Where's my guide ?
Asked by AssassinsWeed on July 31, 2016
Yesterday I made a guide for Zed. I published it and saved it and when I go to Builds and Guides-Newest Guides-Zed my guide isn't there ?? What I need to do for other people to see it. Guide name is Better Nerf Zed [S6]
It doesn't show up in the list because it prioritizes showing Guides before Builds. For your build to be considered a guide, I can't remember the requirements off the top of my head but it needs a few thousand words (maybe even just a thousand I don't know) in the main body in the guide (coding also contributes to this even if it can't be seen).
Currently, your work is just a build. In order to see it displayed in the list, make sure you have "Newest Builds" or "Builds Only" as a setting; that'll display the build you made.