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League of Legends (LoL) Question: The best build.

Posted in Champions | Tags: Riven Warwick 4,664

  • CYJA

    The best build.

    What is the best builds for the Riven, and WarWick ? becuase im new to this and i ant some tisp before starting ranked gaming. pleae help and if you do. thanks a lot :#
  • Answers (2)

    Re4XN (59) | July 3, 2016 11:40am
    There are no such things as "best build". Build will depend on matchups, how the game is going and the enemy team composition. FORTUNATELY, you have stumbled upon a website that has the answers you seek. You can type "Riven" in the searchbar and a number of guides will pop up. I recommend LimitlessHavoc's one, it appears to be the most complete of the bunch. You can take a read and learn everything you need to know about Riven right there. Same goes for Warwick, just type it in the searchbar and a number of guides will pop up, you can look at some of them and decide which one suits your playstyle the most.
    Poot Potato King | July 15, 2016 2:34am
    Also, just a warning, there will always be trolls, so i would suggest carry champions (e.g Riven and Warwick, yes, but some champs are better with more skill, so if you're new to riven, i wouldn't suggest playing her in ranked unless you're comfortable with animation cancelling and quick combo etc.)
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