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Booshido's avatar


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Booshido's Mobafire Blog

27 Feb

Views: 948 normals/support

meta needs to change otherwise there will be que dodging forever since no1 wants to play "boring" support, which i agree, support isnt the funnest roll and as its a normal you dont have to play it. i really hop bruiser bot comes back, i really do.
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10 Feb
found this on reddit
lol pro website by curse/elemtnz etc

got nice layout

its like really good pro guides and quite interesting layout and all that jazz, i recognize some of the builds too like salce's kennen.
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31 Dec

Having fun trying this, its working out well. (in normal draft)
Super strong early game - mid game.
Master Baiter.
not sure about starting item yet, ive done Regrowth Pendant Health Potion but kinda useless with no wards, then Cloth Armor Health Potion sight ward which is porbably best option, cloth will be going into Aegis.
Core : Heart of Gold, Mercury's Treads, Spirit Visage, Aegis of the Legion
After: I would build either more tank items...
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