For me it sounds like strongest 1st pick should be jungle (you cannot be so easily countered, but you does not have so much influence). If not 1st picking it is direct counter to enemy pick.
But on lower elo soloQ/duoQ it tends to fall to mid/top word battle. And usual top/mid or feed lastpicks.....
That was my mentality when I started rankeds, but it does not work as you cant count with team.
So best is what was said - top or mid. But you need to know every role as in soloQ you can end up lastpick when you dont have possibility to choose.
I had a lot of fun with cassio or ziggs support too in soloQ, that zoning power is so strong all the game if you dont have much CC in team.
Same as Ali can create game and initate.
Same as Soraka can bait enemies or harras bot so enemy carry miss CS...
Support bot role is not to kill enemy, but force them to miss cs or if your lane is too strong zone them out from exp.
Yesterday I had so much fun as Cassio mid firstpick. Enemy "countered" me with LB. So my decision was to go full MR runes, classic mage masteries. Was funny when everything LB done can be countered by half of HP pot till lvl6 while I was constantly lasthitinig creeps with autoattack. When he tried to start roam creep wave was aoe-ed in a seconds and hiting tower. After that I got double bot as enemy was pushing and they run towards me asking for cassio ult :D
LB ended up with 1 kill as he could not roam at all and without that little extra gold from kills he was not able to IK any1.
I was going boots+hp pots-> 1x dorans -> null-magic mantle -> mercury's treads -> 1 more doran, WoTA, Rylais. I am not sure if Rylai's or WotA was first.
But on lower elo soloQ/duoQ it tends to fall to mid/top word battle. And usual top/mid or feed lastpicks.....
That was my mentality when I started rankeds, but it does not work as you cant count with team.
So best is what was said - top or mid. But you need to know every role as in soloQ you can end up lastpick when you dont have possibility to choose.
I had a lot of fun with cassio or ziggs support too in soloQ, that zoning power is so strong all the game if you dont have much CC in team.
Same as Ali can create game and initate.
Same as Soraka can bait enemies or harras bot so enemy carry miss CS...
Support bot role is not to kill enemy, but force them to miss cs or if your lane is too strong zone them out from exp.
Yesterday I had so much fun as Cassio mid firstpick. Enemy "countered" me with LB. So my decision was to go full MR runes, classic mage masteries. Was funny when everything LB done can be countered by half of HP pot till lvl6 while I was constantly lasthitinig creeps with autoattack. When he tried to start roam creep wave was aoe-ed in a seconds and hiting tower. After that I got double bot as enemy was pushing and they run towards me asking for cassio ult :D
LB ended up with 1 kill as he could not roam at all and without that little extra gold from kills he was not able to IK any1.
I was going boots+hp pots-> 1x dorans -> null-magic mantle -> mercury's treads -> 1 more doran, WoTA, Rylais. I am not sure if Rylai's or WotA was first.
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Top lane is too far away from the action to have a lot of influence on the game early on.
You could also say that top lane is very easy to snowball from. Since a fed bot lane will be completely out of the picture and basic warding can often thwart any gank attempts, it's pretty much just you and your lane opponent for the first half of the game. Most top laners will provide the necessary tankiness and damage threat to keep your partner safe during team fights, allowing you both to carry your team to victory (in theory).
The only problem with top lane (and jungle to some extent) is that the champions played there aren't meant to carry team fights. Even the most aggressive top laners are usually built to kill carries, disrupt enemies and/or take a lot of damage. It's the AP mid and AD carry that snowball the best and can really destroy teams. That's why I think your best chance of winning is to have a duo queue with one tanky melee and one ranged carry.
Soloqueue, I would agree that mid is probably your best bet, simply because AP carries typically have the strongest snowballs and are powerful pretty much all game. Melee top/jungle doesn't have the damage or ranged to carry fights from, AD bot is too vulnerable and is really only strong mid-late game and support can pretty much only help allies succeed, not carry a game single-handedly. As you mentioned, mid lane also has the best roam opportunities and is close to dragon and early team fights.
Mid/top is still my favorite combo because you can emerge into mid game with a farmed tank and a fed carry to team fight with.