Cho is an example of a champ who can be built however you want and be fairly strong.
Mundo is an example of it doesn't matter WHAT you build, he's always fairly underwhelming.
Mundo is an example of it doesn't matter WHAT you build, he's always fairly underwhelming.
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DuffTime wrote:
Cho is an example of a champ who can be built however you want and be fairly strong.
Mundo is an example of it doesn't matter WHAT you build, he's always fairly underwhelming.
You've got to freaking stop poking my bubble man! :P
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I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
I love Mundo, I mained him for a good 200-300 games, played him every time I could.
Buuut he's just underwhelming.
Buuut he's just underwhelming.
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If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.
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I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
TBH they keep making stronger champs.
I think my fix would be easy though and probably balanced.
I think my fix would be easy though and probably balanced.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Right. After several hundred games of Mundo, I'm sure the issue is that I don't understand his kit, lulzzz.
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W is really good.
The problem is he has ZERO synergy and ZERO scaling except with health and damage.
You cannot itemize Mundo effectively, I've been saying it all along.
The advantage is that he should be quite versatile, since he can build really whatever you want. BUT he is a little too anonymous in his abilities to do so. It would be great if Q had like AD scaling, or maybe a passive that is 15% Mpen and his current passive as a passive to his Ulti.
He needs attackspeed, I think Zekes made him a whole lot stronger, especially early game. That cdr for cleaver and ulti, health for passive and ulti, and the aura for his E. That is great synergy.
Most people say that Spirits Visage is good on him, but I disagree. He needs all the help he can get in all areas EXCEPT health regen. And it's mr is pretty low too.
I think he needs the big items. FoN, I still say Guardians Angel because of the insane synergy with ulti, CDR, MR or Ar boots, Warmogs... then two damage items. Zekes and what else?
How does AS work really? Is the % added to his base ad, so if I have 1.5as but 0.9 of it is base, then another 40% is on his 0.9 (so another 0.36) or is it on his 1.5 (so another 0.60)? This really decides if it is worth buying more than one as item on him.
I really like those cleavers!