League of Legends Questions
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I made a guide but it says by guest and isnt published on my account
https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/toxic-support-veigar-build-577206?revision i made this guide while logged in, but it says it was made by guest and i cant find it under my account
Rengar Hard?
Is rengar hard to play mechanically or macro? I was thinking of getting him because he looks fun and can one shot which also sounds fun. My top macro is great from watching this one youtuber, but i still can't learn the jg macro. Is there a guide on this?
link multiple guides with one hyperlink
Hey, I have currently two guides and plan on making more as I master more off meta supports (currently Grandmaster Neeko supp guide and a Diamond Zoe support guide). I'm trying to find a way to link both my guides in one link as I stream and its taking up alot of space with my two guides and it will get worse with the more I make. Thanks, Doglightning
Creating links to guide chapters.
I've seen a few guides where people have a glossary, with each chapter hyperlinked. How do I do that?
Who wins?
Irelia vs Renekton, Who wins? In early/late
Deleting a Guide
Is it possible to completely delete a guide or the only way is to archive them?
I do not know what to do
you believe that I can use aatrox at this time example: playing aatrox without knowing how to play the game well. Thank you for your attention <3 .
Blitz OP?
Is Blitzcrank top good in bronze? I went 15/5/8 in my first game of blitz. I got an S+, but the illaoi inted a lot. Is blitz top viable?
How to get rp?
How can i get some rp? Im at like level 16 and i dont have a single rp how do i get it without having to buy with real money??
So when your team hits an ace what you should do? Baron, push dragon (elder or if it's for the soul). This struggle me and I don't know what should I do and call so I do what the others doing at the moment. I would like to say me what I must do when my team hits ace.
Can I drop rank from Diamond back to Plat?
I've been getting a message [url=https://leaguefeed.net/demotion-shield-expiring-updated-2020-heres-what-it-means/]demotion shield expiring[/url] often lately so I'm really curious if I can actually drop back to Platinum if I lose 2-3 games on 0LP when I'm Diamond 4
Urgot Death's Dance?
Is death's dance still a viable item for urgot, or is the nerf going to affect his preformence?
can i make a new name
how can i cange my name if i cant or can pls tell me
Master yi vs Warwick
Can master yi 1v1 warwick in level 3 with same item and same health and mana?
Fiddlesticks Top
So I've seen this build emerging where you'd run [[Aftershock]] on [[Fiddlesticks]], play him top, and build him as a tank. It's actually been working decently great for me. For those who don't know, you'd go [[Frozen Heart]], boots (defensive), [[Spirit Visage]], [[Zhonya's Hourglass]] and an additional two tank items (like [[Randuin's Omen]] against crit etc.) I was wondering if this build...
Hello, are Evelynn and Nunu viable right now?
Are there any clubs that promote positivity?
I've been playing for a long time and I'm always on the lookout for clubs that can represent positivity. I've made one, named; "We're in this together" as a means of trying to promote togetherness and positivity in the face of adversity. Are there any other clubs out there like that?
can we talk about riven real quick?
Can we talk about riven and he general bustedness? i feel like not enough people understand that a champion who has 4 gap closers, 2 cc abilities and a constant stacking passive dealing damage per autos at level 3 is strong or overpowered, and yet they still argue " you're just bad". I understand it isn't the case with all rivens but all rivens im up against ( elo iron 1) have either...
Deal with tanks
I'm a mid laner but I lose every game the enemy team has two tanks , pls i want a champ(s) that can deal with tanks .
Does Morg Shield Block Malz Ulti?
Title says it all. Not sure Morgana's shield it blocks the CC attached to Malzahar's Ultimate because it is suppression.
Some ?s about Fiora
Hi. I have a few qusetions about[[fiora]] (I'm learning how to play her). 1: What's your suggestion about mana problems? even when I'm fed and doing good I have mana problems. Sometimes I even get blue buff but it goes away fast so I'm looking for a better option. I see many people choosing [icon=Presence of mind size=20] on her to solve this problem. I've been wondering if [icon=Manaflow...
How do I make my ADC stop being a dumbass?
They are foolish.
Who Should I Get?
Ok, so... I’m wondering which champion I should get next, I’ve got it narrowed down to Diana, Syndra, Lissandra, Orianna, and Fiora. I need a consistent pick who can hold her own and has consistent power in certain parts of the game, and isn’t extremely risky farming minions. I am leaning towards Diana, Syndra, and Lissandra because I like bursty AP midlaners. I would really appreciate any...
Where are my saved guides?
Hello. I started some guides a few days ago and I saved it to continue after. But I'm trying to search those guides and I couldn't find it anywhere. Can anyone help me?
Capsule Disappear
So I leveled up but right after the game I went afk and when I came back I tried to claim my reward but it gave me a black screen so I force closed. Now the capsule isn't in my inventory. Does anyone know what I can do?
DD on Karma's skills.
Do it work 'cause the passive says that 15% of dealt even if its magic heals. (P.S. I like playing Top Karma.)
item's passives
So, if I buy an item with a passive like [[spirit visage]] or [[rabadon's deathcap]] will its passive doubled?
Maw's passive on Karma's empowered W.
I like using Karma as a tank and playing with my enemies there. I want to know if the spellvamp on Maw's passive do work when shes using Absolution.
What's the difference between a guide and a build?
So I created a Sion guide a while back. Had an item build, runes and some general information in the chapters. I revamped it today to include more builds, more runes as well as adding threats. Something I noticed when looking at the Sion page is that things are separated between guides and builds, what is the difference and what is necessary for something to qualify as a guide?
What is the full speed builds for Jhin in URF ?
Hey so with the recent URF mode coming back, i was wondering what the Jhin full speed builds was, since i was a Jhin main, full speed builds really fascinated me. Also knowing the full speed Runes would be great too. Normally i would go Trinity force -> RFC -> Stattik -> Runaan -> Phantom Dancer ( With the Silver boots too ofc ) And i would go pretty fast everytime i crit, but...
Tahm Kench?
Is Tahm Kench still viable? I've heard a lot of people saying "He's OP" or "He Sucks" but I'm wondering if he's ACTUALLY good and viable right now. Also wondering if enemies can take damage from DoT (such as Teemo, Twitch, Ignite, etc.) while devoured.
Pulsefire Borders
Hi. I had a question about borders. I've bought Irelia's project border and Fiora's Pulsfire border. (from Pulsefire and Project events) Now I dunno how they work :/ I assume that I should use those certain skins to show the borders but I don't know if they're permanent. Will they still remain and show up when I buy the skins or have I wasted my event tokens :| do they have a certain using...
Liandry's Torment
How do you all feel about Liandry's Torment on Ornn? Would you all recommend it as an item if you need to help your team do more damage? Why or why not?
Twisted Fate Itemization
I've seen some people buy [[Luden's Echo]] instead of [[Rod of ages]] as a first item. When is that a good option? Is [[Hextech Protobelt-01]] a viable item? Since TF doesn't have any mobility apart from [[Flash]] and [[Destiny]] I thought that this could be a good option. When is buying [[Spellbinder]] a good option? Thanks in advance :)
Which person do you hate more?
Who is more annoying to fight, Teemo or Yasuo? Who is more annoying to fight, Master Yi or Zoe?
Crits on wierd ADC's
So, for these champions how do crits work? How do Infinity Edge Crits work? I figure for something like a Jinx Rocket Launcher or Senna Relic Cannon Crit, It would take the AD ratio (110 or 120) and just double it (220 or 240). I don't know tho....
How do i make an icon for this what is the name...i have tried them all
Tips to grind
Hello.I am hardstuck bronze for 3 seasons and I want some tips to grind(I main top lane jax Irelia and other picks)
MMR and win/lose streaks
So, lately i have heard about MMR and to be honest i don't know what exactly is. I know that this is how many lp you lose or win by ranked games but I don't know if it is the whole thing. If it's this is there any trick that I can do to make it bigger? About my second part of my question is there any lose/win streak I must be care of? I mean that if for example I won 3 games in the row the next...
Vlad passive
Does vladimirs passive, crimson rush, scale with his missing health or the targets missing health?
So, how does twitch's E work exactly? Does it deal physical damage each second passively along with the active, or is it just the active?
Scaling midlane champs
What are some good midlane Champs that really pop off towards the kid to late game?
Assassin midlaners
What are some good champions similar to talon and fizz for midlane?
Help With Darius
Ok, so I really struggle with playing against Darius. If anyone has tactics for playing against him and winning and most importantly, having fun that have been TESTED AND PROVEN TO WORK against him, I would EXTREMELY GRATEFUL.
What do signatures do.
Yeah, what do signatures even do?