League of Legends Questions
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Best banns when playing Lee Sin TOP?
What are the, lets say, 3 best banns when playing Lee Sin TOP?
Best bann when you play Jayce MID?
What are the, lets say 3, best banns when playing Jayce on mid lane?
What is this thing
What is wishlist?
best banns when you play Jayce?
What is the best bann when playing Jayce?
When does my guide stops being a new guide?
My Pantheon guide has 10k views and 5 likes but it is still new. Maybe it is due to the update I did on the first of April.
Is Jinx good?
So is Jinx good? She seems a little underwhelming in gameplay compared to how awesome her design concept, personality, and voice lines are. Is it just me needing to get better at her or is she genuinely not good right now? If she is good, how do I actually play jinx?
Is Gangplank still viable with the crit item changes?
Blind pickable jungle champions
So i was trying to make my champions pool recently, but i am a bit unsure about what jungler i can blind pick. Any suggestions?
Why does my build not show up as a guide?
I made a build today with above 3k characters but my build doesn't show up as a guide even tho my build used to show up near the top. I know you can't cheese the system but I didn't cheese the system with just typing ashhsduahısduaıgs I just typed some keyboard smashing as rage after I got 3k characters. My build's link:...
Does runaans hurricane work with samira's R?
Just a thought
Can LeBlanc top if u build correctly and take right runes?
I am a top main. I have a friend that plays mid all the time and I can never get it from him since its the only lane he knows how to play. I am really interested in playing LeBlanc but so far her support hasn't worked for me well. I was wondering if any LeBlanc mains would let me know if she can top.
why didnt i recieve an gmail about the win of the challenge
so i won the challenge but i didnt recieve and gmail about it
I can't find it Fizz Top Ss 5
I need pro player Fizz
I need Fizz Ss4 or Ss5 Top Tank ?? I can't find it
I remember there was a way to build Fizz-resistant in lane but I have no way of finding it. Please someone help
How Many Games To Get A Prestige Skin?
In the newest post, I saw Sylas will be getting a Prestige skin later this year. I LOVE Sylas and want to try to get the skin when it releases but I've never bought a pass or tried for a Prestige skin before. How many games (estimated) would I need to play to get a Prestige skin?
APC Kog'Maw
Is ap [[kog' maw]] at adc role good? Is it playable and worth?
Viego abilities
When I do the bb code for Viego's Q (Blade of the ruined king) it comes up as the item not the ability. What is the correct way of doing it?
Why is latency lower at the start of loading?
I notice as soon as the loading screen pops up, my latency is 162. Then it rapidly goes up to the normal 664ish a few seconds into the loading screen ~then it stays that high all game. I only have satellite internet here and it is notoriously bad. I am curious tho why the ping is so low right at the start and if there is any way to keep this low ping.
Do ability haste affect meeps at all?
Will my meeps appear faster if I build, for example, cosmic driver?
Which Rune is better one Zoe? Electrocution or Dark Harvest?
I see both of them very often and I'm not sure which to choose
What is this
When i looked for a sec at my profile it did show under my name a burning 1 number and a symbol of bronze rank and i dont know what is this
Tier list for skins
Is there a way here to create a Tier List of skins?
Kill Series Question
Hello! Not really a super important question but I'm just really confused...I was doing a bot game with my friend and decided to first time Kai'Sa. Naturally it's bots so it's really easy and I get something like 4 penta kills. I decide to check my op.gg and I see this: https://imgur.com/a/IviKGqr What is a legendary kill?
Samira Mid?
Is she a viable mid laner? Because I've been wanting to play her on mid. If so, what would be the recommended rune page to get her? Does Electrocute work? and also what should I build? the Standard ADC build?
Community Tier List Error?
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the place to say it, but I'm having an issue with the community tier list. I no longer can click on the champions and choose their tier, as the number buttons don't show up anymore. I think this is the first time I've tried using it since the website layout has changed. If someone can help me or let me know how I might be misusing it, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.
Rune Planner Bug
The Rune Planner link does not seem to show runes at all. Like no way to update said runes or even see an image of them. The copy link also doesn't fix the problem, just two tabs with no rune pages on either.
Can you add gifs into guides
In the title, can you do this?
Who's the same level as Senna?
Senna is my favorite character! What do you think, who has the same power?
Help me decide
Hi guys! So basically I recently saw the new Withered Rose skins and I really like them. I currently have 1400RP and I want to buy one of them. I love playing Talon but I already have the Enduring Sword one. About Syndra, I just started playing the champ (I don't have any skin) and I enjoy a lot her playstyle. Which one do you think is more worth to buy?
Guide is not linked
Can somebody assign this guide to my account? Thanks. https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/jhin-592539?revision
League keeps on crashing mid game.
My game keeps crashing randomly, I had this problem for about a month now, and although I have tried to fix it (I upgraded my old graphics drivers) and yet it has happened once again. Please help me out, because if I'm going to start climbing properly I can't have this problem.
Fiddlesticks's passive trinket and Ingenious Hunter
So i have played several games with fiddlesticks using Ingenious Hunter rune and i saw that the trinket's (scarecrow effigy) cooldown doesn't go below 30 seconds at level 18 (even with 5 stacks), same cooldown as when i use Ultimate Hunter rune. A lot of guides i saw have ingenious hunter, as an alternative to Ultimate Hunter rune, claiming it reduces trinkets cooldown, but what's the point if...
Are there any lore guides on this website?
Yeah I was wondering if there were any lore based guides, because i'm working on one right now.
Why does 50% of Maokai skins have the old splash art when showing in the gu
Some Maokai skins splash art's have old pictures of the skins, for example charred or christmas tree mao, can this get fixed? it just looks strange to see the old art..
Ability Upgrades
You've used the same ability set up as other champions but Aphelios UI is completely different. You upgrade only three things; his Attack Damage, his Attack Speed and his Lethality, not his abilities. Wouldn't it be better to update this so new users don't get confused? I know choosing what to upgrade first can be hard to decide so if you have any input as to what to upgrade first, that would...
Viego ability code
Well i have tried another 10 times to code viego's passive Here is the code i use but it doesnt work [code][icon=sovereign's domination size=30][/code]
I have tried 10 times, no joke to start my viego guide, but everytime i save it and then close the mobafire window, i go to my guides and i cant find my guide, everytime is there any issue with the site or am i doing something wrong?
How to make multiple builds in guide?
It shows you can title a build (like a cheatsheet) and I've seen a couple guides have this feature. However I don't understand how to create another build and I'm interested in adding this feature to one of my guides. Could someone help?
Ok so this is just an idea of what riot will do in 2021, i think that veigo is now an unstopable force that will wipe out all runetera, and our champions will unite in order to defeat him, but as it was leaked [[draven]] and [[shyvana]] has fallen under his corruption, even [[karma]] so viego has certainly a lot of power and he will be a tought opponent, so what if riot actually let...
What is sustain?
What is sustain? What champs are sustain?
champion suggestion?
hi i'm a new player , in lol and i'm looking for a champion to learn how to use it effectively that suits nice in my play style. I really like the fight, the emotion of the trade in 1v1 and team fights, I like juggernauts like morde, mundo or aatrox .Even if they re not strong they can step in the middle in the fight and start punching for long periods of time. In concrete i love building...
Whats the best way to explain an item in a guide?
When doing the 'Items' section on a guide, wich format it's better? 1- Explaining the items and their purpose or sinergy with the champ without explaining how the item works 2- Explaining the items and their purpose or sinergy with the champ And explaining how the item works, wich helps for people who doesnt know or jsut to understand better the item and why i recommend it personally i...
is fizz good for low elo ?, i'm level 17
I'm new to lol ( level 17 currently ) I want a midlaner who's easy to use I tried anivia, it was only good on 1v1. in the late game I couldn't do anything with it, I tried Samira and it was also very hard to use.
Mobafire prime member
Can i pay with paypal? There's no option for paying with paypal, only credit card..
I was curious, when will viego be in the database? I have spent a lot of time playing him in pbe, and i would like to start a guide for him, after i play him even more of course.