League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Garen jungle viable?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Garen 29,385
Is Garen jungle viable?
I actually tried it a few times and it didn't seemed such a bad idea to me. Yeah, the ganks are not as good, but Garen is not an insta lane winner like Darius. Garen is an ultimate tank but he is prone to losing his lane. By going Garen jungle you sacrifice a deal of ganking potential but enables your team to win top, which can be difficult with Garen. During ganks, you launch your classic QWER combo for good damage while going tanky. Link to my experimental jungle Garen below.
He also punishes champions with no movement whatsoever like crazy if you get to the chilling smite... but that's pretty much the only thing he's good at in a gank. Champions with gapclosers are still way more convenient, and I'm pretty sure there are a ton of other junglers out there as well that can also punish the lack of mobility on the enemy team but better.