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I'll Just Leave This Here. :) | TheLoebern96

Creator: Sevinho April 15, 2012 1:39pm
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Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 3:09am | Report
Please use the report system for these types of complaints.

Spamming refresh but not updating your guide is... Weak. We'd rather not have to punish someone for doing this but at the same time, it's not fair to other authors if you refuse to maintain your guide but keep knocking others down. Theoretically you should be getting down votes but sometimes established guides just have too much voting history. If people are doing this you can feel free to report them, and we will look into it. Sometimes it just takes a little chatting with the author to sort it out, they may not realize they're doing any harm. Some authors feel that their guide still provides useful information despite being outdated, but in that case they should at least mark those sections as outdated so readers aren't confused.

Really it's just a grey area. If the author has some outdated information but also still has a lot of useful information, and is actively responding to comments on their guide, should we still pull it? It's complicated. Anyways, like I said it's worth chatting with the author so you can let us know.

Plagiarism is not tolerated, always report it.
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 6:30am | Report
Matt wrote:
If the author has some outdated information but also still has a lot of useful information, and is actively responding to comments on their guide, should we still pull it?

If they have time to reply to comments, why don't they have time to edit the guide? I know I've been uber lazy and not edited my guides when patches came out that changed gameplay, or abilities etc. But I'm pretty conscientious, so I'd update my guides within a week or two of the patch/change occurring (removal of dogde - Nasus guide, Vayne nerf, Stark's changed, Warwick buff).

Having a freshness filter that automatically archived guides that were not updated in 3 months was meant to deal with people who no longer cared for their guides (in the sense that "yes, my guide is #1, it's awesome, but I don't CARE about the masses who read the wrong information, all I care about is it remaining #1").

What I'm talking about are authors who intentionally refresh the guide despite not updating the guide when it needs to be updated.

If you don't care enough about your readers to update the guide when a gameplay aspect changes, you don't deserve to have your guide up. It just gives MobaFire a bad name, especially if these outdated guides are highly rated.
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Infectious Lepar
Infectious Lepar's Forum Avatar
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Sep 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 3:36pm | Report
I'm on the same page as you Jai, I'm a firm believer in the idea that a guide is never truly finished because as long as there are updates you should be adjusting your guide to fit the changes. Obviously not all guides are affected by patches to lol; but the unwillingness to continue to update ones that are is just laziness. Laziness is not a factor for pulling a guide, but when laziness leads to you refreshing your guide so you can have another top-ranked guide, maybe you should consider archiving it anyway since you obviously can't dedicate more time to keeping it up.
It seems like having decent time management skills relates to the number of guides you should have. Basically, if you can easily handle 3 guides but 4 becomes a hassle maybe you should archive all but your top 3 and cycle the others in and out of use when you have time to make updates to them.
Ugh, I agree with Matt too, this is such a grey area...
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Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 4:50pm | Report
There's also an issue where someone says a certain strategy is outdated but the author insists it still works and that's why they don't want to change it. Basically we have to take it on a case by case basis and hopefully a quick PM to the author will clarify things. If it seems like an author is genuinely bumping their guide just to remain #1 but not willing to take the time to update it, we may have to consider taking other actions but, it's tough to say until we speak with the author.
Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 5:01pm | Report
If the abilities/items were not updated and the author still refreshes the guide then you should intervene because they're deliberately bypassing the system. If someone wants to look for old guides that still provide information they have the ability to do so. There is no reason to try and cheat the system by giving an outdated guide the fresh tag.

If the abilities/items are updated but the strategy/build not longer then in my opinion you don't have the right to intervene. That would be like intervening when a bad guide gets upvoted by the community. If they're not cheating the system, even if they're providing false information, you can't intervene or you'll be going against the nature of the guide ratings: it's the community that decides. If it's truly bad then it'll eventually get downvotes. If the guide is bad but still manages to maintain a high score then it's just one more among the many already up there.
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