge an advantage and win the lane. If you get behind, he technically counters you.)


also, ap teemo is ****. and cuddowls build is close, but ****py
runes: 15 AD, armor seals, mr glyphs
masteries: 21/9/0
items against AD: boots 3, wriggles, phage, zerk greaves, wit's end, frozen mallet, phantom dancer, GA
items against AP: boots 3, dorans blade dorans blade, wit's end, merc treads, phage, frozen mallet, phantom dancer, GA, bloodthirster

Teemo is NOT a goodcounter to fiora, the parry basically decimates your health
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