If you want to call out a certain behaviour, you need to make clear what behaviour you are talking about. Right now it is really open to interpretation, so nobody will feel like it is directed at them :p

Picture by: Bludes
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Janitsu wrote:
it's really an unpleasent situation
Don't make it anymore unpleasent than it already is -rep
FatelBlade wrote:
I'm not gonna drop some names on you guys because that would be unprofessional
It's your profession to make ****ty forum posts? O.o
Where can I get a job like that?
"Doing something, almost being done, then parents come in and don't let you finish.
Yes, I had a rough childhood." - devdevil
Yes, I had a rough childhood." - devdevil
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Take for example, our friend Mooninites. He used to be a major *******, but he has rehabilitated and is now a valued member of this site, and a valued friend to us all. The people that are unpleasant really need to take a look at themselves and realize that they are hurting this site, and need to learn manners.
My hat goes off to Moon, who has changed.