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Improve Microing - a guide to Smartcast and...

Creator: hypershatter December 9, 2010 12:26pm

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Restrictnine#5232's Forum Avatar
Jul 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2011 8:51am | Report
I disagree with the targetted skills and AOE spells. Irelia Bladesurge and Equilibrium Strike are FANTASTIC with smartcast because they allow you to be MUCH more efficient at last hitting and catching enemies offguard. It is too tedious to have it on regular cast and i actually have lost a few kills with irelia cuz i wasnt using smartcast.

Karthus Lay Waste is also amazing with smartcast. I would say any spammable skill should be smartcasted with a few exceptions, but im too lazy to think of them atm.

Some skill shots should still not be smartcasted because often times i hit the enemy at the maximum range and it is hard to know EXACTLY what that is unless you actually see it on your screen.
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ThomasterXXL's Forum Avatar
Mar 9th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 11:20am | Report
Well I wanted to use the smartcast options, but the key settings are really ******ed and the reasigning them sucks also... (That's why I dumped the idea of smartcast)

Smartcasts usefullness differs from case to case and Swain might need to place his cage as fast as possible. (if he has enough experience, he'll know the AoE)
Veigar for example needs to place the dark matter rly fast, because it's somewhat more "hit before the stun wears off"...

I already have Q and Z for summoner spells (WERT), but I think I'm going to change it soon.
(Summoner Spells have high CD, so it's wasting hotkeys in more than 50% of the cases...)
While Ghostblade has low CD and I always want to use it with my Ulti.

When you need to combo a lot, smartcast is a must and if you only need to aim 1 skill, you have more time to properly aim etc. Since you have plenty time to aim that 1 skill, quality should go over speed.

Whatever... I really need to redo my Hotkeys...

I'd try to go WERT with Z as Itemslot 6 (Ghostblade),
U as Summoner Spell 2
and Q as Summoner 1

This way I can quickly tap ulti+Ghostblade
U is the 2nd Summoner Spell (which is Ghost) and Q is my offensive Summoner Spell.
Vaellen's Forum Avatar
Jul 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2011 12:56pm | Report
I smartcast everything.

If you have played WoW, you might know the difference in reaction time between a "clicker" and a "keybinder". In LoL, it's almost the same. I've missed kills back when I wasn't smartcasting. I screwed up skillshots too.

When I started smartcasting, I first studied the ranges of my champions' skillset by turning off smartcasting and training in a custom game against bots after turning it on to maximize my effectiveness.

Now I'm used to the ranges. I missed 4 skillshots my last game with EZREAL. 4.

Smartcasting is terrific and I recommend it to anyone who wants to further improve his/her reaction time. I can't tell you how many times I've been able to survive because of my faster skill use.

I've been able to stun combo with Brand so quickly a Trynd couldn't even hit me with his auto attack. His sword was in the AIR.

I've escaped with Ezreal's Arcane Shift in the last second and I'm certain that if I had to click one more time, that time difference would have killed me.

I have used Shaco's Deceive to counter a Brand's stun combo with me teleporting behind him just before his Q would normally hit me and kill me, AND he was so certain he would kill me he landed his EQW combo in the place where I normally would stand stunned, leaving him with CDs and the result was me killing him.

Smartcasting maximizes your reaction time and it's fun to play with it. Dodging bullets is awesome!
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jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 10, 2011 4:13pm | Report
I forgot to turn R back on in my last game (was playing Nasus previously), and as Sona I was being tower dived by Renekton and Katarina. I panicked, ran around the tower, spammed W and Q, and finally ulted.

... where my mouse cursor was.

Well, it's lucky that Sona can't friendly fire towers :P

Kat died, and Renekton soon after to Rumble who had come from mid, so it wasn't that bad.

But allies had noticed my fail ult, and I informed them that I had smart casting on.


I prefer smart casting, but I hadn't ever thought of making a new key binding to *self-cast*.
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VanityVivified's Forum Avatar
Jun 20th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2012 11:58am | Report
I didn't know what smartcasting was until I was reading a guide about overlooked mechanics.

[ Overlooked topic -> Interface, keybinds, & settings by GoodGame8 ]
(I checked the rules on referring guides, I think this is allowed? I'm pretty new to MOBA)

I use the first program listed for smartcast hotkeys, and it is insanely helpful. I play LeBlanc for mid, a champion for whom smartcasting is absolutely vital. The decreased time it takes, even just .3 - .5 seconds, to unload all of my spells has saved my life numerous times. Now, I also play other champs, like Rammus, where smartcasting isn't that effective. It helps to be able to switch very easily between hotkey settings without going into the game menus all the time.
I admit it took a while, and a few bot matches, to get used to the smartcasting, but I believe it helps once you're comfortable with how it works compared to default casting.
iownedya's Forum Avatar
Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2012 1:01pm | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

I forgot to turn R back on in my last game (was playing Nasus previously), and as Sona I was being tower dived by Renekton and Katarina. I panicked, ran around the tower, spammed W and Q, and finally ulted.

... where my mouse cursor was.

Well, it's lucky that Sona can't friendly fire towers :P

Kat died, and Renekton soon after to Rumble who had come from mid, so it wasn't that bad.

But allies had noticed my fail ult, and I informed them that I had smart casting on.


I prefer smart casting, but I hadn't ever thought of making a new key binding to *self-cast*.

Lol jhoi, happens to me all the time. I set something off smart cast (say... Event Horizon) then the next game it is still off. I spam EEEEEEEEE nothing happens... FML! Oh... Smart cast... XD
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iownedya's Forum Avatar
Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2012 1:05pm | Report
Oh and also, I smart cast EVERYTHING. It is 2x more efficient. Also, another efficient way to kilk people is Smart casting on SUMMONER SPELLS and ITEMS. I must say, my AP yi has never been smoother with DFG smart cast. In my last 4 AP yi aram games, I got a lot of quadras and penta kills! Smart casting SUMMONER SPELLS is a lot easier. If you are someone like Malzahar who can accidentaly break your ult by smart casting Ignite, I do not recommend it. Note that smart casting is easier if you are more experienced. It will help for new players, but smart casting is for people who have played LoL for a long time.
Thanks to Xiron and ProAsylum (Ignition) for the amazing signatures!
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Crunchy Wartaco
Crunchy Wartaco's Forum Avatar
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Apr 13th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2015 8:35pm | Report
I Smartcast literally everything except Gangs ult and Lux ult
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Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2015 2:10am | Report
Yea, okay. This thread is from 2010/2011. I'm gonna lock it. :P

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

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