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Where do you think "high elo" stands?

Creator: Embracing August 27, 2013 10:59am
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Where do you think "high elo" stands?
Foolamancer's Forum Avatar
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2013 6:38pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

sadly that's very true 8l

Yep. And that's the other big issue: at Silver and Bronze, people have the morale of wet pastry.

As soon as anything bad happens, people panic, or start raging. Nobody knows how to play if they get set back. Snowballing from minute one is the only way people know how to win. If they believe that the enemy team has an "OP" champion, then they'll start giving up even if things don't go wrong - even just an "okay" start can make them start claiming it's GG at the ten minute mark.

Even better Silver players, the ones who can carry themselves to the higher tiers, have problems with this. My brother is an example; he carried himself from Bronze V to Silver I, and almost got to Gold over the past few days. But he's an entirely snowball-dependent player. If he doesn't utterly stomp his lane, he's got no idea how to play. He doesn't know how to deal with being gold-starved, or with a fed opponent. He doesn't know how to ward defensively or anything of the sort.

So if the enemy gets, say, Amumu, and nothing much happens for the first ten minutes, a lot of Bronze or Silver players will start acting like it's game the moment the laning phase ends, simply because the enemy has Curse of the Sad Mummy. The thought of not standing in one giant blob just doesn't occur to them; the enemy has Amumu, so the loss is inevitable in their eyes. Same with Shen or anyone else. If the "OP" champ in question doesn't get utterly demolished in the first ten minutes, people panic.

So, most of the time, it's just easiest to ban them and avoid the whole mess.
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XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2013 6:42pm | Report
tehAsian wrote:
You're underestimating Amumu.

Also the reason he's banned at low elo and not at high elo is because people ALWAYS group up at Bronze/Silver/Gold and you ALWAYS get 4 or 5 man ults and insta-win teamfights. In Plat/Diamond unless the other team ****s up super hard you get 2-3 on average, and 90% of the time you don't even get to snare the ADC unless you Flash for it.


People just tend to let him farm up nicely and then he reaches lvl 6 with a SOTAG and screws **** over with his ult :D

not to mention it's easy to just not stay clumped up and avoid getting hit by his ult.

Granted the last point was aimed at malphite it did represent my general opinion of how to counter hard cc aoe ults :3
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2013 6:46pm | Report
regatto wrote:

i gotta disagree with you there. gold1 to plat5 took me and literally everyone i know like 5-6 repeated bo5s of utter tryharding and as cancerous of picks as possible. my climb to plat1 was no sweat though but ive no clue about the bo5 to diamond.

Lol that's because League of Legends has an algorithm in place that makes the jump from a Division 1 to the next bracket difficult.

So it is usually very hard for players who "just barely" belong in the next bracket up to get through.

I got 0/3'd twice on my way from plat 1 to diamond 5, but there is almost no difference in the players. The same is true in pretty much every division 1 - division 5 of the the next tier. There is very little difference.

There is almost ALWAYS far more difference from div 5 -> dic 1 in the same tier.

Obviously I was being a little hyperbolic there. :P There are players, like yourself, who do actually care about knowing what they're doing, and play champions they know how to use. But in my experience, the vast majority of Bronze and Silver players do just play whatever they feel like, experienced or not.

Nope nope nope nope.

Diamond players first time **** DAILY. If anything, Diamond players care FAR less about winning than your average silver.

Pheyniex wrote:

Most people, even in Gold, maybe, can't play Shen properly, especially his ultimate. But it's a bit of a gamble if you don't ban him.

Shen has terrible winrates, which suggests he is not banworthy. The win rates are bad in every elo, suggesting that no amount of skill or ability to make plays makes him good.
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Arcana3's Forum Avatar
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Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2013 7:10pm | Report
I honestly can say. I can not play Shen and the highest ranking I had was gold 3 this season. That said, i can play champs like Xerath, and a few other high capped mid laners. I feel that people ban certain champions, on what they perceivep. Amumu is really stong in low elows because of what asian said. They always group. They don't understand when to group and when not to group, its hard for them to understand the timing. Shen is a super strong split pusher, in low and high elo. There is an entire list why certain champs are banned. Morg was banned almost entire season 2. Season one it was annie... The meta changes to meet what needs to be banned.
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Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2013 7:34pm | Report
@Xeres: I ban Kass at my league in CN ;o
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Bryun's Forum Avatar
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May 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2013 7:53pm | Report
We are talking about 'high elo', not game knowledge.

I think Plat is high, I'm pretty sure a getting Platinum was a realistic ideal for most people.

XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 29, 2013 8:03pm | Report
@Xeres: I ban Kass at my league in CN ;o

mobility and 2.5 sec silences op
also op trading post 6 in laning phase unless vs ad mid qq
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
Isolanporzellator's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 30, 2013 12:49am | Report
I always ban Fizz/ Kassadin/ Ahri because I hate it so much if the enemy dashes away with 10 hp or jumps on his stupid staff to avoid my abilities -.-
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bitpik's Forum Avatar
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Apr 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 2:54pm | Report
High elo is surely a relative amount but since the change to gold (making it 1500) i dont think Gold V can be viewed as high elo by anyone. From my perspective, Platinum+ is high elo and consists of mostly good players. Amazing players are only found at Diamond 3+ though.
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archindar's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2013 5:18pm | Report
its bronze tho not platnum we can all agree
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