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To Brand or not to Brand

Creator: scornfall January 3, 2013 6:41am
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2013 10:44am | Report
FireLord wrote:

worst? if you know how to play him well you'll completly destroy your enemies, specially in dominion

at level 27 sure you can, at level 30 against good players (there are bad players at 30 too) you won't be able to.

You can make anything work at low elo normals, but in competitive play, not really
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
scornfall's Forum Avatar
Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2013 11:56am | Report
Ok, so Brand isnt the BEST choice (i read about him when he was permabaned, and considered as OP champion).

Ok, so im gona tell u what i want to do and u will help me to pick something.
As i said im newbe to the game, so for me, killing other ppl is the most fun thing. Please understand me, I dont give a damn about being support, tank etc. . I just want to see many kills on my scoreboard ( i know it's a munchkin syndrome but im OK with this).
And i would like to play a caster/mage champion (and by this i dont mean carry mid chars but just not melee). Any powerfull wizzard out there that fits the role of being a killer?
FireLord's Forum Avatar
Dec 20th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2013 12:02pm | Report
malzanar is pretty cool
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boythinks's Forum Avatar
Dec 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2013 3:19pm | Report
maybe think of going with a champ along the lines of Katarina, khazix, Diana, Fizz or Kassadin (AP Assassin type)... plyed well they can rackup huge kill counts and terrorise the opposition
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2013 10:28pm | Report
scornfall wrote:

I dont give a damn about being support, tank etc. . I just want to see many kills on my scoreboard ( i know it's a munchkin syndrome but im OK with this).

ya... I would say you have virtually no understanding of how this game works. This isn't halo 4

but in any case, if all you care about is kills, go for a snow-bally assassin like Fizz, Katarina, Talon, Kassadin, etc.
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
scornfall's Forum Avatar
Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 7, 2013 12:43am | Report
You are 100% right here, Im newbee, I still dont understand how this game works, and thats why killing gives me most fun. I know its lame but when i'll start playing against real people, and not with the bots, I will learn how to play properly. For now i just want to have some fun.

I was considering to buy Kassadin because of his look and "cthulhu's lore". Thanks for all replys and help.
FireLord's Forum Avatar
Dec 20th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 7, 2013 7:26am | Report
scornfall wrote:
I know its lame but when i'll start playing against real people, and not with the bots, I will learn how to play properly.

i dont think you should be playing against bots. its better to play against real people and lose because that way youll still learn something. against bots you dont learn anything besides what your skills do.
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scornfall's Forum Avatar
Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 7, 2013 10:14am | Report
Well, I'm trying to get the general idea what is LOL about. Playing against real ppl requires at last a bit of the knowledge about the game.

Now i only know that, as a solo mid my role is to lvl up as fast as I can, feed up, and gather items to be able to carry my team and deal a lot of dmg to the enemy in teamfights ( i know its not all, just general idea).

But for instance i don't know what are the other lanes roles. Why ppl go solo top and 2 champions at bot lane but not solo bot and 2 champs top?

What does the jungler do apart from killing mobs (giving buffs to team carrys) and being a ganker (i know it stops enemy from lvling/feding)?

I may fail against real ppl because of lack of skill, but failing because of lack of knowledge is just unfair, and inproper for my teammates.

Btw please forgive me my mystakes as english language isn't my native one. I'm trying to be as clear as I can, but I know that my grammary sucks.
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 7, 2013 10:50am | Report
scornfall wrote:

Well, I'm trying to get the general idea what is LOL about. Playing against real ppl requires at last a bit of the knowledge about the game.

Now i only know that, as a solo mid my role is to lvl up as fast as I can, feed up, and gather items to be able to carry my team and deal a lot of dmg to the enemy in teamfights ( i know its not all, just general idea).

But for instance i don't know what are the other lanes roles. Why ppl go solo top and 2 champions at bot lane but not solo bot and 2 champs top?

What does the jungler do apart from killing mobs (giving buffs to team carrys) and being a ganker (i know it stops enemy from lvling/feding)?

I may fail against real ppl because of lack of skill, but failing because of lack of knowledge is just unfair, and inproper for my teammates.

Btw please forgive me my mystakes as english language isn't my native one. I'm trying to be as clear as I can, but I know that my grammary sucks.

Bot games haven't been around forever. Most of the experienced players you see around learned to play without playing a bot game since there were none. You will learn much faster by playing against real opponents.

As for the meta, it's not as unbreakable as you may think, but here's the gist of it:

AP carries tend to go mid (though now people have been sending AD bruisers/assassins mid, which is annoying) since they can have a fairly safe early game, they can waveclear and push to tower very quickly (or at least most of them can), they're very close to blue buff and they can roam to other lanes to gank with their burst after level 6. APs tend to need solo lanes so they can get the experience they need to level up their abilities quickly.

AD carries and supports lane together. AD carries tend to have vulnerable early games and are more dependent on getting farm, gold and items than anyone else. Supports need very little gold or items to do their job well, so they get the job of protecting the AD carry and helping him farm safely (through ward coverage and the use of their spells and presence in lane) in the early game. Since neither AD carries nor supports really need levels, it's fine to have them share experience in a duo lane. This duo lane usually goes bot to give your team more control of the Dragon, rather than having them top and having to walk all the way down to dragon in order to fight there.

Solo tops are a little more flexible, but are generally pretty tanky champions, often melee, and most of them AD, though there are a fair number of AP-based top laners as well. These champions tend to be strong duelists, threatening both in early laning and in small skirmishes. Top lane is (in my opinion) the most intense lane to play since both players can typically turn any small advantage into a huge deficit for the enemy top laner. If one top laner gets an advantage, they can often dominate the rest of the laning phase with that advantage unless the other player is able to turn the tide by outplaying them or getting a successful jungler gank. In team fights, top laners usually end up protecting the AP and AD carries and absorbing most of the damage from the enemy team.

Jungling is the most complicated role and it's very hard to explain in a brief paragraph, but I'll do my best. Jungling is a part of the LoL meta in order to allow two champions on the team to lane by themselves (thus giving them more gold and experience) while the jungler can farm the jungle camps for gold and provide map pressure. It is the jungler's responsibility not only to farm jungle monsters for gold and experience, but also to weaken the blue golem so the AP mid can kill it (generally the first blue buff goes to the jungler though), to assist in warding and counter-warding, to gank (ambush) the enemy lanes if possible, to counter-gank the enemy jungler (ambushing the ambusher) and to coordinate the team for objectives like Dragon. Those are only some of the most basic and obvious duties to perform as a jungler, though it can get a lot more complicated than that. If you're just learning the game, I would recommend starting off in one of the lanes before you try jungling. You won't be a good jungler anyway unless you have a good understanding of how laning phase works.

Hope that helps a bit.
Thanks to Minho for the sig!
scornfall's Forum Avatar
Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 7, 2013 11:33am | Report
That's something i was looking for. A simple guide for " what is your role for dummies". Thank You a lot sir. I apreciate that You spend at last few minutes typing this block of text, just to help me. Rep + and once more thanks.
Im gona paste it on my desktop :).

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