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Which tanks are viable?

Creator: Trojan995 April 3, 2011 7:52am
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Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2011 10:32pm | Report
Searz wrote:

Erm.. 5% on Randuin+15% on Reverie=20%. Masteries+runes = max 14.85% (well, with the good CDR runes anyhow).

CDR or MR glyphs on Ali? MS quints? And which masteries? Getting kinda curious about him :3

i meant to type 18% with items, give me a break it was like 9am and i had been up 24 hours, still slightly wrong though

runes + masteries + blue pot brings it to 40%

whatever marks, mana regen/5/lvl seals, flat cdr glyphs, ms quints

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2011 2:51am | Report
Kinda what I was thinking. I think I'd go with flat MP5 seals tho since you're getting an MP5 item and MP5 really is mostly needed in the early phases of the game.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2011 2:55am | Report
3pthorror wrote:

yeah and both those items also cost 2050 more than frozen heart, Jet also gets them last so he will be sitting on up to 10% or so CDR with runes and masteries for basically the whole game. neither randuins or shurelyas give u mana, shurelyas gives u mp5 but not 500 frigen mana. frozen heart+soul shroud and masteries give you 39%>randuins+shurelyas+masteries give you 29%. they cost about the same and u get 10% more cdr and ur tankier this way.

You're just wrong.. I think roamers need those GP5 items to scale beyond early game and they can be built into Randuin and Reverie so you won't have to waste any money by selling them.
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Apr 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2011 9:58am | Report
Nighthawk wrote:

I actually find Banshee's better than Shureyla's imo. The movement speed active is nice, as is the health, but I find a higher amount of mana helps more then a higher mp5. If you want CDR on Ali then I usually choose Frozen Heart of Randuins. Don't get me wrong I love Randuin's and HoG, but Ali already has a high hp pool and I find he usually needs more armor and mana then health, though the slow is quite nice.

im glad someone gets where im coming from. To prove Jets and Searz wrong ill be uploading a picture of my games with him recently, just played one and got 2-2-27 with frozen heart, bansheis, merc treds and soul shroud. I had 40% CDR without blue pot, so my ap carry could have it cuz they obviously need it more than Alistar. And i was actually a tank so i didnt have to rely on my ult for engaging team fights.
Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2011 11:05am | Report
blue pot isn't golem buff

just cause you get a good score doesn't mean it's a good build

you engage teamfights with ghost / flash + pulverize, no one uses ult to initiate

it's not "proving" anyone wrong.
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Slizer002's Forum Avatar
Oct 23rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2011 11:06am | Report
3pthorror wrote:

im glad someone gets where im coming from. To prove Jets and Searz wrong ill be uploading a picture of my games with him recently, just played one and got 2-2-27 with frozen heart, bansheis, merc treds and soul shroud. I had 40% CDR without blue pot, so my ap carry could have it cuz they obviously need it more than Alistar. And i was actually a tank so i didnt have to rely on my ult for engaging team fights.

Then you just play in very low ELO, against bad opponents or have an insanely good team with no good opponents ^^

Oh and blue-pot refers to elixir of brilliance. Which is not a limited resource ^^

If someone can't stay alive in lane for 6:30 seconds on their own then they got problems.
3pthorror's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2011 4:56pm | Report
Where I got my Build

Well idk how to prove that this build works anymore than this, and if you listen to hotshot he actually tells u why this works. When they surrender his build is bansheis, merc treds, and glacial shroud(was obvi building frozen heart)

please tell me how the build still sucks.
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2011 5:13pm | Report
HotshotGG was playing lane Alistar in that game, not roam. On roam Alistar, it's best to grab those gold per 5 items BECAUSE you need that gold from missing so much CS. It only makes sense to complete Shurelya's and Randuin's because they're great items on Alistar, even if you wouldn't normally get them in a regular build.

Banshee's is staple. Duh.

HSGG only builds Frozen Heart because it gives him ***loads of CDR, which he sorely lacked BECAUSE he didn't build Shurelya's or Randuin's. It wasn't even an optimal build against the enemy team, which had 4 magic damage champions - I believe he simply built it because he needed some tanky item that gave CDR and he didn't feel like building Shurelya's.

He should have built Sheen. It's a small investment and would have improved his damage greatly - then again, with Renekton and Caitlyn carrying the team and a Shaco not contributing much to team fights, he probably wasn't building too much on damage in the first place.

Sure, that build is FINE in lane, but you should probably be roaming with him anyway. >.>
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2011 9:48pm | Report
Speaking of tanks, aren't they just meatshield supports? They are quite tanky and generally provide useful CC (preferred). Tanks are there to take damage, correct? Keeping that in mind, I can argue many different people as tanks.

Master Yi - Meditate is more useful than people realize. 700HP+165%AP + 300 Armor + 300 Magic Resistance + Bait + Banshee's Veil = Tank(-ish)?

Kassadin - Weapon Mastery gives 15% reduced magic damage that might be taken. Force Pulse slows enemies and in team fights, the stacks build ridiculously quickly. Null Sphere is an excellent single target silence.

Jax - Equipment Mastery gives him 3HP/1AD and 2HP/1AP. Counter Strike allows an AoE stun every time he dodges an attack. Enough said. Relentless Assault grants 50+dodge% in magic resistance.

These and many more champions have tank-ish abilities such as Crescent Sweep, Burning Agony, Golden Aegis, and Ravenous Flock.
Those abilites don't necessarily make those champions tanks. Maybe those abilites are just to solely help out the champion in accordance with its damage output and others' versatility.

>Another point I would like to make is that maybe some of these 'tank' champions are better played as damage/support. The perfect example: Amumu. For a great deal of the population, he is one of the best tanks, but some less used champions have a better lay-out. Amumu would, on ocassion, be a much better help to the team as an AP/support. Who doesn't love stun-*****s such as him and Kennen? He also has (aside from Karthus) questionably the best AoE damage in-game. No matter what the enemies do, passive abilities still do not stop.

>And about all these people talking about how they have the 'so-much-better build,' you are all talking nonsense. The build doesn't make the champion great. The style in which you play the champion and your confidence in the items does actually make a difference. It's much more of a 'whatever works for you' situation than most people could seem to understand.
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