I hope this is a joke. If it isn't then you are either ignorant of the fact that "free ****" isn't free, people who work for a living pay for you to get that, or you are an awful person who doesn't care that working people pay for your stupid Obamaphone.
QQ Kylo Ren is kind of a ***** :[
Teemoshy wrote:
I hope this is a joke. If it isn't then you are either ignorant of the fact that "free ****" isn't free, people who work for a living pay for you to get that, or you are an awful person who doesn't care that working people pay for your stupid Obamaphone.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Vynertje wrote:
american politics are like the funniest thing ever
american politics are like the funniest thing ever
Dude, they really are. Also!
Teemoshy wrote:
I hope this is a joke. If it isn't then you are either ignorant of the fact that "free ****" isn't free, people who work for a living pay for you to get that, or you are an awful person who doesn't care that working people pay for your stupid Obamaphone.
I don't understand why people are like, "access to semi-essential things for more people is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!"
Like, free community college for 2 years, with a stipulation of that you have to be working and have above a certain GPA sounds pretty nice to me. And, surprise surprise, one person is not straight up paying for another person's community college tuition. It's split over every tax payer.
But uhh, politics aren't really my strong point, so I won't really argue more unless it's absolutely necessary. :P
Teemoshy wrote:
I hope this is a joke. If it isn't then you are either ignorant of the fact that "free ****" isn't free, people who work for a living pay for you to get that, or you are an awful person who doesn't care that working people pay for your stupid Obamaphone.
Whowould you vote for? Donald "Stay and we keep the oil" Trump who prohably isn't a corrupt piece of **** like pretty much every other politician of yours(I am not saying the europen ones are much better because they aren't) but instead so stereotypically murican that it is painful to watch? Or one of the 30 corrupt ****s that I mentioned before? Or will you guys make the sensible choice and vote sanders?
I can elaborate about the sereotypically murican part if anyone wants to read it btw
edit: I hope this thread will be as big of a ****fest as I excpect it to
also check out my Ryze guide
First, I'm okay with government programs helping people out when they're in need. The issue is that these programs are always set up in a way that they are easily exploitable. Welfare is a great idea but then you have the *******s that cheat it and do things like make babies for the purpose of more money (it's an extreme case but it happens often).
I don't trust Trump as much as I don't trust really any politician. I do admire that Sanders doesn't use politics to become a millionaire through nefarious means, however he has said that his tax plan is going to raise taxes through the roof and it won't even cover what he plans on putting into policy. We're already trillions of dollars in debt (no help from you Obama/Bush) and adding even more on to that is completely irresponsible because yeah, we may not have to deal with it but our kids and grandkids will. Your welcome future grandchildren.
Moving to Legend, poverty is sad, and Wall Street is as corrupt as the government itself, but there are jobs out there. It is hard to get them, Lugi can tell you that, but it isn't just "the man keeping you down". If you don't continue to go out and try you won't get a job and a lot of people just sit there and mope about there being no jobs instead of going out and pestering businesses, showing managers that they have the drive and gumption to keep coming and checking in, week after week. There are plenty of businesses that have ****ty workers that could be fired for someone with the determination to get a job.
My biggest point was that "Yay free ****" is a stupid ****ing mindset. That's the Obamaphone mindset where people just put their hand out saying "give me that guys stuff" rather than going out and getting it themselves. Maybe I am biased because I work my *** off but I just don't like what I work for going to pay for "free ****". It can be taken for responsible programs but not ****ing free iPhones and organizations that sell baby parts illegally.
I don't trust Trump as much as I don't trust really any politician. I do admire that Sanders doesn't use politics to become a millionaire through nefarious means, however he has said that his tax plan is going to raise taxes through the roof and it won't even cover what he plans on putting into policy. We're already trillions of dollars in debt (no help from you Obama/Bush) and adding even more on to that is completely irresponsible because yeah, we may not have to deal with it but our kids and grandkids will. Your welcome future grandchildren.
Moving to Legend, poverty is sad, and Wall Street is as corrupt as the government itself, but there are jobs out there. It is hard to get them, Lugi can tell you that, but it isn't just "the man keeping you down". If you don't continue to go out and try you won't get a job and a lot of people just sit there and mope about there being no jobs instead of going out and pestering businesses, showing managers that they have the drive and gumption to keep coming and checking in, week after week. There are plenty of businesses that have ****ty workers that could be fired for someone with the determination to get a job.
My biggest point was that "Yay free ****" is a stupid ****ing mindset. That's the Obamaphone mindset where people just put their hand out saying "give me that guys stuff" rather than going out and getting it themselves. Maybe I am biased because I work my *** off but I just don't like what I work for going to pay for "free ****". It can be taken for responsible programs but not ****ing free iPhones and organizations that sell baby parts illegally.
"A bunch of high schoolers can't pass the California exit exam, huh? Well, we could try to see what is happening with our schools and why these kids are failing....nah let's just get rid of it. That money can go to my choo choo train!!"
-Presumed thoughts of Gov. Jerry Brown on CaHSEE testing
-Presumed thoughts of Gov. Jerry Brown on CaHSEE testing
Latest Legend wrote:
Small disclaimer, I have no idea who this guy is. But count me in for that ****fest.
Basically Donald Trump is like, "Immigrants are the worst, I'm going to get rid of all of them and build a wall around Mexico and make them pay for it!" which... is kinda impossible, lol.
And, to be honest, he's kind of the biggest joke candidate that there's ever been. There was literally a whole week of him getting flack for saying, roughly, "one of the interviewers is asking me bad questions because she's on her period" and, because it was broadcast to the whole US, and recorded, he's saying, "no that's not true. I never said anything like that."
It's ridiculous.
Teemoshy wrote:
First, I'm okay with government programs helping people out when they're in need. The issue is that these programs are always set up in a way that they are easily exploitable. Welfare is a great idea but then you have the *******s that cheat it and do things like make babies for the purpose of more money (it's an extreme case but it happens often).
I don't trust Donald "Nobody builds walls better than me" Trump as much as I don't trust really any politician. I do admire that Sanders doesn't use politics to become a millionaire through nefarious means, however he has said that his tax plan is going to raise taxes through the roof and it won't even cover what he plans on putting into policy. We're already trillions of dollars in debt (no help from you Obama/Bush) and adding even more on to that is completely irresponsible because yeah, we may not have to deal with it but our kids and grandkids will. Your welcome future grandchildren.
Moving to Legend, poverty is sad, and Wall Street is as corrupt as the government itself, but there are jobs out there. It is hard to get them, Lugi can tell you that, but it isn't just "the man keeping you down". If you don't continue to go out and try you won't get a job and a lot of people just sit there and mope about there being no jobs instead of going out and pestering businesses, showing managers that they have the drive and gumption to keep coming and checking in, week after week. There are plenty of businesses that have ****ty workers that could be fired for someone with the determination to get a job.
My biggest point was that "Yay free ****" is a stupid ****ing mindset. That's the Obamaphone mindset where people just put their hand out saying "give me that guys stuff" rather than going out and getting it themselves. Maybe I am biased because I work my *** off but I just don't like what I work for going to pay for "free ****". It can be taken for responsible programs but not ****ing free iPhones and organizations that sell baby parts illegally.
I don't trust Donald "Nobody builds walls better than me" Trump as much as I don't trust really any politician. I do admire that Sanders doesn't use politics to become a millionaire through nefarious means, however he has said that his tax plan is going to raise taxes through the roof and it won't even cover what he plans on putting into policy. We're already trillions of dollars in debt (no help from you Obama/Bush) and adding even more on to that is completely irresponsible because yeah, we may not have to deal with it but our kids and grandkids will. Your welcome future grandchildren.
Moving to Legend, poverty is sad, and Wall Street is as corrupt as the government itself, but there are jobs out there. It is hard to get them, Lugi can tell you that, but it isn't just "the man keeping you down". If you don't continue to go out and try you won't get a job and a lot of people just sit there and mope about there being no jobs instead of going out and pestering businesses, showing managers that they have the drive and gumption to keep coming and checking in, week after week. There are plenty of businesses that have ****ty workers that could be fired for someone with the determination to get a job.
My biggest point was that "Yay free ****" is a stupid ****ing mindset. That's the Obamaphone mindset where people just put their hand out saying "give me that guys stuff" rather than going out and getting it themselves. Maybe I am biased because I work my *** off but I just don't like what I work for going to pay for "free ****". It can be taken for responsible programs but not ****ing free iPhones and organizations that sell baby parts illegally.
How is free healthcare exploitable? Oh no, everyone who isn't a millionaire might be healthy without having a crushing debt, how terrifying. You prohably never got seriously ill or injured in your life, so it clearly is aa bad thing that you have to pay like 20 bucks a month more in taxes so that everyone has free healthcare, right? What will you do if it is you who has some diesease or soemthing that would be easily cureable if only you could afford a doctor? Oh, free healthcare suddenly doesn't seem so bad, what a wonder.
Also why do teenagers have to pay more money for college than for a ****ing house? Because people like you can't be arsed not to think about themselves for 30 seconds. It is ****ING STUPID not to want to pay higher taxes if that means that everyone gets access to stuff that was free in europe 50 years ago and it is even more stupid if your only reason is that it might be exploitable. If people really exploit such services, you can go after them.
I have to admit that you are right about one thing though, if some company sells baby parts, you might wanna consider taking care of it. You also want to consider to take care of one or two(prohably more like 1000) laws of yours that are only made to **** consumers in the *** though.
also check out my Ryze guide
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