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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Who's the same level as Senna?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Senna 4,448

  • jojohnkimura

    Who's the same level as Senna?

    Senna is my favorite character! What do you think, who has the same power?
  • Answers (1)

    LilRidge | February 26, 2021 8:38am
    If you are asking who has a similar playstyle as Senna. I would have to say a poke mage like Lux or Xerath. Senna is a very unique Champion and she is like an ADC. If you want champions similar to her in support i would recommend those 2. If you want champs similar to her as ADC i would recommend either Caitlyn or Ashe.
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