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[Q]AD Ezreal, Getting ahead and staying ahead

Creator: Silent331 August 24, 2011 1:11pm
Silent331's Forum Avatar
Aug 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2011 1:11pm | Report
First off i will say that I am deep in elo hell and it sucks. My main champion is AD Ezreal and I play him for 80%+ of my games. I often take mid lane. Now i will list my questions in order of when they are important in the game.

Game scenario : Im AD Ezreal in mid and both teams use a jungler.

I have no issues getting first blood, but after I am often low on health, should i stay and push the lane up and then recall or should i just clean up any 1 hit minions and then recall?

When I am safely 1-0 versus the mid laner should I be agressive or stay back and harass without exposing myself to the enemy jungler?

Versus an enemy jungler who is going to be looking to gank, how should i position myself in mid lane to effectively harass the enemy champion without risk of overextending?

Which side of the middle lane should I ward? the side with red or the side with blue(in their jungle) or what?

Now that I am ahead and around level 6-8 with at least one kill on the enemy champion in mid lane, how can i assist to get the rest of my team get ahead of the people in their lanes?

Once my team has the lead, what is the best way to approach the mid-late game?

Thanks everyone for putting up with all my questions, please answer what questions you can and the more detail the better.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2011 1:21pm | Report
Silent331 wrote:

First off i will say that I am deep in elo hell and it sucks. My main champion is AD Ezreal and I play him for 80%+ of my games. I often take mid lane. Now i will list my questions in order of when they are important in the game.

Game scenario : Im AD Ezreal in mid and both teams use a jungler.

I have no issues getting first blood, but after I am often low on health, should i stay and push the lane up and then recall or should i just clean up any 1 hit minions and then recall?For first blood, go back immediately or they will be back in mid before you if it's really early and you don't have teleport.

When I am safely 1-0 versus the mid laner should I be agressive or stay back and harass without exposing myself to the enemy jungler?If you can be aggressive, because you're smart and warded, then do so.

Versus an enemy jungler who is going to be looking to gank, how should i position myself in mid lane to effectively harass the enemy champion without risk of overextending?Just focus on last hitting and work on hitting them with Essence Flux if you can spare the mana and doesn't put you into a place where you can't use Arcane shift to escape.

Which side of the middle lane should I ward? the side with red or the side with blue(in their jungle) or what?Both if you can. The easier one to ward is the one with the thin wall because you can easily ward over it so, their blue side.

Now that I am ahead and around level 6-8 with at least one kill on the enemy champion in mid lane, how can i assist to get the rest of my team get ahead of the people in their lanes?Try not to leave until you push the first tower down then, start accounting for travel time on your ult and use it to help with kills on top or bot.

Once my team has the lead, what is the best way to approach the mid-late game?Poke, poke, poke. That's really all Ez is good at. If you have a clear shot on your ult, use it. Try to assist your team with Essence Flux. If things really start to go bad, you back out. Also, warding is the most important. You're one of the more mobile carries but also very vulnerable so, ward that **** so you don't get caught off guard. Baron and dragon are the 2 most important places.

Thanks everyone for putting up with all my questions, please answer what questions you can and the more detail the better.

All my responses are in green. Hope this helps.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

theBMB's Forum Avatar
Feb 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2011 1:27pm | Report
Game scenario : Im AD Ezreal in mid and both teams use a jungler.

Play Ashe, built in ward FTW

I have no issues getting first blood, but after I am often low on health, should i stay and push the lane up and then recall or should i just clean up any 1 hit minions and then recall?

Depends on if you know where the enemy jungler is and whether there are any MIAs from other lanes. If the answer to those questions is no and yes respectively, then you should recall as soon as possible, especially if you are low enough health that you are viable for a tower dive. Otherwise, you should only stay if you have some way of restoring your health like a health pot or a vamp scepter.

When I am safely 1-0 versus the mid laner should I be agressive or stay back and harass without exposing myself to the enemy jungler?

Only be aggressive if you actually went back and have an item advantage (like buying boots before they do), otherwise the only advantage you have is a little extra gold, and that doesn't do squat in a fight. Play as normal, harass as aggressively as your skill level allows, JUST DON'T DIE, that is your top priority besides farming.

Versus an enemy jungler who is going to be looking to gank, how should i position myself in mid lane to effectively harass the enemy champion without risk of overextending?

Wards allow you to position yourself however you like. Also as Ez, you shouldn't have too much to worry about, just don't burn your built in flash and you can escape from most everything. Also, guage how likely it is that your lane is going to be ganked. If your allies are pushing their lanes way harder than you are, it's pretty unlikely that you're going to be ganked (unless you're low health, then be super careful)

Which side of the middle lane should I ward? the side with red or the side with blue(in their jungle) or what?

Both if possible (just buy 2 wards instead of one), but it's more likely that the enemy jungler will be coming from their red. I personally tend to ward bottom bush since that's closer to dragon as well.

Now that I am ahead and around level 6-8 with at least one kill on the enemy champion in mid lane, how can i assist to get the rest of my team get ahead of the people in their lanes?

Since you have a global ult, learn to send it to your teammates lanes to give them some support. For example, if you see your teammates getting pushed to their tower with a huge minion wave, shoot your ult at the wave to alleviate the damage to the turret. Or if you think you can accurately plot the position of a low health enemy while they're escaping, send your ult to secure the kill. Other than that, keep the pressure on the enemy mid until their turret is down. You can also leave your lane if you have it pushed out to the enemy turret to gank an enemy lane.

Once my team has the lead, what is the best way to approach the mid-late game?

Keep the pressure up, continue to push towers and secure dragon at every opportunity. If you ever stop pressuring the enemy, they will be able to come back and bite you in the butt. I've seen it happen too many times. Teams who don't push and just try to get kills, end up losing because they let the enemy team farm too much and catch up.
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2011 4:48pm | Report

Which side of the middle lane should I ward? the side with red or the side with blue(in their jungle) or what?Both if you can. The easier one to ward is the one with the thin wall because you can easily ward over it so, their blue side.

I disagree with this. Warding both sides is great, but you're usually more likely to catch the enemy jungler if you ward the enemies' red side. Most jungle routes end there, and a jungler will probably aim to gank once they have red. Unless they want to waste a lot of time going around (if they know you warded there), they'll probably show up on the red side.

It also depends on which jungler you're facing of course. Get to know the common jungle routes and you can try to predict which side he'll show up on. The best way to be secure is to ward both sides of course.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
Vaellen's Forum Avatar
Jul 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 28, 2011 6:31am | Report
The only way you can be ganked with Ezreal by a jungler is if that jungler is Warwick at level 6 or if you are fighting Malzahar at mid and he is level 6 or if both the jungler and the mid have enough CC duration to not enable you to use your Arcane Shift.

For instance:

You are level 6 and are fighting Lux in mid lane who is also level 6. Warwick is the enemy jungler and he is level 6 as well. He uses Flash + Infinite Duress after which you get a Light Binding on you by Lux followed by all of hers and Warwick's damage which will be enough to kill you at that level because Ezreal is relatively squishy.

If you have at least 2 wards at the right places though, you are impossible to gank.

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