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Topic wrongly transferred

Creator: ShiftyCake May 3, 2012 5:55am

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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2012 5:55am | Report
Hello mysterious people that fix everything. This topic was originally placed in General Discussion. After about 5 minutes, it is mysteriously moved to another topic called "Champions & Item Ideas". I get message, a moderator explains to me that it has been moved their due to my topic being about a new champion. First off:

Champion & Item Ideas: Share your ideas for new champions, new items or other improvements to LoL!

What? My topic is a story,created by me for the enjoyment of those nefarious LoL players. It is none of the above. I consider this a misunderstanding, for this work is technically "fan-fiction" and I am in no way creating a new champion.

Enough of my droning, the important thing is that my topic has been wrongly moved. I would ask that it is moved back to general discussion where it belongs. Otherwise, please provide an adequate reason why not.
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
Nyoike's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2012 9:56am | Report
I agree, this would go in General Discussion. This has nothing to do with the game itself, it's a fan fic story that only involves the lore.

General discussion even classifies "Fan art, etc." in it's area, would this not be a form of art?
To be updated soon!
IceCreamy's Forum Avatar
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Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2012 1:33pm | Report
Why don't you just reply to the message that moderator sent you? ._.

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask

Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.

Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs

Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
ShiftyCake's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2012 3:16pm | Report
I see you're look IceCreamy...

I did respond, straight away in fact. I posted here because I received no reply, and my topic still hasn't been moved...:/
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2012 3:38pm | Report
This is why we should have a "Written Works" sub forum to go along with our "Signature & Arts" sub forum :)
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by marcospyder ♡
ShiftyCake's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2012 7:23pm | Report
^ true. Yet I doubt it will happen, and the more pressing matter of me being wrongly transferred has not been answered.
I'm annoyed now.
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2012 7:24pm | Report
I don't know who moved it, but I fully support the decisions of our moderators. That said, I can see how this is arguable. I also just want us to stop bumping this thread. I've moved it back to General Discussion for you.

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