^ I actually think during lane phase supports carry a bit harder than AD carry's do.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
The reason why I personally don't play support is because I find it hard to get on the same page as my lane-mate. When playing as the carry, I find it easier to read what the support's doing and follow up, while as a support I have to rely on the AD carry to follow up what I do properly to be really effective. That and I suck at it, I guess.

A support can actually give you a huge advantage early by doing things like warding dragon and enemy buffs/jungle. Then whenever some1 shows up in those spots just ping the **** out of them and you can get 3-4 people magically gravitate towards your pings. This can be a great way to pick up early map objectives and frustrate the enemy team.
So if you want to carry out of bot lane I agree with Duff and say a well played support wins games.
So if you want to carry out of bot lane I agree with Duff and say a well played support wins games.
Well my original statement stands. If you wanna carry a game, don't go bot lane.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
ConMasterFlash wrote:
A support can actually give you a huge advantage early by doing things like warding dragon and enemy buffs/jungle. Then whenever some1 shows up in those spots just ping the **** out of them and you can get 3-4 people magically gravitate towards your pings. This can be a great way to pick up early map objectives and frustrate the enemy team.
Since when do you have to be support to do these things?

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I often commonly see the support role being undervalued in such threads but certain support champions should most defiantly not be underestimated.