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Champion idea: Nimsha, the elementalist

Creator: utopus April 17, 2014 3:34am
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2014 3:34am | Report
EDIT: The information in Pink is the stuff i recently changed

I thought up a new champion, and wanted to know your guys' thoughts on the champion.

Lore: DGAF. I'm an engineer. ****ting out pretty stories isn't my thing.

Basic information:
Name: Nimsha, the elementalist
Base health: ~425 (Average)
Health Per level: +87 (Above Average)
Base Mana: 250 (About Average)
Mana Per level: +60 (Very Good)
Mana Regen & Health Regen: Nothing Crazy
Attack Range: 250 (Considered melee for item purposes. Long attack range for a melee, but will be justified later)

Passive: Icy Touch - After casting a spell, Nimsha's next basic attack gives her target a stackable debuff. The first time a stack is added, The target is silenced for 1 second, and takes bonus magic damage. Whenever a target gains an additional stack, they will be silenced again. Each stack decreases the effectiveness of the silence by 50% per stack (stacks in a multiplicative manner), and increase the bonus damage dealt by 5% of Nimsha's total AD per stack. This debuff stacks up to 1/2/3/4/5 times, and lasts for 6 seconds. Further applications of stacks on a target that is currently at max stacks will refresh the duration of the current debuff
NOTES: This is very strong as a ganking tool early game, and scales into late game as a damage steroid/single caster lockdown, or a multiple target silencer

Q: Flames of the forge - Nimsha throws an empowered hammer at target location. If it strikes a target, the hammer will shatter in a radius of 150, dealing 80/125/170/210/255 (+60% AD) physical damage to all targets in the explosion. Targets damaged will have their armor reduced by 10/13/16/19/22% (something like that), ramping up over 3 seconds. The armor reduction lasts for 5 seconds
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8
Mana: 60/65/70/75/80
Notes: I want the armor reduction part of this ability late game to have basically no downtime, if the player chooses to get a little bit of CDR. I think this will make her scale well into late game as an anti tank bruiser, as well as provide good utility for her team.

W: Gust - Nimsha conjures a strong gust of wind, letting her dash in a certain direction and increases her movespeed by 15/20/25/30/35 % for 2 seconds after she finishes her dash.
Cooldown: 24/21/18/15/12
Mana: 60
Notes: I want players to be able to use this ability twice in team fights, if they run a little bit of CDR. This is a dynamic spell and can be used as an escape tool, as well as setting up ganks in lane. It allows you to reposition in team fights, while closing the gap to your opponents' squishies in team fights.

E: Tree Binding - Nimsha throws an enchanted vine at the target. If the target is within 475 units close to a tree, then the target takes 135/190/245/300/355 (+120% AD), be stunned for 1.25 Seconds, and will be dragged to the closest tree. Otherwise, the target will take 50/85/120/155/180(+40% AD) Physical Damage, and be rooted for .75 Seconds.
Range: 600
Cooldown: 16/14.5/13/11.5/9
Mana: 75/85/95/105/115
Notes: Unique spell to nimsha's kit imo. While the skill is targeted, poor use could actually make the enemy go to a location that is undesirable (closer to their tower e.g.), but could also be used to pick off targets that are caught. This spell has a really high base damage - yes. It'll also probably be like, the hardest spell to use correctly in the game. 475 range is not a lot of room for error, so i want this spell to REALLY be rewarding for players who successfully pull this off. Also, its' base damage is on par with a point blank Buckshot.
R: Fissure - With a stomp of her foot, Nimsha shakes the ground in front of her, (in a 200 unit thick line). Enemies hit will be knocked up, and take 175/350/525 (+140% Bonus AD) Physical damage. Landing enemies will be pushed to the side of the earthquake they were closest to. In addition, Nimsha creates a thick, impassable terrain that lasts for 5 seconds.
Cooldown: 105/90/75
Mana: 100
Notes: Mixture of anivia's wall, and malphite's unstoppable force. The reason her attack range is so big, is so that she can attack people from one side of the wall while they're knocked up, and so she can barely reach people on the other side of the wall after the knock up as well. This spell is supposed to synergize with Gust and Tree binding for excellent disruption in team fights, as well as setting up picks.

I can picture this chick either being in top lane, or in the jungle. Moreso the jungle though. I feel like that ult is too good not to be used every time it's up. I actually believe that her first clear won't be too bad. The AoE on flames of the forge, along with the high base damage on her E, along with the damage stacking on her passive make it easier than you'd think - even though she has no innate defensive spells.

I can picture her build path to be somewhat similar to evelynn's, with something like Spirit of the Elder Lizard -> The Brutalizer -> Sunfire Aegis -> Spirit Visage -> Randuin's Omen -> Black Cleaver, with boots somewhere along the way

What are your thoughts, guys?
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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2014 6:10pm | Report
She seems to be overpowered.

1) a stacking silence on her passive
2) micro stun + AoE armour debuff on Q
3) gapcloser + ally movement speed boost + enemy slow on W
4) stun AND "knock back" or root on E
5) AoE knock-up/displacement + terrain creation on R.
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2014 9:39pm | Report
the passive is already opopop so i didnt read any farther than that, and judging by jhois post it doesnt get any better
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Sep 24th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2014 11:08pm | Report
wwwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much utility. also, some of the scalings are pretty damn overpowered looking. i feel like if this champion was ever made they could just live in the enemy's jungle and basically make sure the enemy team cant ever actually take back their own jungle lest tehy be cced, debuffed, and whatevered to death

like the ultimate...
175/350/525 (+140% Bonus AD)

lets assume i just build some AD. like, i go damage instead of bruiser/tanky

lets say i hit like 300 AD. pretty reasonable amount.

80/125/170/210/255 (+60% AD) = 255 + 180 = 435 damage

then we have to remember the armor debuff.

then, ultimate 175/350/525 (+140% Bonus AD) so 525 + 1.4 x 300 = 420 = 945

lets not forget the utility the ult gives, either. so you could basically render an entire team useless, trapped, with armor debuff, and thats only with two of the four skills used =/

like i said, huge props for thinking this up, it sounds really cool and i like the concepts, but for it to be realistically implemented like 70% of the utility she has would have to be taken out and all of the scalings nerfed a little
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2014 9:17am | Report
Bonus ad friend, not Total ad. It makes a big difference ^^
This champ has around 200% bonus AD when combining all of his spells. Compared to something like lee sin, this girl really doesn't have a good AD scaling on her spells. IIRC, lee sin has something like a 480% Bonus AD scaling. This means that this girl has around 41.3% of the burst that a lee sin would have with the same amount of AD.

Keep in mind that this girl's silence diminishes recursively too. At level 1, she will be able to silence a focused target for at most 1 second. Level 6, 1.5 seconds, level 11, 1.75 seconds, and level 16 and 18 - 1.87 and 1.93 seconds.

I'm not convinced she has a heck of a lot of burst, tbh. Her cooldowns are long, and compared to someone of the likes of kha'zix or lee sin, she really doesn't have good scaling. I'm mentioning those two champions, because i actually cross referenced her base damages + scalings with the strength of the spells those two champions have.
However, you guys are right that she does has too much utility. I can easily see her being strong without the ministun on her Q, and the enemy slow/ally haste on her dash.

I'll change some things around, and see if we can improve her further. Thanks alot ofr the input guys; +rep to y'all

TIL I'm secretly nicknamemy when it comes to creating broken champions xD
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

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Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
<Lucky Charm>
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Sep 24th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2014 1:19pm | Report
thatd still result in over 1k damage even if its bonus AD X_X and yeah :P i mean its good idea and all... maybe some of the spells only do damage instead of with utility
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2014 4:55am | Report
Ultimate is interesting... I'm kind of imagining a trundle-like pillar conjuring and knocking people up. Maybe you could say your Tree Binding thing lets the enemy hit gets binded to the wall. Then some interesting plays will emerge.
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^^ Thanks toUbnoxius,Xiaowiriamu,Natuhlee and Hogopogo for the sig!

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