Bloofyre wrote:
May a squadron of beautiful vaginas find their way to your crotch by day's end.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
sure thing~
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Swain is power, there are only two kinds of Swain, good Swain and bad Swain. A good Swain is extremely annoying to play against and a fed Swain is impossible to kill because of his ult, especially if he has blue. Bad Swain just feeds. Bad Swain is actually pretty uncommon since the only people who play Swain are people who cared enough to get good at him.
I'm actually thinking of picking up Brand this week, I want to have a solid AP caster under my belt, I used to play Anivia, but her Ice ball is frustratingly slow.
I'm actually thinking of picking up Brand this week, I want to have a solid AP caster under my belt, I used to play Anivia, but her Ice ball is frustratingly slow.
theBMB wrote:
Swain is power, there are only two kinds of Swain, good Swain and bad Swain. A good Swain is extremely annoying to play against and a fed Swain is impossible to kill because of his ult, especially if he has blue. Bad Swain just feeds. Bad Swain is actually pretty uncommon since the only people who play Swain are people who cared enough to get good at him.
I'm actually thinking of picking up Brand this week, I want to have a solid AP caster under my belt, I used to play Anivia, but her Ice ball is frustratingly slow.
If you can live with anivia mana costs, then you should like brand.
He doesn't do as much damage of course, but if he lands his stun, he can get really easy early kills.
Brand+Taric bottom is also extremely nasty.
Tri lane for life.
Seeing as this is a champ help thread, I am thinking of purchasing Rumble. I play Anivia, Yi, and Amumu mostly. LeBlanc was only while I was a beginner. Would Rumble be good? I love AoE, and I know he CAN nuke. He is also survivable which I do enjoy. Are there any downsides to him? Or should I invest in an AD champ that isn't Yi first?
Pantheon 12
Master Yi 11
Tryndamere 10
Gangplank 9
Kayle 9
Udyr 9
Dr Mundo 9
Xin Zhao 9
Malphite 9
Jax 9
Renekton 9
Sivir 9
Tristana 8
Mordekaiser 8
Garen 8
Trundle 8
Miss Fortune 7
Nasus 7
Olaf 7
Warwick 7
Kassadin 7
Poppy 7
Singed 6
Lee Sin 6
Ashe 5
Nunu 5
Kennen 5
Irelia 5
Nidalee 5
Kog Maw 5
Teemo 4
Taric 4
Gragas 4
Twitch 4
Soraka 4
Ezreal 4
Janna 4
Swain 3
Nocturne 3
Katarina 3
Shaco 3
Blitzcrank 3
Rammus 3
Evelynn 3
Zilean 3
Sona 3
Twisted Fate 3
Caitlyn 3
Brand 2
Akali 2
Cho Gath 2
Alistar 2
Karthus 2
Amumu 2
Veigar 1
Corki 1
Maokai 1
Jarvin IV 1
Sion 0
Shen 0
Cassiopeia 0
Karma 0
Vladmir 0
Morgana 0
Ryze 0
Urgot 0
Annie -1
Galio -1
Malzahar -1
Heimerdinger -1
Anivia -1
Lux -2
LeBlanc -3
Fiddlesticks -3
I think that fits very good to me^^
Only Mumu is a bit low^^.
Master Yi 11
Tryndamere 10
Gangplank 9
Kayle 9
Udyr 9
Dr Mundo 9
Xin Zhao 9
Malphite 9
Jax 9
Renekton 9
Sivir 9
Tristana 8
Mordekaiser 8
Garen 8
Trundle 8
Miss Fortune 7
Nasus 7
Olaf 7
Warwick 7
Kassadin 7
Poppy 7
Singed 6
Lee Sin 6
Ashe 5
Nunu 5
Kennen 5
Irelia 5
Nidalee 5
Kog Maw 5
Teemo 4
Taric 4
Gragas 4
Twitch 4
Soraka 4
Ezreal 4
Janna 4
Swain 3
Nocturne 3
Katarina 3
Shaco 3
Blitzcrank 3
Rammus 3
Evelynn 3
Zilean 3
Sona 3
Twisted Fate 3
Caitlyn 3
Brand 2
Akali 2
Cho Gath 2
Alistar 2
Karthus 2
Amumu 2
Veigar 1
Corki 1
Maokai 1
Jarvin IV 1
Sion 0
Shen 0
Cassiopeia 0
Karma 0
Vladmir 0
Morgana 0
Ryze 0
Urgot 0
Annie -1
Galio -1
Malzahar -1
Heimerdinger -1
Anivia -1
Lux -2
LeBlanc -3
Fiddlesticks -3
I think that fits very good to me^^
Only Mumu is a bit low^^.
He is gonna kill you!!!
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Brand has a stun
and no one will be similar to LeBlanc, all the champs are different :S