I'd vote against Darius, when he's behind he can't really do anything from my experience. It's bully or die, he's really item-reliant and he has no reliable disengage. Could be just me though, I'm not a Darius person.
Maybe add a ranged top laner like Kennen?
I'd say Ezreal is actually a pretty easy adc. I think beginners have more of a hard time with positioning and knowing when to engage than with hitting skillshots, so I consider error recovery skills like dashes and blinks immensely valuable.
I agree with the rest of your "avoid" list. Looks good!
Maybe add a ranged top laner like Kennen?
I'd say Ezreal is actually a pretty easy adc. I think beginners have more of a hard time with positioning and knowing when to engage than with hitting skillshots, so I consider error recovery skills like dashes and blinks immensely valuable.
I agree with the rest of your "avoid" list. Looks good!
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Latest Legend wrote:
I'd vote against Darius, when he's behind he can't really do anything from my experience. It's bully or die, he's really item-reliant and he has no reliable disengage. Could be just me though, I'm not a Darius person.
Maybe add a ranged top laner like Kennen?
I'd say Ezreal is actually a pretty easy adc. I think beginners have more of a hard time with positioning and knowing when to engage than with hitting skillshots, so I consider error recovery skills like dashes and blinks immensely valuable.
I agree with the rest of your "avoid" list. Looks good!
Maybe add a ranged top laner like Kennen?
I'd say Ezreal is actually a pretty easy adc. I think beginners have more of a hard time with positioning and knowing when to engage than with hitting skillshots, so I consider error recovery skills like dashes and blinks immensely valuable.
I agree with the rest of your "avoid" list. Looks good!
Thanks bro I removed Darius and Ezreal now.
I don't think Sona should be there, she's a faceroll champ and has no skillshots, true, but she's really squishy with no gapclosers. She's also pretty mana hungry if you don't manage well and if you play her as a healer (and not a poker) she's not very strong; but if you play her as a poker, she's not very simple to play.
I'd probably put Nami or Janna there instead, Morgana perhaps too. Even though they have skillshots, they're a lot safer and more noob friendly imo.
I'd probably put Nami or Janna there instead, Morgana perhaps too. Even though they have skillshots, they're a lot safer and more noob friendly imo.
by jhoijhoi
I am not sure if Maokai is easy to play right now since his laning phase is pretty ****. I would rather recommend Nautilus, better laning phase and a point&click-ult.
Also I don't think xerath is a great beginner champion in mid since he is skillshot only
Also I don't think xerath is a great beginner champion in mid since he is skillshot only
DreamingInRed wrote:
I am not sure if Maokai is easy to play right now since his laning phase is pretty ****. I would rather recommend Nautilus, better laning phase and a point&click-ult.
For mid, I would think maybe Annie before Xerath and TF. I feel like she is a really good go-to new champion for mid lane. Her range sucks compared to others but she can miss Tibbers and still do damage when Tibs goes all crazy. She also is easier to farm with so if you miss last hitting (which is a huge thing for new players), you don't have to worry. TF can be more difficult because they might not even use their ult if they're new or they might ult INTO the enemy team- positioning can be important with him; Plus, his laning phase kinda sucks. With people like Xerath and Lux, you have ALL skillshots so it might be harder for new players. For Lux especially because she is pretty vulnerable against a lot of skill matchups and she's pretty hard to actually master with positioning and using her shield, slow, and other resources to their full potential- but I would also agree with you that her and Xerath can be safe due to their range and good damage output.
Well for this new season I would recommend you to play tank champions
It is really sad to be said but if you are a tank you will win more easily your games tanks are just overpowered right now
Moreover if I have an other advice to give I would say to not buy much item with health but to go for armor and magic resistance because they will scale way more than flat health :)
With this even an average player can make his way to at least gold or height gold then skill will start to be needed to climb more
Wished to have been for any help if you have a question I will be around :)
Well for this new season I would recommend you to play tank champions
It is really sad to be said but if you are a tank you will win more easily your games tanks are just overpowered right now
Moreover if I have an other advice to give I would say to not buy much item with health but to go for armor and magic resistance because they will scale way more than flat health :)
With this even an average player can make his way to at least gold or height gold then skill will start to be needed to climb more
Wished to have been for any help if you have a question I will be around :)
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Maokai for top lane with Iceborn Gauntlet Sunfire Aegis Spirit Visage
Reason: point/click cc, high base damage, sustain.
Honorable mentions: Garen, Kennen, Renekton
Hecarim for jungle with Ghost Stalker's Blade - Cinderhulk Trinity Force Dead Man's Plate
Reason: clear speed on raptor, natural damage and tankiness, easy gank pre-6 and even easier post-6.
Honorable mentions: Vi, Xin Zhao
Caitlyn for ADC with Infinity Edge Blade of the Ruined King Rapid Firecannon Runaan's Hurricane
Reason: confirm crit, range, poke, trap.
Honorable mentions: Varus Miss Fortune
Nami for support with Redemption Eye of the Watchers
Reason: straight forward game play, large hit box game changing CC.
Honorable mentions: Soraka, Alistar, Sona
Annie for mid with Luden's Tempest Morellonomicon
Reason: Easy CC, very hard to miss ult, fool proof
Honorable mentions: Ahri, Brand, Lux, Twisted Fate, Xerath
Champions that new player should avoid
Mordekaiser - lack CC and gap closer
Draven - catching axe put new player in awkward position
Lucian - low range and risky play style
Yasuo Zed Riven Lee Sin Elise - rely too much on outplay
Update for more 'avoid' champions.
Azir Taliyah