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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Jungle Champion Pool


  • Adzyy

    Jungle Champion Pool

    Ok, so I am a silver 5 (Promos for silver 4) and i have only been playing for a few months now. My main role is Jungle and my main champion is Shyvana. Though I feel i need some more junglers to main. Any suggestions. Preferably easy and good and farming and carrying late game.
  • Answers (3)

    Petesaparty | October 9, 2016 12:45pm
    If you're looking for fairly simple champions with good farming and potential for growth, look into off-tank and fighter split-push junglers. Champions like Jax, Tryndamere, Olaf, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Master Yi, Trundle, Udyr, Vi, and Volibear all have good sustainability and pushing power, and are fairly easy to learn and master. If you spend your time concentrating on taking objectives with these champions, as long as you do so fairly safely, you should be able to generally be a major benefit to your team, which should increase your win-rate.
    Anomalousgeek | October 24, 2016 6:09pm
    My favorite is Fiddlesticks, as nobody really plays him anymore, so they're not sure how to deal with his E's long silence and his fear. As far as easy farm, Pantheon is a good pick, as nobody really plays him in my experience
    Ep_i | October 20, 2016 7:54am
    I personally recommend Hecarim, Lee, and Volibear. I have mained Hecarim and he has yet to really let me down. It may take a llittle while to get used to landing his E's and ults perfectly but I feel as if he caarries hard after triforce. Udyr, Vi, and olaf are also strong choices.
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