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Duff is right, Mundo is super hard to lane with if your opponent brought some runes to the table.
Mind if you they don't it's hella fun to lane.
Just ask Dyrus.
Mind if you they don't it's hella fun to lane.
Just ask Dyrus.
Don't get me wrong, I love Mundo, he's just unplayable. He sucks sooooooooo bad.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
What would happen if they just buff the passive of mundo, maybe to 0,5% and remove the health cost of Maximum Dosage. I think he would be viable in your terms then.
You could also change the ult into something like this: Mundo regenerates 100% of his max Health over 16/14/12 seconds.
You could also change the ult into something like this: Mundo regenerates 100% of his max Health over 16/14/12 seconds.
He is gonna kill you!!!
Rework his passive, remove health cost on ult, and Mundo might be playable.
Also, his ulti could seriously use a passive effect.
Also, his ulti could seriously use a passive effect.
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No he needs solid stats, he's got enough HP based gimmicks.
He needs like 1 armor and MR per level as his passive maybe. I don't think that would be OP when I consider the rest of his toolkit.
His ulti's passive effect could be his current passive. That might be enough, in all honesty. Part of his issue is that he can't get tanky enough right now to be useful in melee range and build the damage he needs.
He's too squishy to build damage, and if he builds tank, he's easily ignored.
He needs like 1 armor and MR per level as his passive maybe. I don't think that would be OP when I consider the rest of his toolkit.
His ulti's passive effect could be his current passive. That might be enough, in all honesty. Part of his issue is that he can't get tanky enough right now to be useful in melee range and build the damage he needs.
He's too squishy to build damage, and if he builds tank, he's easily ignored.
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Duff:isn't it one hell of an ability to be able to really never leave your lane. With tp you can destroy top by pushing and never leaving!
And yes his w tenacity stacks with Mercs according to wikia
I'm sorry but Mundo's ulti is on par with Volibear's passive until he hits level 11. It's hardly even noticeable, this point sorta falls on death ears with me.
When your ulti is barely better than another champion's passive, there's a problem.
His W does stack but it's reduced returns.
By the time Mundo's ultimate actually does something (Level 11, but really, level 16) your opponent has had a useful ulti for 5-10 levels already.
Well, for a right click champ, his E is the best steroid in the game.
Making him heavily synergystic with crit and Attack Speed.
He doesn't scale with AD or AP well, and he's melee so he should be built tanky.
Give him an attack speed tanky dps build, with a splash of crit, and you probably have a monster.
Okay! Let's see the build then. I wanna see this Tanky DPS attack speed crit hybrid build.
I think I know why Dufftime mained the champ:
Mundo's problem is M5 just went Jungle mundo in Kings of EU finals...
His only hope right now is as a jungler.
His kit is literally impossible to lane against a competent opponent.