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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Rek'Sai is a Tank?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Kassadin Rek'Sai 5,971

  • WannaCumInYourThroat69

    Rek'Sai is a Tank?

    Why in the world is Rek'Sai classed as a Tank? She has 0 things within her kit that empowers her defense in the slightest. No wonder no one plays her. It's sad when even Kassadin got more reason to be tank... What do you think?
  • Answers (4)

    Hamstertamer (74) | November 24, 2018 8:55am
    Actually, the wiki classifies her as a diver. I don't know where you found that she's considered a tank.

    She's basically an AD bruiser.
    amdlaihfgan | December 4, 2018 11:30am
    Well, it's probably not updated data. Old rek'sai was closely always tank/fighter. Now it depends on you. She may be as well tank as assassin
    Alina | November 25, 2018 5:12am
    It's a shame people don't play her more, I think it's because her role is very similar to Lee Sin and Lee got buffed a bit too much so they always pick him instead.
    LuxIsMyCrush (13) | November 24, 2018 2:30pm
    its a bruiser
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