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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Assassins in tank meta

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  • Ddaelin Zod

    Assassins in tank meta

    Who are the assassins that are suitec in the tank meta?
  • Answers (4)

    Embracing (353) | May 27, 2015 12:11pm
    If you're looking at competitive play your options may be somewhat limited, as assassin play is pretty unforgiving in the current meta - once you are set behind it's hard to pick yourself up. However, regions like KR that focus on controlled play have pulled off assassins pretty well this last week.

    Of all the roles mid assassins are probably the most suited in the meta. eg: Westdoor from AHQ pulled out Fizz a few times with success in MSI.

    Leblanc, Kass, Zed, Fizz, and Ahri are the only real assassins that are quite difficult to pull off but are definitely viable in competitive.

    If you're looking at solo queue, assassins are completely fine, as games are messy and advantages are easily lost.

    A few good places to start would be Leblanc, Zed, Fizz, Ahri, Talon, Kat, and Kass. Leblanc at higher elos draws bans in quite a few games.
    Blazze EUNE | May 30, 2015 9:12pm
    If i may, I would say that Riven for example is a 50/50 Champion. She is a Fighter yes but also an Assasin.

    We all know Riven and how she can(If the person is good with her) Can pretty much kill tanks with time thou.

    On the other hand, it is the Tank Meta right Now, but as an assasin champion it depends alot on your gameplay and also depends on your earlygame and midgame on how fed can you get.

    When i usualy play Talon mid i will always get a tank in the other team (Sometimes i dont)and i just focus on Trying to win my lane and Roam as much as i can.By the time i have 10/0 and i can easyly kill 1 or 2 from the enemy team, it doesnt really matter how tanky is Maokay for exp. Since my team is there and there will be a 3v5 situation.
    VaporaDark haz a veryyyyy nice guide on talon and truly deserve merit for the effort for doing it :)
    HiFromBuddha (82) | May 23, 2015 4:13pm
    None really. This really isn't a meta that suits assassins.

    The only ones that do well in this meta are LeBlanc and Ahri, due to their safety in comparison to other assassins. Don't get me wrong, you can play Talon and Zed and **** and do well, but the prevalence of tanks as well as Urgot in the mid lane does **** them over.
    Vengenator (61) | May 24, 2015 2:00pm
    Since Zed usually and can build Blade of the Ruined King I'd think he doesn't suffer as much in the tank meta.
    Elusive Ferret (83) | May 24, 2015 1:49pm
    "Playing an assassin into a tank comp isn't you looking to burst down tanks."

    Now that's just insulting... Someone still needs to deal with the tanks and you can already count Ahri out, and Ahri being as fragile as she is you can't just dive into their back line and ignore their giant heavy CC tanks. Like I said before, if it's down to an Ahri to carry a game against multiple tanks, you're gunna have a bad time. Like Infectious Lepar said, ideally you need champions that deal percentage based damage or that have low cooldowns and/or synergise well with Liandry's. Ahri has none of that. You can't just ignore the tanks, especially when a lot of them have hard CC that's not exactly the easiest to dodge, even as Ahri (Maokai Twisted Advance, Sejuani Glacial Prison, Rek'Sai Unburrow, Gragas Explosive Cask.) Not to mention how hard it is to get a Charm and even the damage from Fox-Fire and Spirit Rush to land on a key target with all the tanks in the way. So many more assassins have an easier time getting onto and killing a key target than Ahri. The only thing Ahri has over most other assassins in relation to bursting a key target is the ability to catch them at range and try to nuke them down.
    Vapora Dark (624) | May 24, 2015 6:37am
    "But really, it complements mages a lot more this time around."

    I'm not trying to argue that assassins are better than mages in this meta. I'm just saying that with the higher need for AD carries to act as tank shredders in this meta, being able to single handedly blow them up very early on in a fight keeps assassins relevant.
    HiFromBuddha (82) | May 24, 2015 6:31am
    @Elusive Ferret Playing an assassin into a tank comp isn't you looking to burst down tanks. You need assassins that are safe (preferably ranged and with high mobility) in order to not be locked down by tanks and peeled off their back line.
    Infectious Lepar (231) | May 24, 2015 4:04am
    Look for your percentage based damage dealers. Fizz is still strong against whoever(even though he has been through some growing pains over this season). Assassins who can engage without being peeled by tanks are still capable of doing fine, so long as there is a strong enough follow-up after they take out their target.
    As for the comment about how ahri is useless against tanks I must say "nay nay!"
    With a kit geared around kiting and poking she is geared pretty well for fighting tanks. True damage and on-spell abilities make her a great anti-tank mage regardless of how they are built.
    (I duno where Elise sits these days but building her magicpen/reduction and AP makes for a nimble little assassin)
    Elusive Ferret (83) | May 23, 2015 5:08pm
    Sorry but Ahri does not do well against tanks, she is one of the worst tank killers in the game. It's extremely difficult to carry a game when they have multiple tanky members, she literally can't do anything against a tank with 3k+ HP. It's a nightmare.
    HiFromBuddha (82) | May 23, 2015 4:31pm
    But really, it complements mages a lot more this time around. You need a mixed source of damage in team comps since top and jungle are likely to be tanks, so mid needs to offer an AP damage threat. And yes, I realise that's different to what I said in my original post.

    It's a matter of how coordinated a team is to determine how well an assassin will do against you, I suppose.
    Vapora Dark (624) | May 23, 2015 4:23pm
    I don't really think the meta is that bad for assassins. Sure Zed and Talon aren't going to be taking down tanks on their own, but if you can take out their team's highest DPS, then how is their team going to kill your tanks?
    Vengenator (61) | May 24, 2015 2:04pm
    Jax is sort of an assassin right...? I mean he can Leap Strike to the enemy carries, stick to them with Phage or an upgrade, laugh as your adc dies to Counter Strike and crushes tanks with innate attack speed and Blade of the Ruined King
    Epicmaneuvers | June 11, 2015 1:16pm
    he's not an assasin because he doesn't have the ability to 100-0 someone at level 6. I understand your train of thought, a late game full build jax might appear to 100-0 people but thats after 250 cs, 8 kills, and 6 towers. An assassin needs to be inherently deadly at early levels without many items. and jax doesn't do that. even with flat ap runes and 30-0-0 he still wont be out damaging a talon or a leblanc in a 1-3 second time frame.
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