I may be doing a new blog series on random things in league like teamfight mechanics and such if anyone is interested.

Champion Overview:

LIssandra is a CC caster type of champion. She offers a good amount of poke in the top lane and can respond to ganks very well. Lissandra's passive allows her to cast a no cost spell every 15 seconds which allows her to keep a consistant harass on the enemy. Lissandra benefits a lot from stats such as CDR or health. This is due to the fact her scalings are nothing really good and you want to be able to survive and spam your CC in a teamfight.

Skills Overview:

Iceborn(Passive)- Every 18 seconds, Lissandra's next ability costs no mana. Cooldown reduction does not affect Iceborn, but the cooldown is reduced by 1 second whenever Lissandra impairs an enemy's movement with an ability (does not apply to movement-impairing effects from items).

Lissandra's passive is a free spell cast every 15 or so seconds. This cooldown is reduced by a second whenever you inflict CC effects on an enemy with one of your skills. Your mana costs are very high so even with this skill you will still be running out of mana if you over spam your skills which makes you a mostly poke oriented top laner.

Ice Shard- Throws a spear of ice that travels in a line and shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 / 215 (+65% of ability power) magic damage and slowing its Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds. Shards then pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit (but not slowing them).

Lissandra's Q is a low range skillshot iceshard that does damage and slows enemies hit. If this skill makes contact with an enemy the skill will travel further behind the enemy hit in a cone. This skill is low CD and will be your main source of CD, trade, and wave clear. This skill offers a slow which makes it a very useful skill for kiting.

Ring of Frost- Freezes an area around Lissandra, dealing 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies and rooting them for 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 seconds.

Lissandra's W is a brief AoE root to everyone around her. This move is very useful in teamfights as it is a mini Amumu ult, receiving ganks, and kiting an enemy. This move is one of the reasons you should build CDR on lissandra as it becomes a decently low cooldown move. This skill can be used while moving and will not disrupt your movement making it a good skill to use while chasing/running away or by maneuvering around the teamfight. This skill essentially allows you to take a peeling role for your teams carry if you find it necessary.

Glacial Path- Casts a claw of ice that moves forward in a line, dealing 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to all enemies hit. Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location.

Lissandra's E is a slow moving claw like projectile that travels towards a specific location dealing damage to everything it passes. You can reactivate this ability to teleport to the claws location. This skill will act as your main engage/disengage type of skill. This skill can be used to jump VERY large walls and can pretty much jump any wall in the game. If you are CCed after your first cast of the claw you will most likely not be able to port to it to escape, so be wary of what times you choose to use this skill.

Frozen Tomb- Enemy Cast: Freezes target champion solid, dealing 150 / 300 / 450 (+70% of ability power) magic damage and stunning it for 1.5 seconds. Self Cast: Lissandra encases herself in dark ice for 1.5 seconds, becoming untargetable and invulnerable but unable to take any actions. Dark ice then spreads from Lissandra's target dealing 150 / 300 / 450 (+70% of ability power) magic damage to enemies. The ice lasts for 3 seconds and slows enemy Movement Speed by 20%.

Your ultimate is a skill that can either be used on yourself or an enemy generating similar effects either way. If you use this skill on yourself you will briefly become untargetable and lay an AoE slowing field around you that will deal damage to all enemies in it. If you use it on an enemy it lays the field on them and acts as a stunning effect. This skill will be your main skill to use when you want to generate a kill out of something.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



Strong Vs

Low sustain, close ranged, no gapclosers. She can freeze champions with low amounts of mobility and kite them for ages.
Weak Vs

Sustained champions, assassins, strong ranged champs.

Playing AS/VS:

  • You can hop walls once your claw reaches halfway though
  • CDR letts you get your CC off consistently
  • There is a period during your ult where you are frozen but not invincible use it wisely.
  • Stun lissandra once she shoots her E
  • Never dive lissandra with ult up unless your sure it would get a kill
  • Once lissandra Es in gank her she has no escapes

Big Item Choices::

Zhonya's Hourglass-Combed with your ult you are really annoying to kill

Rabadon's Deathcap-THE DMGZ

Seraph's Embrace-Tear helps mana costs in lane. The tankiness from active is decent.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter-More CC


Liandry's Torment-All your moves CC, burning % hp is nice.



She can do ok in soloQ if she lands her CC and her team follows up.
Ranked 5s:

She is good in ranked 5s as she brings alot of CC to the table to be used and is relativly safe in lane.

Pros and Cons:


-Long range Gapcloser
-Can go untargetable


-Squishy(Breaks like ice)
-No insane burst
-Decently high mana costs early on.


Lissandra is a fun AP champion who brings alot of CC to the the team and can actually be played top lane. She is fun overall and her kit can bring alot of good initiation plays. Overall she is a fun new champion who I pledged my allegiance to. HAIL 2 THE FROSTGUARD.
As always summoners have fun and good luck on the fields of justice.