League of Legends Questions
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Kennen jungle
Guys what do you think about kennen jungle ?!
cant cancel animation with riven
i always try to cancel animation with riven but i cant idk why like q+w i cant even cancel it once anyone can help me to know why i cant
What do you think about Pyke mid?
Is pyke mid still good and viable in your opinion
Mage Jungler
I am a jungler and ADC main. I play lots of ADCs and quite diffrent considering their aspects. But when it comes to junglers I only play Vi, Lee Sin, Khazix and Hecarim dependent on how much tank and CC the team need. Can you recommend any good Mage (not necessarily hard AP scaling) junglers? I am gold elo if that helps. :) TY <3
Gargoyle Feasting?
I saw someone using gargoyle stoneplate with Cho’Gath and I’m wondering how that works. Does it count all of the health you get when you activate stoneplate as bonus health? Because if it doesn’t, then it would be kind of pointless to double your damage just to cut it in half again.
When/why should I go lethality over crit on Rengar?
So I have tried many of these myself but can't figure out which one is the most useful or when I should actually use them beside maybe building around the enemy team comp and even if I try this I never really get a good understanding of how it could benefit these situations. [b]Full Lethality Build[/b]- I know lethality lessens armor but why build this over crit when most squishys have no...
how to play talon
How do i effecttively play talon, dying less and hardcarrying the game.
How to play Akali
How to play as Akali, Wich Lane, Any information i would like to kno de wae to play HAHAHA
Vi W
Does life steal apply to the bonus damage from denting blows? Also, is it only auto attacks that stack her W?
Didn't get mobafire points
I made guide with all the requirements, but i didn't get the 20 points for it. I'm just wondering if i missed anything in my guide that made it not count as a guide.
BLOODTHIRSTER and Mord's passive?
Will BLOODTHIRSTER work with mords passive?
Late or Early Game?
Is Miss Fortune a lategame champ or an earlygame champ?
how do i effectively play talon to get many kills and carry the game.
Is building collect like this for senna okay?
Hello Instructions on how to play here good? https://phegame.net/cach-choi-bang-ngoc-bo-tro-va-cach-len-do-senna-sp-ad
Monky build full tank
does he not die then??
How to Play early game as A top laner (Darius)
Same as the title says
Hello everyone , I`ve seen some awesome matches with Miss Fortune on bot lane. I want to ask everyone if she is good for ranking higher. I`m trying to get out of bronze for a while now , but I cant play any champion good enough. I want to learn her to play well. What are your advices on her for bot lane ?
where can i find champion popularity list?
so just as the title said where can i find it
How do you play Shaco..
Hey, how do you play Shaco. I played shaco JG AP, with rune Dark Harvest and Sorcey. How u play shaco?
How to play yasuo?
iam a new [img=https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Yasuo?file=Yasuo2.png] player. but not good in yasuo. any suggestions to make it better ?
How good play Heimerdinger..
Hey,me need help. I love play my main champion Heimerdinger and me need help. How good play heimerdinger VS zed,yasuo... I know yasuo can counter Heimerdinger with Windwall i waited and use E. Me need help how good play heimerdinger.. FOR HEIMERDINGER MAINS. GOLD+
good jg in gold?
I would like to go higher but I don't know who to play anymore, you can help me (I play jg)
How do you play Senna?
Hello everyone, I like Senna a lot and I would like to reach a point where I feel comfortable playing her in rankeds. I didn´t play her much tho, because of my job and people picking/banning her in Drafts. I would like to know: - How do you play Senna in lane? Do you poke or you focus more on supporting/healing your ADC? - How do you build her? AP, support, AD, hybrid? - Which runes do...
What role should I puts as my secondary?
I'm a mid main, I really enjoy the champions and the lane but, since it's so popular there are times when I can't get the role. I've been going with top secondary to try and get mid as much as I possibly can, but when I get Top I don't really know what to do and so I nearly always lose. The only other role I've had any kind of success with is support, but I don't want to be support 40-50% of...
Good Bronze carry?
I need a good champion to solo carry bronze :v
Why my saved and unpublished guide on Ww is'nt in my library ?
i dont have finish this guide, and he's not in my library, someone can help me ?
Mobafire Notification Bug
Ok - for quite some time (~3 months) My notification bell at the upper right corner of the Mobafire signals that there is 1 unchecked notification. When I point on it with mouse cursor it says that the notification is located at Activity >>> Mentions. When I click on Activity it moves me to empty activity notification. When I click on Mentions it moves me to the same page. Any ideas...
Looking to fill out my champion pool
I'm currently working on maining the middle lane. I have a champion pool of Neeko and Zoe, and I'm really enjoying both of them. I know their win conditions well, and I know which one to pick in 99% of situations but I'm struggling against mobile and scaling champions (like Yasuo or Zed). So, I'm looking to round my champion pool out and add one more champion. I'm thinking either a good...
Good Junglers that are somewhat easy to play as?
Is there any "somewhat easy" Junglers to play as? I've been trying out Kayn as a Jungler and he's awesome, but I don't want to be a 1-trick with just Kayn as a jungler and I want somebody to fall back on. Any suggestions?
carrying as riven
how do I carry a game as top, i'm tired of losing free games.
I've wanted to climb for a long time, but all the Champions I like are supe
I've wanted to climb in League for a long time, but the champions I like are all very hard to play (Aurelion Sol, Azir, etc). I've been told to give them up and play easier champions (annie) until I learn the game, but how can I pick them back up if I never play them? What's the best way to get the best of both worlds, to learn and get better and not have to play champions that I dislike?
Is there any good ingage adc ?
I've been suffering from some sups not ingaging in some good opportunites,so if i am the champion to ingage in the bot lane would be better
How do you keep track of cooldown timers that don't have a visible tracker
It can be game changing during the laning phase to use Taste of Blood or Hextech Revolver when available. The first offering sustain and the second giving enough damage to dictate when you should engage. How do you personally keep track of these timers? So far, I've found for Taste of Blood its best to leave open my rune page panel besides my skill bar. This way I can make note of the...
Does 9.20 shaco no longer have the slow when you throw two shiv(E)?
Does 9.20 shaco no longer have the slow when you throw two shiv(E)?
Do you think mental state can have a big impact on games?
I'm not referring to playing while angry or something similar, that much will obviously negatively impact your games. I'm referring to smaller differences in your mental state, like some sort of pessimism or defeatism. Been a while now that I'm not terribly comfortable playing this game. My lack of skill has given me a weird sense of inferiority so when I finally decide to play, I sort of...
How can i aquire a young ryze skin?
i dont see any rp's or prices on young ryze skins is there anything i need to do before aquiring it? thanks
I want new main
I am a Jax main but I am a bit bored playing Jax,any Ideas?(I know really good farming with melee champs and I want to try something harder +I was and an Irelia main too
Top 3 ADCs?
So what in your opinion are currently top 3 adcs? In my opinion it is: 1. Tristana 2. Draven 3. Kai'Sa
Does Teemo's poison ticks proc electricute
Does Teemo's poison ticks proc electricute, I play teemo and wonder if this happens because most of the time I dont get 3 hits with teemo in the laning phase but I see soeme people rul electrucuteon teemo
Could Poppy buy "Runaan's Hurricane"?
Just saying that Poppy is a part ranged with her sheild.
What champion is good for learning jungle ?
Hello everyone , I want to learn to play jungle , but I don`t know which one is better. Do you have any pointers for one ?
ADCs time
Who are the ADCs that strong early
Can Rek'Sai be played other than jungler ?
I'm not really a good jungler at all but i would still like to play Rek'sai so is it possible to play her in lane ?
how do i achieve a in depth guide??
What champions are good for going up in ranked ( ADC ) ?
Hy everyone , I don`t know who to play anymore. I had some pretty good matches with Sivir and Draven but I just can`t get out of Iron , can anyone help me with some advices on which champs are good for ranking higher ?