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I'm gonna be sick.

Creator: Zylmoc December 10, 2014 11:45am
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HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 8:34am | Report
Meiyjhe wrote:
So less people are starving, how is that a bad thing?

I feel like there are a lot of misunderstandings going on in this thread.

Thank you to MissMaw for the signatures!
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 8:39am | Report
Pardon me for being ignorant to the fact that not all places experience this same culture. His statements will definitely have varying levels of how much you can relate to it depending on what type of environment and culture you've grown up in.

I'm sorry for making assumptions of your life, but if culinary culture isn't something that is very big to you, then do see it from another perspective.
I don't think you have anything to apologise for and I think that you, sirell, are way out of hand here. You can't just come out of nowhere and throw around insults and accusations for no reason. I really don't understand the need for people to create conflict where it is not needed. What he said may have been ignorant or naive or, well, whatever else you want to call it; but it is his opinion and he has the right to have it and to voice it and then not get attacked for no reason. The situation you are in sounds terrible, but I don't see how what he said could ever be taken as a personal attack, as it was NOT a personal attack (you weren't even participating in the discussion at hand) and so I don't see why you responded as if he attacked you. I am positive that there was a way that you could have pointed out what was wrong with what he said without calling his post garbage and basically telling him he was an ignorant condescending moron.

This was pretty much the only active thread that didn't have a bunch of arguing and name-calling in it, why ruin that?
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 9:00am | Report
Gonna have to agree with MissMaw on this one. Tone it down and get back to discussing food/diets/vegetarians in a normal way (I realise that wasn't what the thread was originally created for, but it has pretty much become the topic at this point).

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 9:06am | Report
(I realise that wasn't what the thread was originally created for, but it has pretty much become the topic at this point).

i lol'd xD

sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 9:30am | Report

Woah, pardon me if you saw some mindless ramblings as a direct attack on your authority.

I didn't and nor did I indicate this. I only said that most of what you two said was condescending.

I really wasn't expecting all that writing since I really didn't expect you to take it so seriously.

I'm sorry if this is coming off as rude, but what you said really was unnecessarily hostile, and I'm kind of in a state of shock and overall numbness right now. I'll get back to you when I'm thinking straight again.

I don't. I talk harshly in general with profanities and I simply didn't want to dilute it as I usually do. MOBAFire doesn't really take kindly to it, so I usually edit everything before posting, but I was just too lazy that time around. Sorry if it comes off as seeming hostile, but I talk to people in real life this way as well and they all know not to take me seriously. Internet isn't as good for that.

I myself am someone who is very immersed in food culture. My whole family is one that is often going out to restaurants that offer unique culinary experiences. Additionally, being in Melbourne, there is a lot of variety out there which allows my family to fulfill this. My family is very similar to a lot of others that do live in Melbourne, obsessed with exceptional food.

I don't deny this. There are, in fact, many who do love to eat and eat well. My Instagram wall is filled with such pictures. The key error is in the next part.

Pardon me for being ignorant to the fact that not all places experience this same culture. His statements will definitely have varying levels of how much you can relate to it depending on what type of environment and culture you've grown up in.

PRECISELY the problem. Zylmoc said 'society' as if it applied to the general masses. That's the original issue. He made such a sweeping statement with such a (largely) incorrect claim and nothing has corrected it since. In fact, his amendments bring it even further from the point.

I'm sorry for making assumptions of your life, but if culinary culture isn't something that is very big to you, then do see it from another perspective. The way something is perceived, such as that quote, will be vastly different based on factors such as age, location, experience, values etc. I did not consider these variables and therefore I may have offended some who cannot relate to it because they've had a different experience. I'd just like to make clear that it is a different experience, not a lesser experience.

Same as last. Your point is serving to aid mine, actually. Because of this relativity, you can't be so imprecise as to say, 'society' is becoming a such and such culture and not expect some kind of rebuke.

(Once again I apologise if I'm being overly cautious. You genuinely sound like I offended you, and I really do not want to start a self-centered argument on someone else's thread)

You haven't. Honestly. I just saw it more prudent to draw from a personal example. I could have chosen anyone else I know and used that as an example that society isn't growing into a 'live to eat' culture. No offence was taken (contrary to what some people seem to construe).

Zylmoc wrote:
My point is that with all of the food available, to those that I am aware of, it is easier to eat out because starvation is not nearly as big of a problem as it was. Look around, there are bill boards, audio/video commercials introducing the latest Truffles, Saffrons, Wagyu steaks, etc. The media that represents what society does is portraying these things to the public all the time, and you know what? People buy them, most of America is not starving to death. Some may be at that point but the help has always been available to those who need it. Even at the high school I just graduated from, the food there is plentiful enough to feed someone, in fact, the schools wont let you take food unless you get 1 milk/ juice carton, the main serving (i.e salad, slice of pizza, etc), a side (i.e Mandarin oranges, a pear, sliced apples, etc) and then they regularly offer things like a yogurt/cookie. Its not as if my school is rich either, it is a cheap public school that was built from an old church with a 4500 dollar budget for renovations. I remember Arvada High School where we'd get so much more than that.

So you went from 'there are more choice of foods' to 'food is advertised more' to 'society is now a live to eat culture'.

You're just making logical jumps with no actual backing. If anything, I could argue (though not that I support this view) that society is recognising the importance of eating well for the sake of health. 10 years ago, Jamie Oliver motivated the society to pass policies to greatly increase the healthiness of food in schools in Britain and diversifying the diet. That has nothing to do with society becoming 'live to eat', or did you think most students go to school so they can eat?

Put simply:

Increase in availability of food =/= society has a live-to-eat attitude.

I don't think you have anything to apologise for and I think that you, sirell, are way out of hand here. You can't just come out of nowhere and throw around insults and accusations for no reason.

Again, my harshness of language is literally how I talk normally. I apologise for sounding offended or offensive, though I was not the former. I don't know about way out of hand, though. Take away the 'name-calling' and I have pretty substantiative points which no one has really refuted. The fact that y'all focus on the profanities more than what I've ACTUALLY written seems to show that you don't really focus on the topic at hand.

What he said may have been ignorant or naive or, well, whatever else you want to call it; but it is his opinion and he has the right to have it and to voice it and then not get attacked for no reason.

Firstly, you seem to be under the assumption that I have no reason. The fact that I consider him incorrect is enough for me to raise issues with it. Yes, the language was harsh and, in some cases, unwarranted. But there is nothing to say I can't disagree with him. A right to an opinion doesn't make an opinion valid. If by attack you mean hostile, then yes, I could have edited that out, but too bad you can't see past that.

The situation you are in sounds terrible, but I don't see how what he said could ever be taken as a personal attack, as it was NOT a personal attack (you weren't even participating in the discussion at hand) and so I don't see why you responded as if he attacked you.

Uh. My situation is not terrible. No, I didn't take it as a personal attack, nor did I even respond as such. When did I say it offended me in any way? Yes, I was involved in the discussion, actually. Yes, I used a personal example, but I'm not offended by any of it. Just because I think his idea is pretty garbage does not mean I took it as a personal attack. I'm not MBIB, lol.

I am positive that there was a way that you could have pointed out what was wrong with what he said without calling his post garbage and basically telling him he was an ignorant condescending moron.

Yes, but I didn't edit this time as I usually do, but no one really knows I go through and edit all my posts before posting because obviously they can't see that process. My apologies, I neglected it this time since I am only human.

This was pretty much the only active thread that didn't have a bunch of arguing and name-calling in it, why ruin that?

As per usual, something fairly stupid was said.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 9:36am | Report
sirell wrote:
The fact that y'all focus on the profanities more than what I've ACTUALLY written seems to show that you don't really focus on the topic at hand.
No, nobody ignored any of the points you made; but the way you decided to make them was hostile as fk and you can't say that it wasn't when the guy you were talking to himself felt unpleasant having read what you said. You can dissect all the comments as much as you want, little details do not matter. If you need to edit all of your comments to make them sound more user-friendly, then maybe do that before you post them and avoid offending people for no reason.

People were having a nice friendly discussion before you came along, and with what you're doing now you're likely going to end up getting the thread locked, or at the very least you are driving people away from it and even if you stop now, it is now unlikely the discussion can continue to go on as it did.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 9:44am | Report
No, nobody ignored any of the points you made; but the way you decided to make them was hostile as fk and you can't say that it wasn't when the guy you were talking to himself felt unpleasant having read what you said.

I never denied this? But again, you are focusing on the apparent offence I cause and not on the actual content of what I've written. You are talking only on the offence and not on anything I've written concerning the topic we were discussing. As such, you are ignoring the points I raised.

You can dissect all the comments as much as you want, little details do not matter. If you need to edit all of your comments to make them sound more user-friendly, then maybe do that before you post them and avoid offending people for no reason.

I already said I made a mistake this time in that regard...? You're acting like you've never made a mistake before. This is literally like the first time in months I didn't edit a post. And little details don't matter? I beg to differ, since that's a very obvious fallacy.

People were having a nice friendly discussion before you came along, and with what you're doing now you're likely going to end up getting the thread locked, or at the very least you are driving people away from it and even if you stop it is now unlikely the discussion can continue to go on as it did.

As are you. I continued talking on the topic and you seem persistent in going off-topic. In fact, all you've said in the last two posts are off-topic.
TROLLing1999's Forum Avatar
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Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 9:46am | Report
Guys pls...let's reach a compromise: Everyone can eat whatever he wants(apart from humen and endangered species)
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 9:48am | Report
Guys pls...let's reach a compromise: Everyone can eat whatever he wants(apart from humen and endangered species)

What about the neighbour's dog?
Thanks to Aquilegia for this sig!
TROLLing1999's Forum Avatar
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Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 12, 2014 9:48am | Report
Well, ok pets too.
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