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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why Summon Aery instead of Arcane Comet on Morgana?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Morgana 16,385

  • RoachKilla

    Why Summon Aery instead of Arcane Comet on Morgana?

    The title pretty much says it all.. I've been looking at builds and the most popular all seem to have Summon Aery instead of Arcane Comet.
    Wouldn't you want a hard poke instead of a more often poke?
    For instance, with Sona the Aery makes sense because the cooldown on her Q is low.. but Morgana's Q has a longer cooldown and i think the harder poke with the Comet is more beneficial.
    any help or discussion on this is appreciated.
  • Answers (5)

    ZachDoodlez7 (8) | July 8, 2018 12:28pm
    because morgana has her E which will give her ally or herself an extra shield.
    Prate_k (24) | July 7, 2018 8:04am
    If you are poking with your Tormented Shadow in the bot lane as a support, you get Summon Aery back as soon as possible, just by walking towards it, to proc it again and again, rather than waiting for the cooldown on Arcane Comet. It also helps with Black Shield for extra shielding.
    orrvaa (41) | July 7, 2018 2:15am
    In addition to ZyrZylo, Summon Aery can give shield while casting ability on a team mate while Arcane Comet won't
    ZyrZylo (1) | July 7, 2018 2:04am
    because Morgana's main poke tool isnt her root but her e. now while q roots the enemy hit in place thus securing a perfect hit from comet(outside flash and other means), its not the case with her e.
    SawyerNelson | July 11, 2018 11:49pm
    Arey is easier to proc, and deal more poke damage over the duration of a laning phase, also lets you have some damage from auto attacks when on cooldown.
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