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I'm gonna be sick.

Creator: Zylmoc December 10, 2014 11:45am
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Zylmoc's Forum Avatar
Oct 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2014 12:08pm | Report
Society has really developed into a "live to eat," rather than, "eat to live ideal."
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2014 3:18pm | Report
Well, most of the vegetarians I know are also some of the peak physical fitness that I personally know, particularly breakdancers.

Zylmoc wrote:
Society has really developed into a "live to eat," rather than, "eat to live ideal."

Um... what society is this, exactly?
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 6:44am | Report
sirell wrote:

Um... what society is this, exactly?

Society as in, you know, the society we live in.

The fact that high class restaurants and being an amazing chef and all that jazz has actually become a very popular thing speaks for itself. No more are the days where you have to live off bread and water to survive. Nowadays, people go out to seek the greatest culinary adventures in which their taste buds are tingled.

Yes, there are places with food shortages, but they're a lot fewer in comparison to 2000, possibly even 200 years ago.

I mean, yeah, we still eat to survive and gain all our daily nutrients and all the other good stuff from food, but no one actually cares about food as a way to live anymore. Like I said, our tastebuds are refined, and simply eating bread every night to be full and get that energy won't cut it. People crave parties of flavours in their mouths. They want to taste the excitement, energy and variety of all the flavours coming together to form a communal party that creates a fantastic time. Flavour is a lot more important to eating food now.

That is what he means. And it also isn't what you asked but **** it, have more knowledge.

Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!
Zylmoc's Forum Avatar
Oct 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 6:50am | Report
Even mass areas like food banks, soup kitchens, etc exist almost everywhere just handing out food. Places like McDonalds serve food for dirt cheap because of how easy it is for them to mass produce it.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 7:19am | Report

Society as in, you know, the society we live in.

That is a sweeping generalization. The world does not live in one society. That's the first and foremost error made.

The fact that high class restaurants and being an amazing chef and all that jazz has actually become a very popular thing speaks for itself. No more are the days where you have to live off bread and water to survive. Nowadays, people go out to seek the greatest culinary adventures in which their taste buds are tingled.

Yes, there are places with food shortages, but they're a lot fewer in comparison to 2000, possibly even 200 years ago.

It has been 'popular' for a very long time. You make it sound as if enjoying good food is something we live for, as if we were just gluttonous pigs trying to be satisfied. Again, a sweeping generalisation and a very silly one to make. How often do people eat out, do you know? Do they cook amazing food at home, do you know?

Please, there are so many people who just try to get by on microwave meals and cheap take-out. It's not even about food shortages. Do you know how many homeless people there are in the USA alone that beg everyday to get food? But I guess no more are the days where you have to live off bread and water to survive, right?

I mean, yeah, we still eat to survive and gain all our daily nutrients and all the other good stuff from food, but no one actually cares about food as a way to live anymore. Like I said, our tastebuds are refined, and simply eating bread every night to be full and get that energy won't cut it. People crave parties of flavours in their mouths. They want to taste the excitement, energy and variety of all the flavours coming together to form a communal party that creates a fantastic time. Flavour is a lot more important to eating food now.

See above. I'm so glad you have the human psyche down pat. Not.

That is what he means. And it also isn't what you asked but **** it, have more knowledge.

Thank you for that condescending (but ill-fitting) attitude. All you said was a bunch of imprecise and inaccurate 'knowledge'. About 80-90% of what you said is garbage.

Zylmoc wrote:
Even mass areas like food banks, soup kitchens, etc exist almost everywhere just handing out food. Places like McDonalds serve food for dirt cheap because of how easy it is for them to mass produce it.

That proves the opposite of your point. With things as cheap as this, it's a lot easier to eat to live, not living to eat. I don't live for the moment I get that McD Fillet O'Fish - 'Ooh, this chicken nugget is gonna be deeeeeeeelish!'. Food banks, soup kitchens are all for HOMELESS people who can't always beggar enough food elsewhere.

Sorry, but this condescending attitude of judging everyone as dissatisfied pigs with mere craving for food is just dumb as ****.

Case in point, I know someone who eats one (maybe two if he's lucky, 3 if it's a blue moon) meal(s) a day because he has to pay for tuition fees for his uni every term and then he's got to pay rent. On top of this, he's a semi-professional dancer, so you know diet is MASSIVELY important to this. Sure, he enjoys good food as much as the next person and will occasionally eat out if he can afford it, but are you still saying this person is 'living to eat'?

I can tell you that he doesn't because that mofo is me. And I'm not the only one like that. I have so many examples just from people I know, let alone the people I don't.

So no, 'society' hasn't evolved a 'live to eat' attitude. People, perhaps, but not 'society'. The most broadest and sweeping generalization I've ever seen on this forum.
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 7:28am | Report
Or there's people like me, who just don't eat very much.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 7:43am | Report
sirell wrote:
Case in point, I know someone who eats one (maybe two if he's lucky, 3 if it's a blue moon) meal(s) a day because he has to pay for tuition fees for his uni every term and then he's got to pay rent. On top of this, he's a semi-professional dancer, so you know diet is MASSIVELY important to this. Sure, he enjoys good food as much as the next person and will occasionally eat out if he can afford it, but are you still saying this person is 'living to eat'?

Aye I know a lot of people that actually eat too little. Skipping breakfast in particular is happening a lot. That and students especially really throw down low budgets on food, which means that the meals they DO eat are actually not always enough. So to say that society lives to eat would be a bit strange, considering that a lot of people are eating less than is recommended for a healthy diet.
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HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 7:55am | Report
sirell wrote:


Woah, pardon me if you saw some mindless ramblings as a direct attack on your authority. I really wasn't expecting all that writing since I really didn't expect you to take it so seriously.

I'm sorry if this is coming off as rude, but what you said really was unnecessarily hostile, and I'm kind of in a state of shock and overall numbness right now. I'll get back to you when I'm thinking straight again.

EDIT: Allow me to rephrase the original statement with a more serious tone.

I myself am someone who is very immersed in food culture. My whole family is one that is often going out to restaurants that offer unique culinary experiences. Additionally, being in Melbourne, there is a lot of variety out there which allows my family to fulfill this. My family is very similar to a lot of others that do live in Melbourne, obsessed with exceptional food.

Pardon me for being ignorant to the fact that not all places experience this same culture. His statements will definitely have varying levels of how much you can relate to it depending on what type of environment and culture you've grown up in.

I'm sorry for making assumptions of your life, but if culinary culture isn't something that is very big to you, then do see it from another perspective. The way something is perceived, such as that quote, will be vastly different based on factors such as age, location, experience, values etc. I did not consider these variables and therefore I may have offended some who cannot relate to it because they've had a different experience. I'd just like to make clear that it is a different experience, not a lesser experience.

(Once again I apologise if I'm being overly cautious. You genuinely sound like I offended you, and I really do not want to start a self-centered argument on someone else's thread)

Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!
Zylmoc's Forum Avatar
Oct 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 7:59am | Report
My point is that with all of the food available, to those that I am aware of, it is easier to eat out because starvation is not nearly as big of a problem as it was. Look around, there are bill boards, audio/video commercials introducing the latest Truffles, Saffrons, Wagyu steaks, etc. The media that represents what society does is portraying these things to the public all the time, and you know what? People buy them, most of America is not starving to death. Some may be at that point but the help has always been available to those who need it. Even at the high school I just graduated from, the food there is plentiful enough to feed someone, in fact, the schools wont let you take food unless you get 1 milk/ juice carton, the main serving (i.e salad, slice of pizza, etc), a side (i.e Mandarin oranges, a pear, sliced apples, etc) and then they regularly offer things like a yogurt/cookie. Its not as if my school is rich either, it is a cheap public school that was built from an old church with a 4500 dollar budget for renovations. I remember Arvada High School where we'd get so much more than that.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 8:23am | Report
Zylmoc wrote:
My point is that with all of the food available, to those that I am aware of, it is easier to eat out because starvation is not nearly as big of a problem as it was. Look around, there are bill boards, audio/video commercials introducing the latest Truffles, Saffrons, Wagyu steaks, etc. The media that represents what society does is portraying these things to the public all the time, and you know what? People buy them, most of America is not starving to death. Some may be at that point but the help has always been available to those who need it. Even at the high school I just graduated from, the food there is plentiful enough to feed someone, in fact, the schools wont let you take food unless you get 1 milk/ juice carton, the main serving (i.e salad, slice of pizza, etc), a side (i.e Mandarin oranges, a pear, sliced apples, etc) and then they regularly offer things like a yogurt/cookie. Its not as if my school is rich either, it is a cheap public school that was built from an old church with a 4500 dollar budget for renovations. I remember Arvada High School where we'd get so much more than that.
So less people are starving, how is that a bad thing?
Change is gooooood

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