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jhoijhoi's AMA

Creator: jhoijhoi September 17, 2013 8:09pm
46 posts - page 4 of 5
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 18, 2013 10:26pm | Report
Wow boiling hot, you from Brisbane or sum**** it ****ing cold in Adelaide right now. An actual question did you just go for teachers degree or did yo ugo for something else as well?
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 18, 2013 10:36pm | Report
i knew that but you are close...unless you live on the west side of the continent...which is totally possible. food looks tasty. pizza scrolls eh? coo!

Where I live you can't just... see NZ :P And thanks! They were tantalisingly delicious :3

Wow boiling hot, you from Brisbane or sum**** it ****ing cold in Adelaide right now.

Yup, Brisbane!
An actual question, would it be better for me to just go for a teachers degree when I go to Uni or would it be better to get another degree as well (most likely science) so I have a backup/more credentials?

It depends on which subjects you want to end up teaching. If you want to teach music, for example, you actually have to do a music degree first to be fully qualified to be a music teacher. In QLD you get to choose two majors, and they are your subjects.

So I chose English and Science (Bachelor of Secondary Education, English/Science). When I graduate, I'll be eligible to teach pretty much everything/anything. If you go something super specialised, like, Business/Physics, you may be limited to teaching those subjects.

If you choose Science as a major, you DO end up covering a broad range of units. I've done/am doing chemistry, physics, biology (anatomy and physiology/cellular basis of life), philosophy of science, earth & space.

tldr; just go straight for the education degree. A psych degree + 1 year of education grad diploma does not a teacher make.
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IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 18, 2013 10:46pm | Report
lol sorry changed the question, I was going to major science anyway I go to the ASMS so I kinda get a head start and an easy way to Flinders Uni, good luck with your studies. I kinda feel sorry for you that you live in Brisbane though, it is so hot there and QLD is too prone to flooding.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2013 5:48am | Report
An actual question did you just go for teachers degree or did yo ugo for something else as well?

I originally applied for a Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology & Human Movement), but really disliked the analytical/mathematically side of psychology. Too much curves and standard deviations. Not to mention the human movement side of the degree had me memorising ligaments and tendons that I couldn't even spell.

I then swapped my degree to a Bachelor of Secondary Education, Physics/English. After a year of physics and dealing with university level math, I couldn't take the pressure of studying and memorising so many formula that I'd never teach in high school anyway.

So I swapped my major from Physics to Science. I now only have three units left to do before I graduate. But because I swapped my degree so many times, I took an extra year and a half at uni than I thought I would.
... good luck with your studies. I kinda feel sorry for you that you live in Brisbane though, it is so hot there and QLD is too prone to flooding.

That's Queensland for you. It either burns you to a crisp, or drowns you with floods.
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Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2013 5:56am | Report
what is the farthest place you have ever gone from home?

Sig made by elenah
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2013 6:17am | Report
Pheyniex wrote:

what is the farthest place you have ever gone from home?

In order of distance: the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and America (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas).

If you meant travelling by myself away from my own house, and not out of country, I've driven between QLD and NSW a lot, and that can take anywhere up from 12 hours by car.
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Roselight's Forum Avatar
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May 16th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 26, 2013 6:57am | Report
What's your Dreamjob :3
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2013 5:09pm | Report
Roselight wrote:

What's your Dreamjob :3

I have always wanted to be a teacher. I enjoy helping people out and I love creating resources to convey information in a way that will actually be learnt. I think my "dream" job, however, would be being able to play games and get paid for it. I would love to be one of those reviewers who get given a game for free, create a review, and upload it online for money ^^
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♡ sig by Janitsu ♡
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2013 6:00pm | Report
Why haven't you visited me yet
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 27, 2013 6:22pm | Report

Why haven't you visited me yet

I'm poor :/
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♡ sig by arrizen ♡

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