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Help with playing Mordekaiser..

Creator: HolyandClean777 June 27, 2012 12:39pm
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2012 6:09am | Report
Go mid.

Top he's easily beaten / counterpicked

For items you can go like
Boots + 3 health pots
Will of the ancients

something along the lanes of a tanky AP leaning towards AP like vladimir or Kennen.

Max E first Q second

And just test him out in a couple of normals. He's not that hard to pick up ^ ^
The Overmyynd
The Overmyynd's Forum Avatar
Feb 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 29, 2012 8:50am | Report
OK, here is a good rundown of how to play Mordekaiser (please ignore the haters, i created this build and playstyle myself, so i'm gonna get some lash on people that haven't seen me play)

First, the build:

Start with Doran's Shield for the extra armor, health, and health regen (which mord really needs b/c his spells use his own health)

Next, get a Hextech Revolver so your spells are essentially free (and now they should be doing some good damage ;) )

After you get your hextech, get your Ionian Boots of Lucidity for the CDR (this will make sense later)

After you get finish your boots, finish your Will of the Ancients from the hextech. Now you have LOTS of AP, and your spells actually GIVE you health, instead of cost health XD

Get Glacial Shroud and build it into Frozen Heart. yes, i know that gives mana, but frankly, i don't care. All the other stats are amazing, 20% CDR (which will pretty much give you max cdr with your boots), a 20% attack speed debuff to all nearby enemy champs, AND 99 armor. With all that awesomness, its WORTH an extra 400 gold to me that i spend and dont need.

After FH, get the Giant's Belt section of Rylai's Crystal Scepter, then finish it off.

After RCS, grab Abyssal Mask

The last item is kinda situational. If you aren't dying alot, grab Rabadon's Deathcap. If you are, and the AD is killing you, get Zhonya's Hourglass. If their AP is killing you, grab Force of Nature or Guardian Angel.

Why these items? Well, most AP characters are pretty burst-y. They come in, drop a nuke on someone's ***, then leave. The problem with this is, they are very vulnerable during teamfights to focusing. Its like a rocket launcher made of glass. This build pretty much makes Mord a fully automatic tommy gun mounted on a Sherman tank. No, late game his single abilities don't do a whole lot of damage by themselves, but they come out so freakin fast, it doesn't matter. The biggest idea is that at max lvl, his passive shield only has a cap of 630 damage. So this build capitalizes on the concept that if you are always spamming abilities, your shield will never run out. and it works, very well, on that.

As far as playstyle goes, you can either run him in mid or solo top. In mid he counters champs like Vladimir and Fizz, and solo top, the only champs you really have to watch out for are Olaf Garen and Darius. Other than that, i generally dont have any troubles. generally tho, i play him solo top in Twisted Treeline to farm IP.

Max Siphon of Destruction first, then Mace of Spades, then the shield. With max CDR, the mace of spade cooldown is about 2 seconds, and the siphon of destruction cooldown is about 3.4 seconds. At max level, as soon as your shield effect is over, you can instantly use it again.

One of the best (and worst) things about Mord is the fact that he is one of the best farmers in the game. He can clear out a creep wave in about two seconds late game. Yes, its awesome because its possible to have double the next highest CS of anyone in the game, but that also means you are going to be pushed to the enemy turret alot, which is also a good and bad thing. Good, in that it forces your opponent to farm at his turret, which means he will be losing alot of last hits (and the cash that comes with it). But it also leaves you very open to ganks. You must pace yourself, or at least GTFO once you clear the creep wave so you dont get ganked. If you are in Twisted Treeline, this is a great time to head into your jungle and farm there.

In teamfights, make sure to Ult their ad carries so when they die, all their fun firepower becomes yours to control.

Well, thats a really general, basic rundown of how to play Mord. If you have any more questions feel free to PM me or comment in this thread.

Hope this helps XD

Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
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