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League of Legends (LoL) Question: BLOODTHIRSTER and Mord's passive?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Mordekaiser 5,081

  • TCP520

    BLOODTHIRSTER and Mord's passive?

    Will BLOODTHIRSTER work with mords passive?
  • Answers (2)

    Prate_k (24) | December 19, 2019 2:01pm
    try Death's Dance too if you are looking for options other than Hextech Gunblade
    PsiGuard (1495) | December 9, 2019 5:44pm
    No. Bloodthirster (and other sources of Lifesteal) only applies to basic attacks and abilities that work like basic attacks. Morde's passive is considered a spell, and his bonus magic damage on-hit won't be counted into his attack damage for Lifesteal calculations.

    If you want Morde's passive (or on-hit damage from passive) to heal him, you'll need Hextech Gunblade instead. Ravenous Hunter and Conqueror are more accessible sources of healing.
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