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MOBAFire Points Leaderboard

Hello and welcome to our MOBAFire Monthly Giveaway Raffle! Earning points is simple, just go about your normal MOBAFire activity! Write and update your guides, reply to your readers, or comment on other member's guides to accrue points and be entered in this month's raffle.

Rank Mobafire Member Monthly Points
81 Xpoxy 65
82 Anoying bro5 64
83 Bambado 62
84 kogarashii 62
85 forlid 60
86 Avxm 59
88 Hijitori 58
89 SanyGame 58
90 Smudey 58
91 Vapora Dark 58
94 Evandabank 56
95 L0ganJG 56
97 PR0M3T3O 56
98 Dupojazd 55
99 fungling 54
100 quinn adc 54

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide