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Udyr Help?

Creator: adam483t July 21, 2011 10:36am
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adam483t's Forum Avatar
Jun 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 21, 2011 10:36am | Report
I've been doing pretty decent with Udyr so far. I'm only level 21, and I've just been doing single queue matches. I've been using the top rated guide for Udyr, and have been phoenix jungling.

Part of me feels like I'm not playing him to the best of my abilities though. I could use some help with what stances I should use while ganking, or in a team fight. At the moment, I've been running in and stunning with bear, switching to phoenix and attacking, and switching from bear to turtle and back to phoenix when needed. I'm not sure how long I should stay in each though, and it's making me wonder which killing "rotation" or stance is the quickest.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 21, 2011 5:02pm | Report
For a ton of damage, you want tiger.
I jungle Tiger and, IMO, it's better but, it's not really. they're both about the same.
If you want the damage, you want Tiger. It helps push towers and, it's a bit better for ganking.
True love is found only in yourself.
adam483t's Forum Avatar
Jun 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2011 10:24am | Report
So for ganking and killing, just keep on activating tiger stance? With healthy helpings of bear for escapes, and turtle for defense?
Symphunny's Forum Avatar
Mar 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2011 10:58am | Report
Udyrs hella fun, gotta make a build soon.

Spam Blazing Stampede + Iron Mantle

Blazing Stampede for the stun, then Wilding Claw/ Wingborne Storm depending on what kind of udyr you play.

Lately ive been testing having 5 in Wilding Claw, Blazing Stampede, and Wingborne Storm and only keeping 3 in Iron Mantle and ganking like this: Blazing Stampede, turn on Wingborne Storm for +AD and AP and then going into Wilding Claw to maul them

adam483t wrote:

So for ganking and killing, just keep on activating tiger stance? With healthy helpings of bear for escapes, and turtle for defense?

The way i play udyr is dps, but sometimes in ranked, i build some tanky items such as FoN and Warmogs.

My first build is Cloth Armor + Health Potion x5 > Madred's Razors > Boots > Berserker's Greaves > Wriggle's Lantern (sell later on) > Sheen > Trinity Force > Madred's Bloodrazor > Phantom Dancer > Bloodthirster (by this point you can solo baron) > Bloodthirster/ Black Cleaver

But the build im building and prefer now is Cloth Armor + Health Potion x5 > Madred's Razors > Boots > Mercury's Treads > Wriggle's Lantern (sell later on) > Sheen > Trinity Force > Madred's Bloodrazor > and your choice of Bloodthirster - Black Cleaver - Force of Nature - Randuin's Omen - Frozen Heart - or any tanky item or dps. I usually get fed and go full dps.

Special thanks to Brynollf, -FanArt-, Xiaowiriamu (x3), Spooon, reppinFTC and jhoijhoi for making the awesome sigs :P
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2011 2:11pm | Report
Tanky/DPS is the more... accepted way to build him because, he has to be tanky to survive being kited because he has no reliable gap closer.
The reason I think Tiger jungling is better is because, you can start pushing way faster than if you were jungling with Phoenix.
adam483t wrote:

So for ganking and killing, just keep on activating tiger stance? With healthy helpings of bear for escapes, and turtle for defense?

Not exactly. Bear should be your first skill when coming out of the bush to gank. After you stun them, then switch to tiger. While ganking, only use Turtle if you're escaping because it lowers your DPS. Bear should be switched to whenever it comes up for the stun.
Agreeing with Symphunny about running technique.

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