mid/jungle is the duo queue combo mane.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
no mane, jungler mid.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
MaiLinna wrote:
Other people claim it, or are your mid champs always permabanned?
My main mid are Cass, Brand, Ken, Anivia - and the only 2 out of that that ever get banned are Cass and Ken, so not really. I just choose not to play them since I should be mastering my solo top, jungle, and bot.

So far my favorite duo combo is mid/top. You get a really strong tanky DPS and a scary AP carry. Jungler/mid also works, but your jungler won't get as farmed as a good top laner.

Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Top lane is too far away from the action to have a lot of influence on the game early on. Mid lane is great since you can gank all lanes easy and allows you to snowball hard. Just make sure you take a champion who does snowball. Jungler: gank ALL lanes but when you can't gank or fall behind you're in trouble. Bot lane is hard because you are dependent on the other player in your lane.
Personally I just play mid and I've carried a lot of games with champs like
Xerath and
Personally I just play mid and I've carried a lot of games with champs like

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Either way, if you have a tank who won't take and steals all the kills from the carries, it gets rather annoying. >.<