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League of Legends (LoL) Question: i dropped from b2 to b5


  • ExonQ

    i dropped from b2 to b5

    I was in b2 and am dropped in b5, I was playing good but my team was so bad. I lost 15 games in a row.
    Now am cant climb , can someone give me a some advice about this?
  • Answers (5)

    Pure Panphobia (33) | March 24, 2018 10:54pm
    Here ya go, man. So There are some essentials that you need to know and some essentials you need to work on. I'm going to give you constructive criticism and also be completely, if not brutally, honest.

    Things You Need To Know And Understand
      You are in Bronze and that means you're not playing the best, so your teammates will not be the best.

      Your enemies are also in Bronze. They will also not be the best.

      No matter how many times you lose, even if your team is really bad, you have to criticize your own mistakes and decision making or you will never climb.

      "ELO Hell" is a myth. It does not exist. Don't trick yourself into the mindest that you're just "stuck in ELO Hell".

    Things You Need To Improve Upon
      If you really want to climb the most important skill you should work on is
    Last Hitting. CS can make or break games and is one of the most important aspects of gaining and maintaining a lead. Before playing a game, go into the Practice Tool or a custom game and place yourself against a bot. Go to the bottom lane and practice last hitting minions while being harassed by the enemy bot. You can even practice harassing the enemy bot while last hitting, but DO NOT kill the bot and try not to force it out of lane. Do this for 10 minutes and rate yourself. If you get 50 CS at 10 minutes, you need a lot of work on last hitting. 60 CS at 10mins means you need to practice more. 70 CS is okay, and in Bronze it will likely put you 15+ CS above your opponent at the 10min mark. Ideally you want to get 80 or more CS at 10 minutes. Just keep practicing Last hitting against different bots until you're consistently getting that 70+ CS at 10 minutes and you will see improvement in your rank.

    Tying into the first point, you'll also want to research Minion Wave Management. This means knowing how and when to freeze a lane, set a lane to slow push, etc. Proper wave management will allow you to maintain a CS advantage throughout the duration of the game and help you control the lane.

    The next thing for you to focus on is Champion Mechanics. Generally it's recommended that if you want to get out of a low rank, you play champs with low mechanical requirements so you can focus on the macro game, but whatever mechanics your champion has you need to be proficient in.

    When in game, especially in Bronze, it's not a bad idea to go ahead and mute everyone in the game. This will allow you to focus and take away the possibility of any negative comments in the chat.

    Keep your champion pool small. Try to have 3 champions for your main role and 3 for your off role. For all other roles, try to stick to 1 champion. This allows you to minimize the amount of mechanics you need worry about while still leaving you options. I would also recommend that you vary the type of champions in that pool in your main role when you can. For example, if you play mid, maybe try having a pool of an AD Assassin like Talon, an AP burst mage like Annie, and a control mage like Viktor, or for a Top lane example, Garen as an AD Tank, an AP tank like Cho'Gath, and a CC machine like Ornn or Shen. Having the variety allows you to mold your pick to what your team needs so that you don't end up with 4 AD and a support or if your team is lacking CC you can play your CC heavy top laner, etc.

    Learn from high level players and incorporate what you learn. Go to or here on mobafire, or somewhere reputable and get guides for the champions that are based on high level play. Watch videos of high level play of those champs. There are some things you're just not going to pick up on unless you see it done, so this is how you learn those kinds of things.

    As long as you follow this advice, you'll definitely start to climb back up. You might even make it out of Bronze. Some players I'd recommend you watch are SoloRenektonOnly, LL Stylish, Phylol, and Foxdrop. They're all Diamond and above level players and they are very informative. Hopefully this helps and good luck on your climb.
    ExonQ | March 25, 2018 12:52pm
    ty :D
    Pure Panphobia (33) | March 25, 2018 7:31pm
    You're welcome
    PsiGuard (1495) | March 24, 2018 6:54pm
    To be brutally honest, if you lose 15 games in a row you're not playing well. Even if you had an insanely long streak of unlucky games, this wouldn't be a long term issue. If you're constantly losing games, you aren't having a big enough impact on the outcome of the game.

    You should expect your teammates to play pretty poorly but remember your enemies will be making roughly the same amount of mistakes. You need to be able to capitalize on those mistakes and build a lead consistently enough to win more than half of your games to climb.
    Biperspectival (6) | March 28, 2018 7:31pm
    Here's a question: do you want to get good, or do you want to get out of Bronze? If you want to get good, you need to do the stuff that Pure Panphobia recommends. If you jsut want to get out of Bronze, find a low play-rate champion like Illaoi and one trick them. Your opponents generally won't know how to play against you, you'll rarely get banned, and constantly playing one champion can help with things like csing and deciding whether to engage since you'll know your animations and damage output well.

    Now, one-tricking won't get you super-far, but it can help. I'd recommend focusing on core skills instead, but if you're really just frustrated, I'd give it a shot and NOT PLAY RANKED until you have the champion really really really well learned.
    The real kagoyme | March 25, 2018 2:29pm
    I have been dropping constantly from Silver 1 to Silver 3, I get really good team mates and then I just get a load of people who don't seem to know what they are doing, or die once and then get pissed and feed

    I would suggest finding a duo partner that knows what they are doing and are willing to carry you out of bronze or can teach you how to along the way of helping.

    You can also try to learn the champions that can carry a game easily if your team is decent enough,I would suggest looking at the top champions right now, how to counter them and watch your replays to see where you can improve :) good luck on your climb
    Prate_k (24) | March 24, 2018 5:58pm
    Find a duo, top lane or mid. Otherwise it's all just luck depending on who you get in your queue. I'm in the same state where because of this the mmr becomes so low that you will continuously get poopy matchups. Even with carry champs there is no way to solo carry a team and it just makes you spiral down even more into bad performances.
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