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Male gamer privilege?

Creator: The_Nameless_Bard December 4, 2014 9:49am
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Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 4, 2014 3:57pm | Report
I find this game completely insufferable too.

Basically MOBAFire.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 10:29am | Report
Darcurse wrote:

1) Put all the harassment you get in relation to all the benefits you are granted without a slither of effort.

So none, basically. Attention is not a benefit. Sure I guess sometimes in rare cases someone will carry their girlfriend (or hopeful girlfriend) and yet I've seen that happen as many times as I've seen 2 guys with no romantic interest in each other carry each other.

And that also doesn't invalidate all the rest of what even you admit happens to them...It doesn't matter that the people doing it are kids (and I've seen plenty of people who aren't kids do it too) what matters is that it happens. That alone is unacceptable. And your "solution" makes no sense either, oh yeah, just "show em up" like that will fix anything. I can't believe people STILL put the onus to stop the behaviour onto the victim of that behaviour. That's just ****ed up, and not ok.

XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 11:19am | Report
I can't stand this person. The way he talks and overdoes stuff irks me so much.. couldn't get past the part of the video when he's saying "Male. GAMER. PRIVILEGE"

What an annoyance.

@topic, I've posed as a girl in plenty of games - most of the times people were a lot nicer if they thought I was a girl, so I don't see how male gamers are more privileged... All I had to do was add a <3 or a ^_^ after every request and I'd instantly get whatever the heck I needed. :)

Im bored so Ill just post my opinion on all of those points the author has made
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 11:57am | Report
MrRepzion is being quite silly on some points. Just because you disagree with the sentiment of another person doesn't mean that you need to disagree with every part of their argument. (only saw 10min, but he seemed to vehemently disagree with everything).

Quite a few of the points are actually true, but many are also at best tangentially connected to the issue (i.e: strawmen) while many others also beg the question: "Who the **** cares?". Because many of these points are at the level of "Someone was mean to me on the internet! I better go cry about it!".

I actually put a decent amount of time into seriously responding to the points below, so it would be appreciated if people actually read it. I also included the original points in red to make it easier to read.

My opinion on the points (as privileged straightciswhitemale-scum):
"Games may not be art, but this one did wonderful things to my ****." - Roger Ebert



****" - mencretnas, on Gigantomakhia
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 12:59pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:
I can't stand this person. The way he talks and overdoes stuff irks me so much.. couldn't get past the part of the video when he's saying "Male. GAMER. PRIVILEGE"

What an annoyance.


As for your list, overall we seem to agree on a lot of points, but I'd just like to address a few of the things you were wrong in.

Nighthawk wrote:
So none, basically. Attention is not a benefit. Sure I guess sometimes in rare cases someone will carry their girlfriend (or hopeful girlfriend) and yet I've seen that happen as many times as I've seen 2 guys with no romantic interest in each other carry each other.

And that also doesn't invalidate all the rest of what even you admit happens to them...It doesn't matter that the people doing it are kids (and I've seen plenty of people who aren't kids do it too) what matters is that it happens. That alone is unacceptable. And your "solution" makes no sense either, oh yeah, just "show em up" like that will fix anything. I can't believe people STILL put the onus to stop the behaviour onto the victim of that behaviour. That's just ****ed up, and not ok.
It's funny how the person below you just proved you wrong shortly after.
XeresAce wrote:
I've posed as a girl in plenty of games - most of the times people were a lot nicer if they thought I was a girl, so I don't see how male gamers are more privileged... All I had to do was add a <3 or a ^_^ after every request and I'd instantly get whatever the heck I needed. :)

It's also funny how much your attitude seems to have shifted after publicly confessing your love to somebody on a forum. Attention is not a benefit, right? Right?
"Blizzard spoke thus; Thou shalt not BM. And the players replied Nay, I shall Play my hand with Lethal already on the board. And so Blizzard sent unto them this Brawl of Yogg, As a lesson for their sins of Pride and Greed, for he is the Prophet of Madness and RNG. On that day, the tavern descended into an era of chaos and darkness, until the weekend passed and everyone forgot all about it. Amen. Book of SMOrc, Verse 20, Chapter 4." - Feam T
Darcurse's Forum Avatar
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Nov 2nd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 1:10pm | Report
Nighthawk wrote:
So none, basically. Attention is not a benefit.

Pure attention? No.
Having everyone be super nice to a point where they even give you stuff/help you just because? Yes.

Of all the times I meet a female (or somebody who could make all the ******s believe they are) in game / on TS / etc. they encountered a gigantic load of niceness, most of the time to an extent were I had to ask myself if they don't need to barf from it.

And ^that sums up the most of it. If you actually encounter greater amounts of problems, you must be talking about competitive communities like LoL/Dota/etc. in which the premature little *******s insult EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING regardless of a reason. They in general aren't "directly discriminating" you, they just want to feel great by *****ing at somebody over something.

Like I said: You catch flack for being female, I catch flack for being german, somebody else catches flack for having any type of religon, nativity, age, residence... there are so many reasons just pick one!

I rewrote that "Show em" sentence wrongly last time, what I meant was:

You either suck up and show 'em or you don't.
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 2:18pm | Report
Darcurse wrote:
Of all the times I meet a female (or somebody who could make all the ******s believe they are) in game / on TS / etc. they encountered a gigantic load of niceness, most of the time to an extent were I had to ask myself if they don't need to barf from it.
I gotta say having people treat me like a helpless child (even when I know a hell of a lot more about a topic than they do) because of my gender will never be a "benefit" and, even if you'd consider it such, it DOES NOT outweigh the harassment I regularly receive. I have had to make a huge effort to be taken seriously as a gamer, something which you were never even required to do. If people don't take you seriously it'll because of things you've said that cause them to believe you're an idiot, not because you have a vagina and are therefore automatically too stupid to listen to.

I mean, unless you know what it feels like to be asked if you got elo boosted to Silver because "girls are always bad at league" or have a guy say after duoing ranked with you for a few hours "sorry, I need to go touch myself because hearing you talk about video games like this is turning me on" (that isn't a joke btw), in which case then you can tell me how being coddled makes up for the **** I get.
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 2:54pm | Report
I didn't watch the video because I feel like my braincells die whenever I even smell a 20-30-minute long video repeating the same statement over and over again, no matter whether I think the statements are right or not. Sorry.

A few things I'd like to point out. First of all, girls that like gaming like gaming. Yes, really. What does this mean? They like games. They like the games on the market. All things said about games being made for this and for that and all that may still be very true, it probably is. But I'd like to keep in mind that girls that like gaming actually like games. Does that mean that I find clear sexism in games something not worth talking about? No.

Searz, I think that you are very right about the fact that the harassment is completely stupid and can easily be countered. I mean you can destroy them. But what remains is the fact that female gamers have a much higher chance of having to face and deal with this harassment nevertheless(I don't have numbers, I'm not a woman, but I think we can safely assume this). I think it shouldn't be that way. Then there's the fact that there are also females that aren't good with words so not everyone can just freeze the brains of some not thinking bullies.

I can openly say that my favorite games are casual, odd, non-violent, artistic, or cute without fear that my opinions will reinforce a stereotype that "men are not real gamers."
Never happened to me, that's true. But when I say I like playing League of Legends in the middle of some shooter scrublords, not my gender gets looked down upon, but me and me alone. The fact that I'm male probably won't be used as an insult, though. But that's a different point.

I can walk into any gaming store and see images of my gender widely represented as powerful heroes, villains and non-playable characters alike.
One day we're talking about oversexualized half-naked female characters in practically all games, the other day there aren't any female game characters around. Confusing.

I will almost always have the option to play a character of my gender, as most protagonists or heroes will be male by default.
If there's one thing a lot of male gamers want, it's playing female characters from time to time. Though now I think about it I don't know any shooter with playable female characters in it, so I guess that's a genre where this has a point. It's the only one though.

Maybe you just want to know my opinion of all this. I think that discrimination is stupid. I think that I had just become eleven years old when I really started to outgrow other kids in computer stuff. I was passionate about computers, so I obviously wanted to talk about this. But who really wants to talk about computers with an eleven year old? Internet was heaven for me. As long as I didn't open my mouth and evaded questions about age and such by any means necessary I could converse with people about my interests. I gamed a lot at the time(school -> games -> computer stuff -> sleep), and I have seen lots and lots of people getting laughed at and not being taken seriously just because they had a high-pitched voice. They didn't say anything weird, they were being nice and they weren't annoying anyone. Of course there were annoying people with high-pitched voices too. But people couldn't even finish a sentence without someone interfering to tell them they had a high-pitched voice. They were stupid even before they had opened their mouth. If I just kept my mouth shut and kept to typing only (and never said a word about myself) I could have fun with everyone. No one ever noticed I had a high-pitched voice if I didn't open my mouth, and I was never treated like someone with a high-pitched voice.

Now you could say this is all some ******** that never happens. But I lived it. In fact, I still have trouble participating in voice chat. It's something that'll probably never go away. You could still say it's ********, and it probably is. Because people that are actually bothered by the fact that they have high-pitched voices are stupid.

I'm not saying you should all think I'm piteous(pathetic?). I don't want you to think I'm piteous and I don't feel piteous. What I want you to think is that I was already brilliant and surprisingly mature at the age of eleven and that you should all look at me with some more respect :P. To get back on the serious track again: people think that all people with high-pitched voices are extremely childish and stupid, if someone says something in a high-pitched voice, they are immediately treated as extremely childish and stupid persons. I wanted to play that game and I wanted to have fun with the other players. I wanted to be accepted by them as a fellow gamer. To somewhat merge in with the community I had to hide that I had a high-pithed voice, in fact I also had to hide my age. This was not only the case with games but even more so with other computer related stuff I was interested in (when you're fiddling with the virtual insides of computers you're bound to need some sort of help at some point, and want to help other people out). It was horrible.

And I'm talking about bloody voice(age) discrimination here. A low age is something you lose automagically, my "future" was never bad at all. I can't begin to imagine what it would feel like to feel not part of the gaming community (or computer community) as a whole because of something that will probably never change in your life. I'm not going to make any statements about the feelings connected with it because, unlike the video guy, I think that statements about women being discriminated because of their gender by women that are being discriminated are the statements that matter the most. Like that guy knows anything about it.

Then what should we as men do with this? We've probably all encountered discrimination in one way or another before, we know what discrimination is about. It's also a fact that there are women pointing out that they feel discriminated and how they feel about this. We could ignore it, laugh it off or do whatever else. But if we take at least one of those women and their words just a bit seriously, then maybe we should recognize that there is indeed a problem and keep this in mind.

So there ya go ^^
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 3:09pm | Report
I didn't want to participate to this thread because I was sure I would say something stupid, but I just want to say that I think that this post was quite amazing. Well done.

PS: I think your voice is just fine <3
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XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 6, 2014 3:28pm | Report
Yay someone agreed with me *hi5's searz*

Idk, all of my points were really entirely subjective (i.e I haven't played a game where the only playable character is male, I've had friends (male) who just start talking about a game they've played for about 10 mins just to get in the conversation and then they start ********ting about how much they love it and about its supposed mechanics just so they get our attention... for something they don't know poop about, it's very obvious aaaannnnd the attention *****s usually end up being frowned upon for it. Cat-calling and the other stuff isn't a custom in my country and usually looked down upon so I can't say)

Tbh, this article was so dumb I really didn't bother answering the deeper questions to the best of my ability since they kinda touched on some really ...sensitive subjects

And @amanda, idk why but I have this weird feeling that people on NA tend to be a lot more rude and disrespectful towards female gamers than on euw, I haven't seen what you've described at all on euw (or at least so rarely that I can't remember)...
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
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