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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Teemo AP or on-hit

Posted in Champions | Tags: Teemo 4,292

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    Teemo AP or on-hit

    I used to play AP Teemo which mainly buffs Q and the mushrooms. But now I find that on-hit deals insane damage with PTA rune. Which one is better in the current meta, and why?
  • Answers (6)

    ak521 (23) | April 22, 2019 8:23am
    It depends on what type of player you are. Many people go mix (taking nashor's tooth and rest AP) etc. and that works great. Also look at your team, if you need ap or another adc.
    Sovereign Kitten (87) | May 17, 2019 7:48pm
    You should never play "On-hit" traditional "On-hit"

    Take it from someone who has played every single build of Teemo over the years.
    If you wanna play "On-hit" it is very situational and is still FULL AP, but at the difficult playstyle of being 100% auto attack reliant (3 Autos) to get the full amount of damage out.

    Where as FULL AP is just Auto Q Auto (Dead)

    It is situational as I state.
    You want to build FULL AP in both scenarios, my guide stated above goes into full detail.
    xxxskully (5) | April 23, 2019 1:14am
    In my Opinion it depends on the matchup if your versus a tank i think on-hit with mixed damage is way better, but if your vs a bruiser who depends on melee attacks i would go AP.
    sanicking2 | May 6, 2019 1:13am
    WhatsLeft4Dead2 (6) | April 22, 2019 6:09pm
    There's a guide around here somewhere for all types of Teemo builds..

    here we go:

    Just use this guide for reference.
    moon827 (14) | April 22, 2019 7:38am
    I dont play teemo persoanlly, but when i see him in solo queue, its usually ap + aery

    Hope this helps,

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